• 不过一旦你为网络服务提供正确工具,意识到,并把控制自己的网上数据成为一种习惯之后,网络生活并不复杂

    But it is not quite as complex once Internet-based services provide the right tools-and once awareness and control of one's own data become a habit.


  • 所有如何控制思想战略提示可以这个网站意识能力章节找到

    All the strategies and tips on how to control your mind can be found in the mind Power section of this website.


  • 有效最重要控制冲动——这些讨人厌的而且是难以控制的冲动——方法之一就是清晰的意识到这种冲动。

    One of the most effective and important methods for controlling an impulse -these worrisome urges that we have difficulty controlling -is to become more aware of it.


  • 实际上是否意识这个应用程序完成使用控制、一个模型五个视图

    In fact, did you realize that you completed this application using only one controller, one model, and five views?


  • 真正担心一些反复注射女性失去了那些肌肉部分控制,会无意识小便放屁。

    What really scared me was that some women who repeatedly get the injections lose some control of those muscles, peeing and passing gas unexpectedly.


  • 大约每天我们摄入75%的来自加工处理过的食品例如面包麦片奶制品——这些源头我们毫无能力控制,就更不用提去有意识的减少了。

    Almost 75% of the salt we consume each day comes from processed and prepared foods, such as breads, cereals and dairy products - sources we have very little control over, not to mention awareness of.


  • 然而如果我们足够意识自我控制抵制侵蚀的话,我们就能采取相应的反应

    However, we can influence our response if we have sufficient awareness and discipline to counter its unhealthy encroachment.


  • 有些人意识他们可以使用材料工具测试他们磁化过程理解因为他们可以精确地控制磁性磁性金属原子

    Some realized they could use the new materials tools to test their understanding of the magnetizing process, because they could precisely control layers of both magnetic and nonmagnetic metal atoms.


  • 允许单位进行战斗中更快速度更好大局意识管理以及单位活动规划执行各种控制操作

    It also allows for the management of a unit in battle faster and with a better situation awareness, as well as unit activity planning and the execution of various control operations.


  • 试着去做事情这种意识进程阻碍意识进程不受约束,于是提高我们的行为想法控制,”韦格纳在科学在线谈到。

    "The conscious process of trying to do the right thing is hampered, and the unconscious process is free then to increase its sway over your behavior and mind," Wegner told LiveScience.


  • 对于自己受到虐待表现的很愉快,这并不是无意识的,用这种办法,努力控制痛苦屈辱

    She was struggling to gain control over the pain and indignity by unconsciously acting out a more pleasurable version of her abuse.


  • 它们我们意识直接作用控制了我们对于环境情绪生理上反应

    They act directly within our unconscious, which controls our emotions, and our physical responses to our environment.


  • 进行数码节食的根本在于形成自我意识自主控制

    The bottom line is that going on a digital diet is about creating awareness and control.


  • 看起来某种传统意识反应丢掉控制标准偏爱混乱

    It seemed to be some sort of knee-jerk reaction to tradition, throwing away the controls and standards in favor of anarchy.


  • 一种生活自我意识控制力差迹象

    That's a sign of self-awareness and lack of control in one's life.


  • 阿克曼即使现代社会生育控制两性平等观念这些古老而原始模式人的意识仍长期存在

    Despite birth control and egalitarian values in modern society, these primitive patterns persist in the subconscious, Ackerman said.


  • 同时,这种方式也需要监管控制力量的介入,正是联邦通信委员会应该做目前却还没有能够意识的事情。

    But it would also require regulatory changes that the Federal Communications Commission has yet to show an appetite for.


  • 假如这个意识选择扭曲自己负面方式服务将会展现自己操控控制他人

    If this consciousness chooses negative ways of distorting itself, its service will express itself in manipulation and control of others.


  • 大脑中的意识层处于深度睡眠状态时,其他部分控制运动导航中枢可能在工作”。

    ‘The conscious part of your brain can be deeply asleep while other bits, such as the area controlling movement and navigation, are still awake.’


  • 建立一个癌症数据库举行演讲提高公众意识其他措施包括烟草控制活动设计饮食指南

    Cancer database has been built. Lectures are held to promote public awareness. Other measures include tobacco control campaigns and creating diet guidelines.


  • 这些可以通过组织所有成员负责风险控制任务责任意识得以明确。

    This can be indicated by all members of an organization being fully aware of the risks, controls and tasks for which they are accountable.


  • 可以肯定,我们进行判断时,有些东西将会保留我们意识知性中,然而是我们的情感不是理性能力所能控制的。

    Surely something is gonging on in our conscious and understanding when we make this judgment, but our feeling and not our reasoning power are in control here.


  • 我们开始尝试控制思想控制身体,静静地坐着时,我们就会认识到,身体是如何控制我们、我们的意识精神

    When we first attempt to harness the thoughts, to control the body, to sit still, we realize just how much the body controls us, mind and spirit.


  • 一名主要的权威人士说:梦这种异常强烈的精神活动不仅驾驭事实上还可以意识地加以控制帮助我们更好地睡眠感觉

    powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better. (NETEM 2005, Text 3, Paragraph 1)


  • 与此同时他们清楚意识到他们能够控制自己的思想行为

    At the same time, they are well aware that they can control their own thoughts and actions.


  • 一旦意识大脑如何误导陷入一种不安全感,你能更加容易控制改变你的感觉了。

    Once you are aware of how your mind misleads you into feelings of insecurity, it's easier to control and redirect your feelings.


  • 全身每个细胞身体组织,每根骨骼肌腱,每个器官肌肉你的意识控制

    Every cell and body organization, bone and tendon and organ and muscle is under the control of your subconsciousness.


  • 通过两个实验分别考察了在自然判断社会判断条件社会印象意识控制情况的不同特点。

    Two experiments explored the social impression controlled by the conscious or the unconscious under the tasks with neutral judgement and social judgement.


  • 通过两个实验分别考察了在自然判断社会判断条件社会印象意识控制情况的不同特点。

    Two experiments explored the social impression controlled by the conscious or the unconscious under the tasks with neutral judgement and social judgement.


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