• 前置滤波器使带有符号函数控制切换产生连续信号实际控制光滑的。

    The proposed stable feedforward filter makes the control switching with sign functions to produce a continuous and measurable signal so that the actual control law is smooth.


  • 切换电路接收第三讯号依据参考电压控制切换讯号宽度所以调整功率转换器输出

    Receiving the third signal and based on a reference voltage, the switching circuit controls the pulse wave width of the switching signal so as to adjust output current of the power converter.


  • 齐默把手伸控制台上切换开关

    Zimmer reached down on his console and flipped a toggle switch.


  • 然而另一种方法切换版本控制不必重新安装。

    However, there is another way to switch version controls without having to reinstall.


  • 屏幕显示方向桌面切换甚至是游戏控制实时笔记本倾斜度3D模块现在都已经可以使用了。

    On-screen display orientation, desktop switching, even game control and real-time 3D models of the tilt of the laptop are now available.


  • 选择结构化活动(称为切换)根据条件控制流程采用路径

    A choice structured activity (also known as a switch) controls which path the process takes, based on a condition.


  • 因为可以使用CSS控制这两布局,所以我们选用一种简单的样式切换技术

    Since we could control both layouts using CSS, we chose to use a simple style-switching technique.


  • 它们动态地角色内部切换外部反之亦然响应使用服务资源活动组织控制更改

    They dynamically switch their role from internal to external, and vice versa, in response to changes in the organizational control of resources and activities of consumption service.


  • 手机控制照相机闪光灯5变焦镜头快门简直让啼笑皆非还要让手机给这些照片贴上地理标签,并且在手机上切换程序每次都会切断两者之间连接。

    It was a neat party trick to control the camera's flash, 5x zoom and with the phone -- and to have the phone geotag those pictures -- but switching apps on the phone disconnected the two every time.


  • 如果习惯于窗口控制按钮右方方式,来回的切换也是十分的容易

    If you'd rather have those controls back on the right-hand side, it's pretty easy to make the switch back.


  • 1列示了几种用于模式灵活切换重要控制

    Table 1 lists several important control sequences that you can use to easily switch between modes.


  • 选择版本控制系统不同,可以使用多种持续交付工具,而且可以互相之间自由切换

    Unlike choosing a so urce control system, you can have as many continuous delivery tools as you want and you can freely switch between them.


  • 未来有望看到手持设备透明在由不同服务提供商控制不同服务质量网络之间自由切换

    In the future, expect to see your handheld devices jump transparently between networks controlled by different providers and offering different quality guarantees.


  • 这个镜头底部顶部薄,通过切换镜头底部边缘的发光二极管开和控制进入观众眼睛光线

    The new lens, which is thinner at the bottom than at the top, steers light to a viewer's eyes by switching light-emitting diodes along its bottom edge on and off.


  • eval _ frame函数主要察看执行上下文中的当前字节码,控制向外切换一个适合实现字节码的函数。

    Basically, the eval_frame function looks at the current bytecode in an execution context, and switches control out to a function appropriate for implementing that bytecode.


  • 其中如何切换wps . ear文件如何控制高速缓存提高性能需要了解的方法。

    Among the most important to know about are how to switch the wps.ear file and how to control caches to boost performance.


  • 11:10pm,发生了个严重故障:自动飞行取消了,一个关键计算机系统切换到了备用电源并且无法控制飞机稳定飞行。

    At 11.10pm, a series of problems began: the autopilot disengaged, a key computer system switched to alternative power, and controls needed to keep the plane stable were damaged.


  • 发出二进制部署用户IDRACF程序控制没有定义。用于切换用户的_ login函数调用失败

    The user ID that is issuing the binary deploy is not defined to the RACF program control the _login function to switch users failed.


  • tcp_usrreq函数中的切换调用 in_setpeeraddr(),后者协议控制复制外来IP地址外来端口号将其返回服务器进程

    The switch in the tcp_usrreq function calls in_setpeeraddr(), which copies the foreign IP address and foreign port number from the protocol control block and returns these to the server process.


  • 初始rowlayout设置RowLayout的几个属性一样容易type用于在竖直列方向水平方向进行切换wrap控制布局是否创建多个

    Initializing the RowLayout is as easy as setting a few properties: type toggles between vertical and horizontal rows, while wrap controls whether the layout can create more than one row.


  • 使用鼠标导航已经非常简单了,Sugar 还允许使用控制应用程序模式更快地切换

    Using the mouse to navigate is simple enough, but Sugar allows control keys for faster transitions between applications and modes.


  • 如果控制command -shell启动服务端的话,打开shell(或者windows系统叫做命令提示行),切换FinchSync目录下敲入一下命令来启动服务端。

    To start the server from a command-shell, open the shell (or so called 'DOS-box' on Windows systems), change to the 'FinchSync' directory and start the server using the following command.


  • 源代码控制系统允许对比修订、在文件不同版本之间切换以及把修订收集一个版本中。

    Source control lets you compare revisions, switch between one version of a file and another, and gather revisions into a release.


  • 控制输出切换测试服务器进程

    Switch your console output to the test server process.


  • 如果切换控制看到程序正常运行退出不会产生任何输出

    If you switch to the console, you'll see that the program runs and exits without any errors, but it doesn't produce any output.


  • 扩展控制嵌入浏览器所以跳过喜欢的歌曲或是切换CD时不必分心了。

    The extension embeds controls right into the browser bar so you won't be too distracted when you have to skip a song you don't want to hear or change CDs.


  • 如果活动实例上运行endmqm - sIBMESBQM命令,则手动控制切换备用实例。

    If you issue the endmqm -s IBMESBQM command on the active instance, you will manually switch control to the standby instance.


  • 如果数字计算机次失败飞行控制系统切换模拟模式

    If two of the digital computers failed, the flight control system switched to the analog mode.


  • 可以不同进程之间切换控制视图显示应用程序客户机的输出服务器进程

    You can switch the console view between different processes, showing output for both the application client, as well as the server process.


  • 可以不同进程之间切换控制视图显示应用程序客户机的输出服务器进程

    You can switch the console view between different processes, showing output for both the application client, as well as the server process.


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