• 通过事故发生机理分析,探讨控制事故可靠度确定控制事故优选次序。

    This paper discusses the reliability of controlling accident and confirms the optimal selection of controlling accident, which is based on the mechanism analysis of accident taken place.


  • 人为因素分析减少失误所造成生产事故应该成为控制事故发生重要举措

    From human factor analysis, reducing industrial accidents due to human faults should become the important measures for the control of accidents.


  • 阐述最小集理论及其事故分析中的作用有效地控制事故降低事故提供依据

    This paper elaborates the action of minimum cutset in accident analysis, and provides the basis for effectively controlling accident and lowering accident rate.


  • 因此轨道交通司机安全性评价模型构建既是行车安全基础,也是控制事故发生有效手段

    Therefore, Rail safety assessment model drivers is the base of the road safety but a efficient way to decrease the traffic accident.


  • 通过事故次数模型质量指标评价模型相应分析揭示了发生事故主要因素提出了减少控制事故发生的一些手段

    By analyzing frequency model and corresponding quality index evaluation model, the paper reveals the causes of accidents, and suggests some approaches to reduce and control transport accident.


  • 重大应急预案编制安全生产一项重要基础工作,对于提高应急救援能力控制事故灾害恶化保障人民安全具有重大意义。

    Major accident emergency planning is a foundation of work safety. It is very important to improve the capability of emergency rescue, control disaster, and safeguard for the life.


  • 此处自动控制应该允许平滑合并没有通常不确定性事故可能性

    Automatic control here should allow for smooth merging without the usual uncertainties and potential for accidents.


  • 的确离婚他们不会因痛哭失去控制他们容易患上胃病酗酒交通事故

    It is true that after divorce they will not lose control of themselves by crying bitterly, but they suffer more from stomach disorders, plunge into alcoholism and cause traffic accidents.


  • 由于事故借鉴,所以如果操作者可以使得冷却剂循环起来,局面就可以控制

    As the Three Mile Island accident showed, operators can regain control of the situation if they can get the coolant flowing again.


  • 此类事故表明医院感染控制程序受到严重损害

    Such incidents indicate that infection control procedures at the hospital have been seriously compromised.


  • 如果一个紧张宠物失去控制,那么在车上把宠物怀里就有可能引发事故

    Holding a pet in your arms in a vehicle could cause an accident if a nervous pet gets loose in the vehicle.


  • 去年谈到,会使长期以来在医疗事故诉讼中太有利于原告情况得到控制帮助他赢得美国医学会支持

    Last year, he talked of bringing America’s famously plaintiff-friendly medical malpractice litigation under control. This helped to win the support of the American Medical Association.


  • 虽然事故原因还得到官方确认但是篇报道,当时司机正在打电话,辆卡车迎面驶过来,惊慌之下失去了控制

    The cause has not been officially confirmed, but one report said the driver was talking on his phone and lost control while trying to make way for an oncoming vehicle.


  • 事故发生后,救火队立即赶到现场,迅速控制住了火势

    The fire brigade was immediately called and the fire was rapidly brought under control.


  • 本周早些时候事故中,威热的省立医院医生直接接触了正在普通病房接受治疗的马尔堡患者血液没有采取充足的感染控制

    On two occasions earlier this week, doctors at Uige’s large provincial hospital were directly exposed to blood from Marburg patients being treated on general wards, without adequate infection control.


  • 3月8发生一起众所周知事故中,辆2008丰田普锐车主加利福尼亚州高速公路上失去了汽车控制必须依靠警方救助

    In a well-publicized incident on Mar. 8, the owner of a 2008 Prius lost control of his car on a California interstate highway and had to be rescued by police.


  • 看来似乎是实验者造成意外事故实际上是被小心控制骗局一部分。

    And what will seem to you like accidents by the experimenters are all part of a carefully controlled deception.


  • 控制生活私家车时,你会觉得事情自己掌握(忽略交通堵塞、交通事故等问题)。

    How to live with less control. When you have a car, you feel that things are under your control (forgetting about traffic, accidents and the like).


  • 马自达表示这些车辆动力转向系统可能突然停止工作,使得驾驶员难以控制车辆从而引发交通事故

    Mazda said the vehicles could have a sudden loss of power-steering, making it difficult for the driver to steer and increasing the risk of a crash.


  • 岛第一核电站发生泄漏消息想起1986年乌克兰切尔诺贝利事故,让人担心核灾难无法得到控制

    News of Fukushima's nuclear leaks have stirred up memories of Ukraine's nuclear accident at Chernobyl in 1986 and fears that nuclear disaster will not be contained.


  • 当代装备精良(同样很昂贵)的汽车诸如稳定控制系统牵引力控制系统之类的电子系统,防抱死系统相结合,有助于防止事故的发生。

    In a modern, well-equipped (and often expensive) car, electronic systems like stability and traction control, along with anti-lock braking, will kick in to help the driver avoid an accident.


  • 1979年美国的核事故,当时以最短的时间控制住了情况,而福岛的事故要比事故糟糕

    It is worse than America's near-disaster at Three Mile Island in 1979, which was fairly swiftly brought under control.


  • 现在漏油控制一场史无前例大规模环境清理正在进行中,我们在竭尽全力帮助那些事故的受害者们。

    The oil has now been contained, clean-up is underway on an unprecedented scale and we are working hard to support those whose lives have been so terribly affected.


  • 公布创建试点项目方案,旨在控制医疗事故诉讼

    He announced a new initiative to create pilot projects intended to curb medical malpractice lawsuits.


  • 巴西环保人员正在努力控制本国25年来最大原油泄漏事故

    Environmental workers in Brazil are fighting to contain the country's biggest oil spill in 25 years.


  • 研究发现受BP漏油事故影响且经FDA检测类产品大约50%产品的有害碳物质含量超出组织视为怀孕妇女安全构成危险控制临界值。

    The study found about 50 percent of the shrimp the FDA tested after the BP spill had harmful carbon levels exceeding the level of risk deemed by the group to be safe for pregnant women.


  • 雷达控制系统同样车速时启动通过自动加减车速保持其它车辆间的固定距离并在预见事故发出警报

    Called Distronic, it also operates at high speed and adjusts both braking and acceleration to maintain a constant distance from other cars. If a collision seems likely a warning is given.


  • 重大事故控制预防成为很重要的一项工作

    The prevention and control of major accidents have become an important job.


  • 重大事故控制预防成为很重要的一项工作

    The prevention and control of major accidents have become an important job.


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