• Sourcing数字输出通过三极管控制接线高低电平。

    The digital output controls the line by using a transistor to leave the line at 0 V or to raise the line to +V.


  • 典型的情况是,通过根US b传输线程序下载砖块之中,断开接线然后使用砖块控制执行您的程序。

    Typically, you will download your program into the brick over a USB cable, detach the cable from the brick and then use the controls on the brick to execute your program.


  • 出乎意料的是,一个忙碌接线直接将平塔克的电话接到了发电站控制

    To his surprise, a harried switchboard operator put Pintek's call straight through to the plant's control room.


  • 接待对象进来离开时我会打电话接线控制人员进入确保看见他们

    Before my interviewees entered or left my office, I had to call the receptionist to run traffic control to make sure that no one else saw them.


  • 警卫控制中心接线所有紧急呼叫电子警报都会接到那

    My first two years as a guard I was working at the control center as an operator where the entire emergency calls and electronic alarms are received.


  • 控制面板显示面板类似面板的反面,也就是带有互连接线一面

    The reverse side of a control panel display panel or the like; the side with the interconnecting wiring.


  • Sinking数字输出通过三极管控制接线的电平为电平(+V)或是低电平(0 V)。

    The sinking digital output controls the line by using a transistor to leave the line high (at + v) or to ground the line to 0 v.


  • 泰科提供一整套完备的系统配电变压器、电伴热控制接线盒、伴热线、尾端玻璃胶带警示标签

    Tyco Thermal Controls can provide a complete system from electrical transformer and heat-trace panel to power connections, heating cable, end terminations, glass tape and warning labels.


  • 集装箱装卸桥直流调压调速系统仿真过程方法其中包括直流电机传动驱动器选择、驱动器接线控制

    Discuss the DC adjust voltage and timing system simulator process and way of the container crane, which containing the DC motor drive and drivers' select, drivers connection and control.


  • 主要论述了PLC控制系统中,为了提高系统安全可靠性,PLC的输入输出接口应注意事项实用接线方式

    The paper mainly discussed the practical connection modes in the PLC the points of attention for PLC control system, so as to improve input and output interface and the system safety and reliability.


  • 不同于控制假肢装置带着接线),许多大脑深层激励器已经使用无线信号了。

    Unlike devices to control prosthetic limbs, which still use wires, many deep brain stimulators already rely on wireless signals.


  • 为此介绍了附加柴油发电机接线方式、供电模式试验方法马达控制中心供电接线方式等。

    In this paper, the wiring procedures, power supply mode, testing methods and the power supply and connection schemes of motor control center are described.


  • 介绍宇通客车松芝空调器控制面板接口每个引脚功能接线检测方法

    This thesis introduces the function, wire and checking method of the Songzhi air conditioner control panel used in Yutong coaches.


  • 发电厂变电所继电控制接线称为二次接线”,是发电厂和变电所安全生产运行维护重要组成部分

    The relay control wiring, also known as"secondary wiring", plays an important part in the safely operating, running and maintaining in the power plant and the substation.


  • 根据控制要求结合程序设计,得到系统电路图系统接线列出所需要元器件

    Under the control requirements, the combination of programming, system by system and circuit wiring diagram, the list of the necessary components table.


  • 对照控制电气原理、端子接线图,电缆对应线号把控制电动装置的端子连接起来。 。

    Connect the terminals on the control cabinet with those of the electric actuator by the cable as perelectric schematic diagram and terminal wiring diagram of control cabinet.


  • 逻辑模块通用船舶继电接触辅机控制线路进行改造编程接线实例,给出了基于LOGO

    By discussing a practical example about reconstructing, programming and contacting of general Marine auxiliaries control circuits (including electric relays and contactors) in which LOGO!


  • 根据电工培训实践经验,分析三相异步电动机电气控制线路接线易出现故障原因,给出故障排除的方法,并归纳出有针对性启发性教学训练方法。

    The remove of the control circuit failures of the three-phase asynchronous electric motor is the major and difficult aspect in the training and examination for electrical students.


  • 一条省略号接线。羪移动控制更改间距

    An ellipsis connector. Move its control point to change spacing.


  • 系列产品可以通过安装接线端子、电缆接头按钮开关信号灯等电器件组成电源控制盒、信号盒等装置

    The series of products can constitute electrical power boxes, control boxes, signal boxes and other devices by installing connecting terminals, cable joints, button switches or signal lights.


  • 采用输入输出接线形式可以控制路灯灯箱热水器烘箱各种安装位置固定电器设备

    It USES the form of input and output wiring, you can control the lights, light box, electric water heaters, ovens and other electrical equipment to install a fixed location.


  • 最后简单介绍了本课题矢量控制变频控制外部附件电气接线计算机控制数据采集系统的硬件设计等内容。

    The last but not the least, the electrical wiring of vector inverter control cabin and design of computer control and data acquisition system are introduced.


  • 严格保证电源正负接线控制的正负引线对应连接正确否则烧坏控制器。

    Ensure that the positive and negative power supply leads are correctly connected to the corresponding positive and negative controller leads, otherwise the controller will be burned.


  • 所有输入接线控制接线安装防雨措施。

    All entries to junction boxes or control panels shall be made weatherproof.


  • 该电动阀门控制器具有体积小、接线方便精度操作简单智能化特点

    Electronic valve controller was small, wiring help, precision high, operate characteristic simple, intelligent.


  • 由于简单易行可编程序功能无须改变系统外部硬件接线便能改变系统的控制要求使系统的柔性大大提高。

    Because of its simple programming function, it is not necessary to change the outer hardware lining which could change the control requirement of the system to improve system's flexibility.


  • 检查电器控制电源接线的完整性正确性

    Check control box it is connected completeness and exactness.


  • 电气控制装置线端子布线设计选用者负责,接线端子参见清灰电气控制说明书

    The wire arrangement of inlet terminal from dust electric control device to dust filter is selected by the customer. Terminal connection figure refer to operation instructions of electric controller.


  • 电气控制装置线端子布线设计选用者负责,接线端子参见清灰电气控制说明书

    The wire arrangement of inlet terminal from dust electric control device to dust filter is selected by the customer. Terminal connection figure refer to operation instructions of electric controller.


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