• 为了使眼睛做好接收牙齿晶状体准备医生眼睛上方放置片移植物增加水分

    To prep the eye to receive the tooth and lens, the doctors placed a graft over the eye to promote moisture.


  • 然后准备接收来自主机内核文件系统

    Then it is ready to receive the kernel and the filesystem from the host.


  • 准备需要接收生成代码目标结构

    Prepare the target structures required to receive the generated code.


  • 现在我们部件已经设置完成并且程序准备接收用户事件

    The setup of our widget is now complete, and the program is ready to receive user events.


  • 构建服务器编译代码,交付准备服务器等候接收构建结果,有了二者之后,下一步就是决定部署策略

    With a build server in place to compile the code and the staging server standing by to receive it, the next step is to determine your deployment strategy.


  • 杰出的学生高级班更进一步学习准备同时,吸收较的学生接收适应他们需要教育

    The best students are taught advanced classes to be prepared for further studies while students who assimilate a little bit more slowly receive an education more adapted to their needs.


  • 为了使眼睛做好接收牙齿晶状体准备医生眼睛上方放置脸颊移植物以保持水分。

    To prep the eye to receive the tooth and lens, the doctors placed a cheek graft over the eye to promote moisture.


  • 或者接收来自服务员请求准备用餐需要食物,并且可能参考其它资源获取如何准备饭菜信息

    He or she accepts requests from the waiter to prepare something on behalf of a diner, and may need to consult other resources to get information on how to prepare the dish.


  • 持续交付思想指导下,QA对于接收给定构建版本,只有两个选项:构建要么失败,要么送到交付准备服务器。

    Under the continuous delivery philosophy QA has only two options for handling a given build that it receives. The build can either be failed or be promoted to staging.


  • 接收项目数据请求准备传输到目标实际数据。

    The source takes the item data request and prepares the actual data to be transferred to the destination.


  • 首先TCP确保接受方处于准备接收的状态。

    First, TCP ensures that the receiving computer is ready to accept data.


  • 应当准备DE - Light网关接收来自Encina连接器请求,并将其路由适当的Encina服务器上,将结果返回连接器。

    You should prepare the DE-Light Gateway to receive requests from the Encina connector, route the request to the appropriate Encina Server, and return the result back to the connector.


  • DB 2Connect充分利用了这个能力它会自动调整所发送准备接收大小直到这个包具有最佳大小。

    DB2 Connect fully utilizes this capability (if turned on) by automatically adjusting the size of the packets it sends or is prepared to receive until it arrives at the optimal size.


  • 对于第一get我们指定需要任何匹配选项——准备接收任何中的第一条消息

    For the first get, we specify that no match options are requiredwe are prepared to receive the first message in any group.


  • 连接器准备接收事件时看到如图11所示的Connectors控制台

    Once the connector is ready to receive events, you should see the Connectors console as shown in Figure 11.


  • 此时要求Axis2引擎准备一个传输侦听器,类型用于发送请求传输类型相同;您要求接收响应

    At this point, you ask the Axis2 engine to prepare a transport listener from the same type of transport that's used to send the request; you also ask it to receive the response.


  • 客户端需要准备工作负载,服务发送请求然后接收处理响应

    The client has to prepare the payload, send a request to the service, and then receive and process the response. The steps to be followed when implementing a Jython Web service client include.


  • Database - 1Database - 2个都作出Prepared响应这意味着两个数据库准备接收最后结果(提交所有已做更改),并且支持最后结果。

    Database-1 and Database-2 both respond with Prepared, meaning they are ready to be told the final outcome (commit or rollback all the changes made) and support it.


  • 琼斯怎么我们准备购买那个公司的股票,然后接收过来计划到处乱说呢。真是的。

    Jones, why were you stupid enough to shoot your mouth off all over town about our plan to buy enough stock in that company to take it over?


  • 重新启动已停止集群成员使准备接收请求

    Restarts stopped cluster members so that they are ready to receive requests.


  • 不同之处在于,当蓝色SHIP返回接收完毕之后,粉色SHIP返回的结果很可能也已经准备就绪,可以马上远程数据源获取

    The difference is that by the time the rows from the blue SHIP have been received, the result set of the pink SHIP is hopefully ready and waiting to be retrieved from the remote source.


  • 启动组件意味着组件准备接收消息停止则意味着相反的情况。

    Starting a component means the component becomes ready to receive messages; stopping means the opposite.


  • 这样一来QA团队接收他们准备测试变更

    This allows the QA team to only receive the changes that they are ready to test.


  • 异步带来优点在于,当接收完 SHIP1 的结果,很可能SHIP2 的结果已经准备好了随时可以远程数据源检索到联邦服务器。

    The benefit provided by asynchrony is that by the time the rows from SHIP1 have been received, the result set of SHIP2 is hopefully ready and waiting to be retrieved from the remote source.


  • MDB现在已经准备总线接收消息

    The MDB is now ready to receive messages from the bus.


  • 迁移之前再次检查环境确保准备同步接收生产

    Just before your migration time, take another look at your cloud environment to make sure it is ready to be synchronized and accept production traffic.


  • 我们知道客户在发出连接请求立刻传送数据所以如果我们准备接收缓冲区使事情变得更为容易。

    Since you know the client will connect and immediately send data, supplying a receive buffer can make things substantially easier.


  • 斯蒂文然后准备接收的传真。如果发出一张照片的话,你就必须复印一份的。

    Steven: : And then prepare what you want to receive. If you want to send a photograph, you must copy one.


  • 斯蒂文然后准备接收的传真。如果发出一张照片的话,你就必须复印一份的。

    Steven: : And then prepare what you want to receive. If you want to send a photograph, you must copy one.


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