• 焊接过程中产生动态应力应变随后形成的残余应力导致焊接裂纹接头性能下降的重要因素

    The dynamic stress-strain and welding residual stress during welding are the significant factors which lead to welded cracking and debasement of the joint properties.


  • 本文介绍俄罗斯焊接学者关于影响铝合金焊接接头性能若干因素研究点滴。

    Some researches of influential several factors of welding join properties of aluminum alloy by Russia scholar was introduced.


  • 文中应用模型各种因素接头刚度影响规律进行了模拟所得结果合理的。

    The effect of various factors on the joint stiffness is also simulated by using the model, which shows reasonable results.


  • 通过分析影响运输胶带接头强度因素结合生产实践,提出提高运输胶带接头强度方法

    By analyzing the factors affecting the joint strength of transportation belt, and taking into account production requirements, methods of enhancing the joint strength of the belt are suggested.


  • 钢材淬硬倾向焊接接头及其分布,以及接头所承受的拘束应力状态产生焊接裂纹三大主要因素

    Harden tendency of steel, content and distribution of hydrogen in welded joints, restraint stress resistance of joints are three factors that leads to the cold cracks of the welded joints.


  • 影响钢轨闪光焊接质量因素很多,其中焊机动力柱的送进速度就是重要因素之一

    The feeding speed of shifting unit of welding machine is one of the most important factors of rail continuous flash welding quality.


  • 介绍光纤接头损耗概念及其测量方法影响熔接损耗主要因素以及降低熔接损耗的方法

    This paper introduces the concept and measure method of splicing loss, the main factors to influence splicing loss and the methods to reduce this loss.


  • 试验了温度压力设备因素接头性能影响

    The effect of temperature, pressure, equipment etc. on joint performance was examined.


  • 通常,影响焊接接头性能力学因素焊接缺陷接头形状的不连续性、焊接残余应力以及焊接变形

    The mechanical factors for the property of welding joint are welding defects, discontinuity of joint shape, welding residual stress and welding distortion.


  • 据此结构角度应用塑性动力学数值方法材料破坏判据分析引起接头脱落失效的几种因素

    On the basis stated above, a numerical method of plastic dynamics and material failure judgment are used to analyze the causes of joint failure from the aspects of structure and internal pressure.


  • 探讨影响接头质量几种因素

    It also discusses some factors that infect the quality of the connection.


  • 最后结合接头显微组织分析了组织因素接头强度塑性影响

    Finally the effects of microstructures on the welds strength and ductility were discussed.


  • 管片计算模型建立主要考虑接头土层抗力两种因素结构影响

    The key issue for establishing calculating model of segments is to consider the influence of the joint and ground resisting force to the structure.


  • 其次通过焊接接头质量影响因素探讨,表明端板和焊缝对保证接头质量的重要性

    The influences on joint quality are also discussed, it is testified that importance of end-pla.


  • 结果表明,结合影响强度物理化学因素作出针对性的改进措施一定程度上提高接头粘接强度。

    The result indicates that improving measurements regarding to physical and chemical factors involved with adhesive strength can reinforce adhesive strength to some extent.


  • 结果表明磁力促进喷溅重要因素,因而也是造成接头强度下降的重要因素,电磁力适用充电电压一定影响。还探讨了之相关的一些其它问题。

    The results show that the electromagnetic force is the main factor which makes the splash more terrible, the joint strength decreased and it has a certain effect on the applicable charging voltage.


  • 虽然影响接头质量因素很多,但只要焊接参数选择恰当,就获得令人满意的焊接接头

    Although the factors which influence the quality of the joints are complex, satisfactory results can be obtained with the proper welding parameters.


  • 本文分析了异种材料固相连接接头应力形成特点及其影响因素,指出材料力学热学性能接头几何匹配异种材料固相连接热应力缓和设计基础

    It is pointed that the matching of material properties and joint geometry is fundamental to the thermal stresses relaxation in the design of joints of dissimilar materials.


  • 影响闪光焊接头性能主要因素包括焊缝区域的温度分布、闪光顶工艺参数焊缝区域出现的缺陷组织

    The quality of the FBW joint is mainly decided by temperature field distribution, process parameters during upsetting and the structure defects.


  • 陶瓷金属焊后接头残余应力影响其性能主要因素

    Residual thermal stress plays a major part in performance of joints of ceramic and metal.


  • 传统液压研究中,对影响胀接头性能各种因素分析中存在着若干重要的局限性

    In traditional study on hydraulically expanded tube-to-tubesheet joints, the methods used, whether theoretical or experimental, all have some limitations.


  • 计算结果表明在靠近结合界面Q 235钢一侧工件边处产生最大轴向应力导致接头开裂的重要因素

    The results indicated that the largest stress appeared on the edge of Q235 near the interface. This is the key factor inducing crack.


  • 采用合适激光参数保证工件表面垂直姿态以及焦点位置影响焊接质量关键因素

    The key factors of laser welding' s quality are applying suitable laser parameters, ensuring that welding head is perpendicular to work piece and focus point is in the right position.


  • 所生成的尺寸综合考虑设计要求、装配工艺(顺序)、接头形式因素,为设计方案的优化评价提供了误差分析手段。

    An assembly joint chain model is built up combining the assembly process information such as joint types, assembly sequences and design constraints e. g. ke...


  • 所生成的尺寸综合考虑设计要求、装配工艺(顺序)、接头形式因素,为设计方案的优化评价提供了误差分析手段。

    An assembly joint chain model is built up combining the assembly process information such as joint types, assembly sequences and design constraints e. g. ke...


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