• 还说:“拒绝接受这种拐弯抹道歉。”

    He added: "I refuse to accept this mealy-mouthed apology."


  • 但是埃克斯的,埃里克森敦促大楼接受理念并从轨道上撤军声音相当孤独的一个。

    As Axe notes, though, Erickson's is a relatively lonely voice in urging the Pentagon to embrace what would be an orbital retreat.


  • 就像韦斯利艾利接受采访时说道不是所有人赞同改变毫无疑问的是这一色的戏剧张力很强。

    Not everyone has approved of the change, as Wesley and Ellis explain in this interview, but there's no doubting her impact.


  • 大楼承认2009—2010年以前很多可能患有隐性创伤性脑损伤士兵从来没有接受过脑震荡后的头颅扫描。

    By the Pentagon's own admission, many soldiers who likely suffered this invisible form of TBI were never screened for concussions prior to 2009-2010.


  • 旗下品牌产品包括巧克力卡夫食品公司,准备迫使吉百利接受这项交易

    Kraft, which includes Toblerone chocolate among its brands, is to press Cadbury for a deal.


  • 还说:“拒绝接受这种拐弯抹道歉。我希望下周星期日泰晤士报上看到一个突出头版新闻。”

    He added: "I refuse to accept this mealy-mouthed apology. I want a front page retraction - due prominence - in next week's Sunday Times."


  • 意味着接受七岁大孩子可能不会那样床铺收拾成干净齐整的被

    But this means accepting that your 7-year-old probably won't make the bed with the crisp hospital corners that you do.


  • 接受英国BBC电台记者采访时说:“我真的认为或许只是冰山露出水面的一。”

    really think this is probably just the tip of the iceberg," she told BBC radio. "How many more are there in other councils across the country?"


  • 方法:连续17桡骨远端骨折背侧成畸形愈合的患者接受使用钢板螺钉磷酸三钙填充物的矫形截骨术

    A consecutive series of 17 patients with malunited dorsally angulated distal radius fracture underwent corrective osteotomy using plates, screws and TCP blocks.


  • 抱怨偏远,一个已经其他一些品牌就是传感器接受纵向横向

    My one complaint about the remote, one that I've had with some other brands as well, is the sensor's narrow Angle of acceptance, both vertically and horizontally.


  • 并非大众懂得欣赏,而是因为每个小说自己接受范围内它们要么流行,要么很好

    It's not because the masses don't appreciate quality. It's because the novels you read are the ones in the Acceptable Triangle, which are either popular or good.


  • 四个分析研究患者接受04STELARA45毫克90毫克,皮下安慰剂注射虽然只有45毫克剂量stelara在珠江洲研究评估

    In the four analyzed studies, patients received subcutaneous injections of STELARA 45 mg or 90 mg, or placebo at weeks 0 and 4, although only the STELARA 45 mg dose was evaluated in the PEARL trial.


  • 有人声称类似霍普金·斯维尔。哥布林,由于他们站立,长着穿着衣服很难接受这种看法

    Some claim it resembles the Hopkinsville Goblins, but since they stood on two legs, had triangular heads, and wore clothing, I have a hard time seeing it.


  • 榛子实树这类坚果树,只需早晨接受足够的光照便能保证丰产。

    Nut trees such as filbert, hazelnut and yellow horn produce well with only sun in the morning.


  • 每个度目接受进式电子马达控制设有32单独选择的度目,每种度目00- 99选择织目的疏密。

    Stitch CAM each stitch setting is controlled by a step motor. It has 32 stitches of independent selections and each of them ranges from 00-99 steps for knitting pattern.


  • 疾控中心官员们认为那些寻求治疗并且接受测试病例只是冰山

    CDC officials believe those cases - which sought treatment and underwent testing - are just the tip of the iceberg.


  • 但是电子货币并不只是待在互联网阴暗,很多主流网站甚至真实世界商人开始接受比特币了。

    But the digital currency is not just for the shady parts of the Internet, it is gaining acceptance from mainstream websites and even real world businesses.


  • 转过南美合恩也许就要接受考验。那片区域高达一百英尺海浪以及冰山而出名

    She may be tested when the yacht rounds South America's Cape Horn, an area infamous for waves as high as 100 feet, as well as icebergs.


  • 如果作为答案接受它,因为指出错误其他两个答案符合当前体系结构

    If you had placed it as an answer I would have accepted it, because it points to a bug in Angular and the other two answers do not fit with the current architecture.


  • 尽管历史来看完全接受的做法,但随着如今受托承担重担风险日益增加许多并不愿意扮演

    Though this has proved perfectly acceptable historically, the increased burden and risk on trustees nowadays means that many individuals are reluctant to accept the role.


  • 接受网上预约联络我们

    Online advance booking is not provided for Grand Piano. Please contact us for appointment.


  • 位计算机系的毕业生接受微软的面试,面试官给出最后问题:“已知一个斜边10,斜边上的为6,请问这个三形的面积是多少?”

    Interviewer: Ok, so one last question. A right triangle has a hypotenuse equal to 10 and an altitude to the hypotenuse equal to 6.


  • 每个接受进式电子马达控制设有32段可单独选择度目,段度目00- 160度选择织目的疏密

    Transfer: each stitch seting is controlled by a step motor, it has 32 stitches of independent selections and each of them ranges from 00-160 steps for knitting pattern.


  • 每个接受进式电子马达控制设有32段可单独选择度目,段度目00- 160度选择织目的疏密

    Transfer: each stitch seting is controlled by a step motor, it has 32 stitches of independent selections and each of them ranges from 00-160 steps for knitting pattern.


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