• 如果不能接受失去简直无法成长

    If you can not accept the loss, people simply can not grow.


  • 有些时候,如果选择爱上朋友必须接受失去真心朋友

    If you think a friend and to love. I have friends willing to pay …


  • 生活硬币另一面,也是矛盾我们必须接受失去并且学会放弃

    This is the second side of life' s coin, the opposite pole of its paradox: we must accept our losses, and learn how to let go.


  • 李尔王说,接受必需品大幅削减。他的意思是,他接受失去很多一直拥有东西

    King Lear says he would accept necessitys sharp pinch. He means he would have to do without many of the things he always had.


  • 心里可以接受失去某人行动上,你要竭尽全力感受到真情离开

    In your heart, you can be willing to lose someone, but in your actions, do everything you can to make sure the person feel so loved that he or she would never want to leave.


  • 段时间,我们尽量强迫自己接受失去亲人事实,与此同时,我们也开始听说艾希曼这个名字。

    It was during that time-as we struggled to come to terms with the loss of so many loved ones-that we first started hearing the name Eichmann.


  • 紧紧地把握人生,但是又不能抓得过死,松不开手。正是人生另外一面,也就是矛盾另外一面:我们接受失去的一切,懂得如何放手

    This is second side of life's coin, the opposite pole of its paradox: we must accept our losses, and learn how to let go.


  • 面对人生重大创痛例如失去爱的心理第一反应就是拒绝接受

    With major life traumas, like losing a loved one, for instance, the mind's first reaction is denial.


  • 失去知觉后,罗塔医院接受治疗

    Losing consciousness, he was under treatment at Gerota hospital.


  • 也使更难以接受这种想法完成生命图画之前我们失去这种生物

    It makes it all the harder for me to accept the thought that we may lose this creature before its life picture can be completed.


  • 因为不想失去数百学生实习机会许多学校都接受此类苛刻条款

    Many schools accept such strict terms because they don't want to lose the opportunity to place hundreds of students in internships.


  • 海外战场失去这些勇敢美国人时,我们很难接受

    It's difficult enough when we lose these brave Americans in battles overseas.


  • 同时如果这种疗法被证实有效的话,那么,神经学家失去很多,因此,令他们接受这些理念是存在困难的。

    Meanwhile, it's difficult to have a lot of faith in neurologists, who have a great deal to lose if this treatment has any validity.


  • 看到女儿渐渐接受再次失去亲人现实,试图表达自己悲伤保持镇定,释怀并控制自己的情绪,非常感动

    It was moving to watch my daughter coming to terms with the loss of someone else she loved, trying to express her grief and keep her composure, letting go and holding on.


  • 为自己接受你的心,改:“分手失去心情正常自然的。”

    You do yourself a favor by accepting your feelings, saying instead, "I've just had a breakup." Feelings of loss are normal and natural.


  • 英格兰人说了声谢谢接受了[某些]失去[某些]的事实,墨西哥人则向你了一躬,接受了眼前的事实。

    The English said thank you and accepted that you can win [some] and you lose [some], and the Mexicans bowed their head and accepted it.


  • 他们情愿接受世界某地失去业务不愿BAE承受声誉风险

    They have accepted that it is better to lose business in some parts of the world than to expose BAE to reputational risk.


  • 直到星期三这些设施将能够接受300只因洪水失去家园的动物

    The facility will start accepting up to 300 flood-displaced animals Wednesday.


  • 确保了公司不会因为迫使他们接受晋升失去合格雇员,”该公司人事总经理Tetsuhito Soyama说道。

    This ensures the company "doesn't lose qualified employees by pressuring them to accept promotions," says Tetsuhito Soyama, general manager for personnel at the company.


  • Camilla Rees在接受洛杉矶时报》采访表示,新邻居入住后就安装Wi - Fi路由器,之后自己便失去清晰思考能力

    Rees told the los Angeles Times that when her neighbors moved in and installed a wi-fi router she lost her ability to think clearly.


  • 开始孩子很难接受,”Cheryl,“但是由于很小就失去母亲他们非常开诚布公坦白。”

    "At first, it was hard getting the kids on board," Cheryl says. "But after losing my mother at a very young age, I'm very up-front and honest with them."


  • 全球经济危机年轻人影响尤其严重他们失去工作即使低工资工作很难找到接受教育机会减少

    The global economic crisis has had a disproportionate impact on young people; they have lost jobs, struggled to find even low-wage employment and seen access to education curtailed.


  • 如果马上就要失去家庭吃饭成问题,你可能就需要接受一切提供工作了。

    If you're about to lose your home or are having trouble putting food on the table, you may need to take whatever job is offered.


  • 一个精密的机电测绘技术识别出哪里心脏肌肉组织活着失去了功能,因为没有接受到足够血液供给

    A sophisticated electromechanical mapping technology identifies where the heart muscle is alive but not functioning, because it is not receiving enough blood supply.


  • 如果原来社会遭遇失败,他就会失去信心变得悲观失望接受自己的地位。

    If he had failed in the old society, he would be discouraged and pessimistic, accepting the place that was given to him.


  • 准备接受战斗失去平衡并且突然觉得没那么受到威胁了,因为你或者你位置而变得更加安全。

    He, braced for a fight, is thrown off balance, and suddenly you feel less threatened, safer in who you are and where you stand.


  • 准备接受战斗失去平衡并且突然觉得没那么受到威胁了,因为你或者你位置而变得更加安全。

    He, braced for a fight, is thrown off balance, and suddenly you feel less threatened, safer in who you are and where you stand.


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