• 不要担心记住接下来几天不要吸烟

    Don't worry. All you remember to do is not to smoke in the next few days.


  • 专家们相信这次撞击木星云层中制造出可以接下来几天持续观测的深暗色碎片区,就像之前撞击所留下的痕迹一样。

    Experts believe the collision should produce a dark debris field in Jupiter's clouds-similar to the previous impact site-which may become visible over the next few days.


  • 毫无疑问施瓦布的演说觉得特别。他你相信,接下来几天,你会沉浸在诺贝尔得主全球领导者经济辩论当中。

    Schwab's talk will undoubtedly make you feel special, convincing you that you will spend the next few days locked in economic debate with Nobel Prize winners and world leaders.


  • 2006年12月载有600渡轮夜间暴风雨沉没,当时航行在爪哇岛婆罗洲之间海域最后接下来几天里发现了250幸存者

    In December 2006 a ferry carrying at least 600 people sank in a night-time storm in the waters between Java and Borneo, though in the following days 250 survivors were eventually found.


  • 接下来几天主路辅路上持续地着车,但一直没看到

    I drove and drove on main roads and side roads for the next few days and never saw a single one.


  • 接下来几天里朗姬能够渐渐弄清发生的事情了。

    In the following days, Frankie was able to piece together what had happened.


  • 接下来几天随着剩下的格言步步紧逼,彼得更加急切了。

    The next few days the following rhymes, with their threats, made Peter more eager than ever.


  • 接下来几天里随着钻探作业深入海底固体石膏样品不断地被带上甲板

    In the days following, samples of solid gypsum were repeatedly brought on deck as drilling operations penetrated the seafloor.


  • 接下来几天里,我们秘密地浏览了所有的视频。

    Over the next few days, we secretly went through all the videos.


  • 接下来几天里,你们的任务之一是找出这些毛毛虫会有什么变化,以及你们从这个课题中学到了什么。

    During the following days, one of your tasks is going to find out what will happen to these caterpillars and what you have learned from the project.


  • 接下来几天我们轮流扮演一个州长候选人。

    Then, for several days, we would take turns playing one of the candidates.


  • 视频目前还没有发布到iTunes但是接下来几天里第一个视频会出现。

    The videos are not on iTunes yet, but the first one should appear within the next few days.


  • 也许需要更多我们将会接下来几天仔细评估日常开销。

    This may need to be more; we'll evaluate it more carefully in the next few days.


  • 接下来几天通过记》中的插图来告诉这些事情

    I want to take you through those things over the next few days using illustrations from the book of Esther.


  • 接下来几天这些海盗可能会得到更多赎金。

    These pirates could get a lot more money in the next few days.


  • 接下来几天,孩子们又“意外地”遭遇更多问题

    The groups' accidentally 'came across more problems over the next few days.


  • 接下来几天,由于剧院环境了一个大本营,生活理解徒步人们中间,获得了精神上的支持。

    Over the next few days, bolstered by having a base in a theatre environment and being surrounded by people who understood the walk, I managed to get my bearings.


  • 接下来几天里我们还要经过苏格兰岛屿,它们戈尔·特斯冲锋衣那样我们毫无阻碍

    Over the next couple of days we fanned out across four more Scottish islands, a straggle of Gore-Tex meeting little or no resistance.


  • 希望接下来几天众议院参议院消除分歧议案送到办公桌上

    I'm hoping over the next several days that the House and the Senate can reconcile their differences and get that bill on my desk.


  • 我们决定暂停我们通常采用连续扫描整个天空模式,将航天器重新定向,使其接下来几天注视这个星系

    We decided to interrupt our usual mode of continuously scanning the entire sky, and instead repointed the spacecraft to stare right at this galaxy for the next few days.


  • 事故发生的前一天,空中秀电视台一个访问节目中,沃德信心满满的表示对赛事的期望,并暗示他的队伍接下来几天中会飞行更快

    A day before the crash, in an interview from Airshow TV, Leeward expressed confidence about his prospects in the race — while hinting that his team would fly even faster in the days to come.


  • 为了表示感谢她赠给美味自制苹果接下来几天里连续发生。

    She thanks you by giving you a piece of delicious home-made apple pie. This happens several days in a row.


  • 然而接下来几天里最为关注就是废水流到多瑙河危机,不仅如此,多瑙河下游国家比如马利亚也会受此影响。

    Yet in the last couple of days most attention focused on the dangers of the sludge reaching the Danube, and potentially poisoning water in downstream countries like Romania.


  • 接下来几天里,结古镇天气以大风晴朗为主,开展救援提供了有利条件

    The town would see strong winds and sunny weather in the coming days, providing favorable conditions for rescue operation.


  • 接下来几天目标禁飞区向东延伸直达首都的黎波覆盖整个海岸地区

    Over the next few days the aim is to extend the zone eastwards until it covers the whole of the coast to the capital, Tripoli.


  • 意味着接下来几天里可以简历参加面试我找到工作时,公司允许离开

    It means that I can deliver resumes and attend interviews in the following days, and my company will sets me free when I get a new position.


  • 一周接下来几天里继续这个实验,于是周在办公室度过30小时当中,我完成25小时的工作,效率超过80%。

    I continued this experiment for the rest of the week and ended up getting about 25 hours of work done with only 30 hours total spent in my office, for an efficiency ratio of over 80%.


  • 美国国家航空和航天局一场强烈的太阳活动干扰无线电通信可能接下来几天里中断电网无线卫星通讯

    A powerful solar eruption has disturbed radio communications and could disrupt electrical power grids, radio and satellite communication in the next days, NASA said.


  • 一个讲着阿拉伯语的国度浓浓的咖啡杯子下去接下来几天都睡不着觉

    I imagined I was drinking coffee elsewhere. Some Arabic-speaking country where the thick coffee served in little cups was so strong it could keep you awake for days.


  • 一个讲着阿拉伯语的国度浓浓的咖啡杯子下去接下来几天都睡不着觉

    I imagined I was drinking coffee elsewhere. Some Arabic-speaking country where the thick coffee served in little cups was so strong it could keep you awake for days.


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