• 这项大范围的红外线调查探索任务计划下周一早执行。

    The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission is now scheduled to launch Monday morning.


  • 本文试图探索任务型教学法应用于口语教学可能性及效果

    This paper has aimed at investigating the effect of implicating task-based method to spoken English.


  • 确实尽管发生了种种事故,科学家认为伽利略号行星探索任务成功一次

    Indeed, in spite of everything, scientists rate Galileo as one of the most successful missions of planetary exploration.


  • 研究旨在探索任务特性——任务复杂度任务难度意义协商影响

    This paper is intended to examine how task characteristics-task complexity and task difficulty affect the quality and quantity of meaning negotiation.


  • 研究旨在探索任务特性——任务复杂度及任务难度意义协商的质量的影响

    The paper analyzes the significant external factors in college students'achievement behavior involving goals, task difficulty, external award and atmosphere.


  • 但是由于这个人造卫星工作状况良好还有储备燃料科学家决定进行额外的探索任务

    But scientists decided to let it carry out additional exploratory tasks as the orbiter is still in good condition and has fuel in reserve.


  • 阿格·雷尔探索任务即将结束,现在剩下的就是寻找蒂耶鲁了

    Agrael's quest is nearing its end, all that remains is to find Tieru somewhere in the magical fog of the Dragonmist Islands.


  • 月球表面,水占总物质含量5.6%,这些储存量足够保障人类未来在月进行的各种探索任务

    Making up around 5.6 per cent of the surface material, it was present in sufficient quantities to be useful to future manned missions.


  • LA新奥尔良洛克希德·马丁公司团队完成探索任务- 1乘员压力容器最终焊接

    Lockheed Martin team in New Orleans, LA, completed the final weld of the cone section of the Exploration Mission 1 crew module pressure vessel.


  • 本文作者还是尝试一个新的角度研究任务型英语教学积极探索任务型大学英语视听说教学可行性

    Nevertheless the author tries to investigate the effect of task-based approaches from a new perspective and explore the feasibility of the implementation of task-based approaches.


  • 他说:“在这个方面,我们正在走向私有化。航空航天管理局继续更深化探索任务所以相信最终会有成果。”

    "We are moving on to privatizing this kind of operation and NASA is going to move on to exploration deeper out, so I think that will work out in the long run," noted Hansen.


  • 年前NASA派出茶几大小的“机遇号”火星车,这颗红色星球子午高原上缓缓行进执行探索任务上周终于抵达奋进陨石坑。

    Starting three years ago, NASA sent a coffee-table sized robot named Opportunity on a mission rolling across the red planet's Meridiani Planum to find out. Last week, it finally arrived.


  • 月球捷运公司的任务包括计划一个手提箱大小科学设备降落月球上,用于持续的探索商业开发

    Moon Express's mission involves plans to land a suitcase-sized package of scientific equipment on the moon for ongoing exploration and commercial development.


  • 下一代宇航员可能宇宙中执行为期数或者数十年任务探索遥远行星恒星——并且永不归来

    The next generation of astronauts may hurtle through the cosmos for years or decades on a mission to explore distant planets and stars - and never return.


  • 国家航空航天博物馆展示美国飞行宇宙探索方面取得成就,莱特兄弟第一架双翼飞机阿波罗登月任务以及其他

    The national Air and space Museum celebrates the nation's achievements in flight and space exploration, from the Wright brother's first biplane to the Apollo moon mission and beyond.


  • 除了映射外我们探索人工任务

    In addition to mapping, we will also explore human tasks.


  • 分析家表示印度首次探月任务除了标志着印度成为太空探索参与者同时还为印度未来占领卫星发射市场份额带来可观的前景。

    India's first moon mission not only makes it a serious player in space exploration but also holds the prospect of a bigger slice of the lucrative satellite launch market, analysts say.


  • 更大游戏可以扩大包括化身属性经验速度完成任务库存物品收集,和更多世界探索

    The depth of the game could be expanded to include avatar attributes such as experience and speed, missions to complete, inventory items to collect, and more worlds to explore.


  • 合同框架其他任务包括改善电力马达效率机翼集成太阳能电池探索存储技术

    Other tasks under the contract include improvement of electric motor efficiency, integration of solar cells into aircraft wings, and the exploration of hydrogen storage technologies.


  • 这样计算机材料科学家任务就是缩小实验者们完善给定材料需要探索试验尝试的空间

    The mission of computational materials scientists, like myself, is to narrow down the experimental search space that experimentalists need to explore in order to optimize a given material.


  • 本文后面部分比较svmaixLVM探索这两种环境中进行基本磁盘镜像会涉及哪些任务

    Later in this article, I'll compare SVM to AIX LVM, and explore the tasks of what is involved in doing a basic disk mirror between both environments.


  • 完成探索后,吧台敞口任务”(副官全息头像上面着)。

    When you're finished exploring the bar, click on the "mission case" that sits open on the bar (the console with the hologram of the adjutant's head floating above it).


  • 很多人都把这个过程比作太空探索因为新建幢破纪录的高楼,意味着未知领域全新任务

    Many liken the process to a space launch, since each new record-topping tower is, in effect, a brand new mission into the unknown.


  • 上面提供想法示例只是冰山一角理解本文提供知识之后探索众多其余潜力任务留给

    The ideas and examples presented above are but the tip of the iceberg, and I leave it to you, after gaining an undestanding of what is presented here, to explore the many remaining possibilites.


  • 未来70任务物理学家、天文学家宇宙学家们共同探索暗物质究竟是什么。

    The task for the next 70 years is for physicists, astronomers and cosmologists to discover exactly what it is.


  • 研究结果可能对在火星其他星球探索生命太空飞行任务产生重要影响

    The results could have a major impact on space missions to Mars and elsewhere looking for life.


  • 库克任何太空探索载人航空任务不可避免需要一个更大航天器容器

    Any deep space mission would be accompanied by a larger compartment for the crew, Cooke said.


  • 重新聚焦那些没有工作机会的人应当探索个新的出路诸如要求一个假期或是一个新的任务猎头顾问Charley Polachi

    Refocus: Those without a new job opportunity should explore alternate exits, such as asking for a sabbatical or a new assignment, says executive search consultant Charley Polachi.


  • 现在我们来看一些简单的任务探索如何编写XQuery查询检索所需信息

    Now, let's step through several sample tasks and explore how to write XQueries to retrieve the desired information.


  • 现在我们来看一些简单的任务探索如何编写XQuery查询检索所需信息

    Now, let's step through several sample tasks and explore how to write XQueries to retrieve the desired information.


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