• 拒绝排除增税可能性

    He refused to rule out the possibility of a tax increase.


  • 我们应该排除谈判可能性

    We should not exclude the possibility of negotiation.


  • 警方尚未排除那个男子被谋杀可能性

    Police have not ruled out the possibility that the man was murdered.


  • 不能完全排除有些压力作用到了颈部可能性

    I cannot entirely exclude the possibility that some form of pressure was applied to the neck.


  • 没有排除重返足坛的这个惊人可能性

    He has not ruled out the shock possibility of a return to football.


  • 直到本周似乎因为自己年龄关系排除自己获胜可能性

    Until this week he appeared to have ruled himself out of the running because of his age.


  • 他们排除社会民主党结盟可能性

    They didn't rule out coalition with the Social Democrats.


  • 我们理论家工作就是排除一切可能性

    It's the job of us theorists to bash out all the possibilities.


  • 我们不能排除可能性就是气候变化不是人类活动导致结果。

    We cannot rule out the possibility that climate change is not the result of human activities.


  • 遗憾的是所有这些想法排除可能性之外

    But sadly all these ideas have been eliminated as possibilities.


  • 然而思考胡安问题时,我确定我们还能排除多少可能性

    Yet, as I thought about Juan's question, I was not sure how much more we could really rule out.


  • 木卫二地下海洋缺乏光线但这没有排除生命形成可能性

    The lack of light in Europa's subsurface ocean doesn't automatically rule out life forming.


  • 纽约时报援引名据称是参与计划美国官员话说已经排除了前往锡克教圣地的可能性

    The New York Times quoted what it called an American official involved in planning as saying a visit to the revered Sikh religious complex had been ruled out.


  • 两个团队宣称信号已经减弱尽管他们没有排除信号在这个范围内存在可能性

    Both teams have since announced that the signals have weakened, although they have not ruled out its existence within that range.


  • 被疏散员工当局告诉他们,他们已经排除恐怖主义可能性,可能是电路短路引发火灾

    Evacuated employees said authorities told them they had ruled out terrorism, and that an electrical short-circuit had likely sparked the fire.


  • 2012年6月当时公共卫生部长表示政府并不惧怕食品行业也不排除立法可能性因为英国国民健康服务体系需要承担肥胖成本

    In June 2012, the then minister for public health said the government was not scared of the food industry and had not ruled out legislation, because of the costs of obesity to the NHS.


  • 我们排除收购可能性只要能加强我们竞争力

    We don't exclude the possibility of acquisitions if it strengthens our competitiveness.


  • 当然一理念体系并未排除市场干预可能性

    This belief system did not, of course, exclude the possibility of market intervention.


  • 但是他们补充道不能排除如下可能性这种毒株产生于黑猩猩身上,然后传播给大猩猩然后传给了人类或者黑猩猩直接传播给了大猩猩以及人类。

    But they added they cannot rule out the possibility that the new strain arose in chimpanzees and moved into gorillas and then humans, or moved directly from chimpanzees to both gorillas and humans.


  • 但是两个小队表示信号弱,尽管在这个范围没有排除存在可能性

    But both teams have since announced that the signals have weakened, although they have not ruled out its existence within that range.


  • 华生未能谨慎控制实验以至于不能排除大量其他解释可能性

    Watson did not control it carefully to rule out a wide range of possible interpretations.


  • 我们倾向小型收购并不排除大型收购可能性

    We are more inclined to make small acquisition but would not rule out bigger deals.


  • 我们不能排除那样可能性

    We can't rule that out.


  • 贝克·汉姆没有排除留在美国可能性2007年就一直效力于此。

    Beckham has not ruled out staying in the United States, where he has played since 2007.


  • 然而当这个援助接受了以后,各国觉得应该排除部分违约可能性希腊现在已经到达这个程度了。

    Once that aid was received, countries felt obliged to rule out the possibility of partial default, the stage that Greece has reached now.


  • 即使这种先进扫描技术不能排除损伤可能性,”布罗博士说道

    "A negative scan, even with these advanced methods, does not rule out traumatic brain injury," Dr. Brody said.


  • 潜在通胀水平已经降到1%左右美国经济的复苏面临财政刺激结束的不利局面;因此不能排除发生通缩可能性

    America's recovery faces the headwind of expiring fiscal stimulus at a time when underlying inflation has already slipped to around 1%; outright deflation cannot be ruled out.


  • 潜在通胀水平已经降到1%左右美国经济的复苏面临财政刺激结束的不利局面;因此不能排除发生通缩可能性

    America's recovery faces the headwind of expiring fiscal stimulus at a time when underlying inflation has already slipped to around 1%; outright deflation cannot be ruled out.


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