• 试验程序包括关于每一台设备整个系统试验计划进度程序、登记表、验收、试验、试验项目故障排除程序

    The test procedure will include plans schedules procedures log sheets acceptance forms test sheet test item and fault correction procedures on tests of each equipment and entire system.


  • 现在第五部分中,我们研究如何实现一个提供更好部署管理自动化开发基础包括准备配置调试以及排除程序问题的方法

    Now, in Part v, we will look at how to implement an automated infrastructure for better deployment management, including ways to provision, configure, tune, and troubleshoot applications.


  • 熟悉IBMSupportAssistantV3.0用户将会改进GUI体验产品新闻访问案例管理功能内置向导式故障排除程序大加赞赏。

    Users familiar with IBM Support Assistant V3.0 will appreciate the improved GUI experience, access to product news feeds, case management features, and built-in guided troubleshooter.


  • 注意数据排除恶意修改和僵尸程序活动

    Note: this data excludes activity by vandals or bots.


  • 案件被告始终被排除案件之外,这个审判程序不可能被认为是公平的,”上议院高级法官LordPhillips这样写到

    "A trial procedure can never be considered fair if a party to it is kept in ignorance of the case against him," wrote Lord Phillips, the senior law Lord on the case.


  • 允许例如看到GC出现问题执行方法或者排除应用程序启动期间分析数据

    This allows you to see only the methods executing when GC went wrong, for example, or to exclude data analyzed during application startup.


  • 采用这个规则就会立即排除所有系统应用程序所有者帐户留下普通用户

    Using this rule immediately cuts out all the system and application owner accounts and should leave just normal users.


  • 应用程序可能经历了长时间停顿长的无响应时间,导致停顿原因中确定排除垃圾收集

    Your application might be experiencing long pauses or periods of unresponsiveness, and you might want to identify or rule out garbage collection as the cause of the pauses.


  • 将帮助避免产品应用程序调试故障排除

    This helps you save debugging and troubleshooting time with production applications.


  • 监视统计系统调用功能不仅有助于进行故障排除有助于理解应用程序配置如何性能产生影响

    The ability to watch and count system calls is helpful not only for troubleshooting, but also for understanding how application configuration affects performance.


  • 越多的复杂度分层涉及到,就难以一个应用程序排除故障

    The more complexity and layers that are involved, the more difficult it is to troubleshoot an application.


  • 第二期间,重组应用程序排除错误使用最佳实践使它符合J2EE规范

    During the second step, refactor your application to work out bugs, make use of best practices and conform to the J2EE specification.


  • 这种情况下建议列化字符串排除XML声明

    In such cases, our recommendation is to exclude the XML declaration from the remote serialized string.


  • 如果需要执行某些故障排除能够跟踪某个特定进程进程允许您将任何应用程序追溯到创建的进程。

    Being able to follow the process tree for a particular process also lets you track any application back to the process that created it, should you need to do some troubleshooting.


  • 组件处理类似事件通知用户程序并且适当日志以便促进排除故障服务监测

    Components are required to handle such events to notify client programs and also do appropriate logging to help facilitate troubleshooting and service monitoring.


  • 经过比较如果经过冷压排除处理(橄榄油来说加纯处理),这些程序涉及加压加热灌装

    By comparison, she says when oils are prepared by the cold-press or expeller process, or, in the case of olive oil, are extra virgin, preparation involves only pressing, heating, and bottling.


  • 快速排除应用程序难以捉摸的进程的问题的更好办法什么

    What better way is there to quickly troubleshoot an application or wayward process?


  • 需要能够搜索属于某个应用程序的可搜索部分搜索排除其他可搜索部分。

    You need to be able to search only the text-searchable parts belonging to an application, and exclude other text-searchable parts from the search.


  • 大多数国家标准程序通常确定会去投票者回答会被减少比重完全排除

    This is standard practice in most places, and the responses of those who say they are not sure are usually weighed more lightly or discarded altogether.


  • 多年的斡旋经历也让挪威总结出条经验,就是让包括底层民众在内的各方都下来谈,不要任何人排除和平谈判程序之外。

    Yet a consistent principle runs through these efforts: that it is better to sit down with all parties, even those considered pariahs, than to exclude anyone from peace talks.


  • 可以使用这些数据找出哪些程序经常读写硬盘然后这些文件安全基础选择是否排除

    You can use this data to figure out which applications are constantly reading and writing to the hard drive, and then based on the safety of those files, you can choose whether or not to exclude them.


  • 排除应用程序瓶颈可能很费时

    Fixing the application bottlenecks, which can take a long time.


  • 运行中的应用程序难以故障排除众所周知

    Live applications are notoriously difficult to troubleshoot.


  • 实现这个目标简单的方法添加必要JDBC驱动程序,做法是使用 /lib目录然后再创建发布工件时候将其排除

    The simplest way to achieve our goal is to add the necessary JDBC drivers using the /lib directory and then exclude them when creating the distribution artifact.


  • 使用- a-d参数输出进行筛选排除代码程序,因为我知道需要查找的是哪些文件。

    I use the -a and -d parameters to filter my output to exclude code segments, which I know aren't what I'm looking for.


  • Android提供自己独有SAXAPI(参见清单8),排除编写自己的SAX处理程序需要

    Android includes its own variant of the SAX API (see Listing 8) that removes the need for you to write your own SAX handler.


  • 这个默认行为克服WebSphereApplicationServerND中的限制排除了用给定应用程序名称非集群(non -clustered)环境中执行多次安装

    This default overcomes the restriction in WebSphere application Server ND that precludes the installation of a given application name more than once in a non-clustered environment.


  • 例如通过编译包含排除先前描述日志记录a spect,应用程序构建器可以Cactus框架中添加或除去方法跟踪

    For instance, by including or excluding the logging aspect described earlier from a compilation, the application builder can add or remove method tracing from the Cactus framework.


  • 本文介绍如何下载安装HealthCenter以及如何使用应用程序进行故障诊断和故障排除

    This article shows you how to download and install the Health Center and how to use it to troubleshoot your applications.


  • 用户帐户对话仍然允许进行故障排除用于基于Windows的LiveMeeting 2007年客户用于会议外接程序用于Outlook不必修改注册表。

    The User Accounts dialog box still allows for troubleshooting for the Windows-based Live Meeting 2007 client or for the Conferencing Add-in for Outlook without modifying registry keys.


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