• 采用絮凝过滤自动排放容易压缩空气系统除去液态

    The flocculation filter and is easy to be automatic emissions from compressed air system to remove liquid oil.


  • 煤气管道上冷凝水排放器,传统采用蒸汽保温存在许多弊端

    There were mainly shortcomings of condensate drainers on gas pipes due to using thermal insulation by steam.


  • 头部冲压机排放之间接触,这样能够产生更长的排放器寿命

    No contact between header punch and ejector; resulting in longer ejector life.


  • 实用新型涉及一种瓦斯排放产品,电控箱甲烷检测仪、局扇几部分组成。

    The utility model relates to a gas discharge device which is composed of an electric-control box, a methane detector, a portable blower, etc.


  • 对此,维尔萨克认为厌氧消化数量不断增加,而数量的提高能利好美国农业部,他们有望在2020年达到减少国内25%温室气体排放目标

    Vilsack said this number will increase, to help the USDA meet its goal of reducing 25 percent of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. As Vilsack noted at a recent climate meeting.


  • 具体方法发电站排放出的废气注入巨大的罐式光合生物反应。 这种光合生物反应其实就是一个装满藻类植物的大罐子

    The idea is to pump emissions from power stations into photo-bioreactors, which are large tubes filled with algae.


  • 为了研究释放影响罗斯小组使用3D地球气候模拟。 他们假设所有排放的黑碳都在美国太空站(在美国新墨西哥州上空在建的一个太空旅游中心)之上。

    To study the effects of black carbon emissions, Ross's team used a 3D simulation of Earth's climate.


  • 合作研究成果着眼于超音速运输飞行概念,以满足NASA2030世代设定的噪音排放燃油效率目标

    A companion research effort looked at concepts for a new generation of supersonic transport aircraft capable of meeting NASA's noise, emissions and fuel efficiency goals for 2030.


  • 同样道理洗发精二氧化碳排放决定因素洗澡的时间长短、洗澡用水的冷热情况热水的功效强弱状况。

    Similarly, the emissions of shampoo depend on how long you spend in the shower, how hot the water is and the quality of your boiler.


  • 排放必须隐藏起来机身设计时也必须考虑不能雷达红外探测发现

    Emissions must be hidden and the plane's fuselage sculpted to avoid detection by radar and infrared sensors.


  • 小组证实了这种办法中的错误EPAIPCC采用的这种方法本是用以评估消化甲烷排放的。

    The team documented errors in the approach, which the EPA and IPCC adapted from a method used to estimate methane production from anaerobic digesters.


  • 高兰尼一样,约翰逊利用特制取样测量全年排放二氧化碳甲烷氧化二氮含量

    Like Gollany, Johnson USES the specialized Chambers to measure the levels of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide released throughout the entire year.


  • 这个创意通过调节涡流增压的结构来使引擎尾气排放同步,从而达到更好能量回收效果。

    The idea is to oscillate the turbocharger's variable geometry and synchronise it with the engine exhaust to get better energy recovery from the pulsating exhaust flow.


  • 这种方法也适用计算服务排放轨迹

    The same approach applies to the calculation of the carbon footprint of a server.


  • 火箭污水处理系统。这个斯坦福大学研究设计的以氧化氮为动力的火箭推进用于污水处理工厂减少温室气体排放

    Rocket sewage This nitrous oxide-powered rocket thruster designed at Stanford can also be used in a sewage treatment plant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 火箭污水处理系统。这个斯坦福大学研究设计的以氧化氮为动力的火箭推进用于污水处理工厂减少温室气体排放。斯坦福大学

    Rocket Sewage This nitrous oxide-powered rocket thruster designed at Stanford can also be used in a sewage treatment plant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Stanford University.


  • 涡流增压采用了一个快速响应喷头跟踪尾气脉冲减少内燃机进气周期从而增加尾气排放压力

    It USES a fast actuated nozzle to follow the exhaust pulse, reducing the turbine inlet area periodically to increase exhaust-gas pressure.


  • 出现没有减少国内航班耗油量没有减少飞行二氧化碳排放

    HSR does not reduce the fuel consumption of domestic aviation or reduce annual carbon emissions from aircraft.


  • 它们看起来可能平淡无奇但是商业照明改进可编程恒温电视以及冰箱的应用可以大幅度降低排放以及花费。

    Mundane though they may seem, improvements in commercial lighting, programmable thermostats, televisions, and refrigerators could yield enormous savings in cost and carbon.


  • 一瓶香波排放取决于洗浴时间长短的热度以及热水类型

    The emissions associated with a bottle of shampoo depend on how long you spend in the shower, how hot the water is and what sort of boiler you have.


  • 设计上而言,各个设计之间差别很大但是所有设计最终必须符合美国国家航空航天局对于这类飞行目标(产生噪音排放废物燃料消耗少)。

    Each design looks very different, but all final designs have to meet NASA's goals for less noise, cleaner exhaust and lower fuel consumption.


  • 全球森林像是一个天然排放捕集每年大约吸收48亿二氧化碳

    The world's forests act as a natural trap for carbon emissions, sucking up some 4.8bn tonnes of carbon dioxide a year.


  • 显示显示家庭当前能耗还有大致的电费以及二氧化碳排放

    The display shows the home's total current power consumption along with approximate figures for cost and CO2 emissions.


  • Tata这次交易一个重要组成部分继续提供引擎重压其他零部件的供应,而福特也会提供混合以及温室气体排放供能技术的支持。

    A key element of Tata's deal is that as well as continuing to supply Jaguar with engines, stampings and other components, Ford will provide access to its hybrid and low-emission powertrain technology.


  • 部分蒸汽用于其他热交换或者排放凝结水回水管线中

    This steam is then collected for use in other heat exchangers or discharged to the condensate return line.


  • 通过查看Gartner数据,可以发现全世界个人电脑显示能源需求大,它占据了整个ICT环节所需能量的40%并且排放全球总量的0.8%。

    By Gartner's figures, the world's PCs and monitors are even more power hungry, accounting for around 40% of the total ICT energy demand and 0.8% of global CO2 emissions.


  • 过滤分离可以捕获空气中的液体固体因此应当配备排放阀门

    Filters and separator can capture in the air the liquid or solid, so shall be equipped with discharge valve.


  • 需要处理液体较大过滤分离采用自动排放方式压缩空气一级过滤装置凝结过滤和分离

    Need to deal with large amount of liquid separator filters and all adopts automatic emissions way, if the level of compressed air filter device, condensation content filters and separator.


  • 空气失去一定热量时,蒸发散热片中出来回流空气冷空气,这股冷空气接着会被排放乘客这股冷空气接着会被释放到乘客区。

    As the air loses some of its heat, the air that comes back out of the fins of the evaporator is cool and that cooled air is then vented into the passenger compartment.


  • 空气失去一定热量时,蒸发散热片中出来回流空气冷空气,这股冷空气接着会被排放乘客这股冷空气接着会被释放到乘客区。

    As the air loses some of its heat, the air that comes back out of the fins of the evaporator is cool and that cooled air is then vented into the passenger compartment.


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