• 然而授权美国环保署着手执行相关法规

    But he has authorized the to begin moving toward regulation, which could goad lawmakers into reaching an agreement.


  • 法案授权美国世上任何盛产鸟粪岛屿声张主权。

    The act gave permission to the United States, to claim any island in the world rich in bird droppings.


  • 2009年巴拉克·奥巴马授权美国公司该岛提供网络服务

    In 2009 Barack Obama authorised American companies to provide Internet services to the island.


  • 清洁空气法》授权美国环保局监管有害污染物微粒物质臭氧

    The Clean Air Act mandates the EPA to regulate harmful pollutants such as particulate matter and ozone.


  • 他所开发替代热原检验的方法非营利团体授权美国麻州查尔斯实验室使用

    Hartung's alternative pyrogen assay is licensed by a nonprofit group to Charles River Laboratories in Massachusetts.


  • 保护自然免受人类行为干扰观念影响深远几乎一个世纪以后1964年,荒野法案面世,授权美国各州指定土地加以保护

    The concept of preserving nature from man's interference proved both powerful and enduring: almost a century later the Wilderness Act of 1964 empowered states to designate protected land.


  • 2009年,国会授权美国食品和药品管理局管理烟草机构颁布法令,要求烟草制品现有产品变异产品,需要提交审批

    The FDA was granted power by Congress to regulate tobacco in 2009, and the agency has issued rules requiring that new tobacco products or changes to existing products be submitted for approval.


  • 阿伯加斯特Arbogast认为,面对投诉信舆论压力任何立法机构授权美国联邦通讯委员会FCC成为解决该争执问题的判官都很难国会不会通过

    But Arbogast notes that aside from the pressure of letters and statements, any legislation to give the FCC the ability to act as referee in fees disputes will be difficult to pass in his Congress.


  • 美国一家图书馆一家私人图书馆,只能授权读者使用。

    The first library in the United States was a private library, which could be used only by authorized readers.


  • 美国辐射大学建议所有医疗辐射单位应该按职业进行授权但是许多没有

    The American College of radiology also recommends that all medical radiology units be professionally accredited, yet many are not.


  • 这个委员会是里根上台时授权组建,为的是研究布雷顿森林体系崩溃之后,美国是否应该回归健全的货币

    The commission had beenformed at the start of the Reagan administration to consider whether America, in the wake of the collapse of Bretton Woods, should move to sound money.


  • 然而很大程度上因为实验SCID实验中产生的那些不良副作用,至今为止没有一项基因疗法被美国欧洲卫生当局授权进行临床实验。

    Yet, largely because of undesirable side-effects like those in the SCID trials, none has hitherto been granted the ultimate go-ahead by health authorities in America and Europe.


  • 危机开始我们就缺乏必要授权工具遏制金融系统传递的严重压力伤害美国经济

    We came into this crisis without the authority and the tools necessary to contain the damage to the American economy posed by the very severe pressures working through the financial system.


  • 公司利用这种独一无二的专利权癌症患者进行昂贵遗传药物治疗,这些治疗只能标价出售(美国境外专利授权条件不同)。

    The firm uses that exclusivity to create expensive genetic tests for cancer risk which only it offers for sale (the patents and licensing conditions are different outside the United States) .


  • 美国航空授权Farelogix作为直连项目技术供应商,但相关利益方也许对此并不满意

    American licensed Farelogix technology to serve as the airline's direct-connect technology, and that may not sit well with all of the concerned parties.


  • 严重担忧应该小时大部分时间里,那些避免未经授权发射美国导弹保障措施破解。

    But the more important concern should be that for the better part of an hour, the safeguards that protect against unauthorized launch of America's missiles were compromised.


  • 房地美公司1970年美国国会授权特许经营。

    The company was chartered by the US Congress in 1970.


  • 美国战役纪念碑委员会美国国会授权建立的,以纪念韩国服役过男子女人

    The American Battle Monument Commission was authorized by Congress to create a memorial to honor the men and women who served in Korea.


  • 上个月美国参议院通过了美国航天局授权法案一个经过妥协版本

    Last month, the Senate passed its version of the NASA authorization bill, which is more of a compromise.


  • 协议授权欧盟在过境点进行监督美国官员,这可以其它国家人员参加来加以扩大

    That accord provided for a European Union monitoring presence at the crossings, which U.S. officials say could be augmented by personnel from other countries.


  • 雇主必须验证那些他们准备继续美国雇佣个人授权接受美国就业机会了的。

    Employers must verify that an individual whom they plan to employ or continue to employ in the United States is authorized to accept employment in the United States.


  • 研究经过美国国家科学基金会授权同意后收集数据完成的。

    The research was done using data collected under a grant from the National Science Foundation.


  • 美国空军官员已经开始着手gps的下一步上个月美国空军授权雷神公司研发下一代全球定位系统控制部分又称为ocx

    Air Force officials took the next step in that process when they awarded a contract last month to Raytheon Company for the next Generation GPS Control Segment, commonly referred to as OCX.


  • 另外美国宇航局授权准确地随之而变,其中包括了提供具有潜在破坏性行星撞击预警职责

    On top of that, NASA's charter has also been changed explicitly to include a responsibility to provide advance warning of potentially damaging asteroid impacts.


  • 另外美国宇航局授权准确地随之而变,其中包括了提供具有潜在破坏性行星撞击预警职责

    On top of that, NASA's charter has also been changed explicitly to include a responsibility to provide advance warning of potentially damaging asteroid impacts.


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