• 邦杰分类系统中国曲尾藓苔藓植物分六亚31属171及亚种和变种。

    According to the taxonomic system of Chen Bang-jie, there are 171 species of Dicranaceae plants, 31 genera belonging to 6 subfamilies in China.


  • 父母解释,他们武汉情况不熟,担心找不到,所以才了两名“地陪帮忙报名,事后还可以顺便带他们市内旅游一下。

    Unfamiliar with Wuhan, and afraid of getting lost, they had hired the tour guides to help them find their way around the city, her parents said.


  • 功夫茶潮汕文化著名象征之一,小姐普通汕头家庭都是以喝茶开始他们一天生活的,并且从早到晚喝茶已经成为了一种习惯。

    KungFu tea is very famous as a symbolize of Shantou and Chaozhou. According to Miss Chen's words, a normal Shantou family will start their daily life with drinking tea, they almost drink tea all day.


  • 秒钟还能感觉到女孩呼吸一秒钟不见了。 尽管是个爷们,但是他自己说当时也是失声恸哭。

    One second he could feel her breath on him; the next she was gone and Mr. Chen tough as he was claimed to have burst into tears.


  • 上海同济医院器官移植专家松华说2003年以来,只有130已经保证捐赠自己器官

    Only about 130 people have pledged to donate their organs since 2003, according to Chen Shonghua, an organ transplant expert with Tongji Hospital in Shanghai.


  • 官方媒体报道,某曾是另一所学校老师2006年因精神衰弱等问题办理病休

    Chen hadbeen a teacher at another school but went on disability leave in 2006 formental health problems, according to state media.


  • 组织总干事冯富珍博士说,气候变化极为不利方式影响健康一些基本决定因素食物空气

    Continuing climate change will affect, in profoundly adverse ways, some of the most fundamental determinants of health: food, air and water, according to WHO Director-General Dr Margaret chan.


  • 尽管如此位生活重庆历史学者何指出直到2002年,首诗课本里面和诗集中出现在“烈士” 的名下

    Nonetheless, as late as 2002, the poem continued to appear in textbooks and poetry anthologies under the name "martyr Chen Ran," as noted by He Shu, a Chongqing-based historian.


  • 媒体报道文海生前采药人简朴生活不过的长发带来了诸多不便。

    Media reports said he lived a simple life as a herbalist, but his hair could complicate things.


  • 华尔街日报》报道女儿现在允许上学

    The Wall Street Journal reports that Mr Chen's daughter is now being allowed to go to school.


  • Doordarshan电视台报导,就火箭大约80公里(50英里)处Sriharikota发射站升空不久,它在烟雾火光爆炸了。

    The rocket exploded in a plume of smoke and fire moments after taking off from the Sriharikota launch site, some 80 kilometres (50 miles) from the city of Chennai, according to Doordarshan TV.


  • 医院方面的证言表示,名袭击者曾在25年前接受医生治疗并且精神障碍病史。 。

    Thee hospital confirmed that the man received medical treatment from Chen 25 years ago and had a history of mental disorder.


  • 欣怡仅18岁,杀祝愿100蝶泳祝愿,并星期一举行决赛名列第四,奥林匹克官网报道。

    Chen Xinyi, 18, in the 100-meter butterfly event, placing fourth in the final held on Monday, to the Rio Olympics official web site.


  • 媒体报道,虽然当地警方已经证实当时建生没有携带武器保安律师声称保安是自卫

    Though local police have confirmed that Mr. Chen was unarmed at the time, the security guard's attorney is claiming self-defense, media reported.


  • 北京环卫工程集团有限公司运营管理部主任宝山表示称一现象原因是因为公众空气质量认识日益加强。

    Chen Baoshan, chief of the operations management department of Beijing Environment Sanitation Engineering Group Co. Ltd, attributed the decline to the growing public awareness of air quality.


  • 警方表示世峰一直这些指控保持沉默

    Chen has remained silent about the allegations, the police said.


  • 官方媒体报道听到贤妹的呼救声正在附近晾晒衣物孩子妈妈便迅速赶到事发现场,贤妹的呼救并没有得到其他人的响应。

    The child's mother, who was hanging up laundry nearby, came rushing to the scene after hearing Chen's calls, which had been ignored by others, according to state media.


  • 警方消息,犯罪嫌疑人47岁。尾随医生回家袭击医生后阳台跳楼自杀

    The 47-year-old suspect surnamed Liu followed Chen home, attacked him and then committed suicide by jumping off a balcony at Chen's home, according to the police.


  • 原来所在公司人员说,从此不再参加商业活动,因为集中精力寺庙学习

    Chen will no longer take part in business from now on as she concentrates on Buddhist studies at the monastery, according to staff from her company.


  • 国际循环》:韵岱教授了解损伤斑块检测进展如何?

    International Circulation: Professor Chen, what about in the case of vulnerable plaques detection?


  • 办案人员介绍,现年45岁的武汉

    According to personnel, the 45-year-old Chen was the Wuhan people.


  • 导演透露,电影围绕如何中国传统春节准备食物展开。

    The movie will focus on how to prepare food for the traditional Chinese Spring Festival, according to one of the directors, Chen Lei.


  • 交代,自己某某朋友关系,因经常打电话给女友影响了他们正常生活恼怒之下,编造了施某某患有艾滋病的事实

    According to his account, his relationship with shi Moumou as a friend, as she often called his girlfriend, affecting their normal life, Chen angry, fabricated the fact that shi Moumou with AIDS.


  • 交代,自己某某朋友关系,因经常打电话给女友影响了他们正常生活恼怒之下,编造了施某某患有艾滋病的事实

    According to his account, his relationship with shi Moumou as a friend, as she often called his girlfriend, affecting their normal life, Chen angry, fabricated the fact that shi Moumou with AIDS.


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