• 经纪人透露,目前有五家俱乐部想要引进莫滕-甘穆斯特-彼得森

    The race is on to sign Morten Gamst Pedersen and the top-five clubs in England want him, according to his agent.


  • 当地球员经纪人说,2009年以来,由于委内瑞拉国有石油巨头PD VSA开始赞助球队,艾米力克球员的工资上涨了30%左右。

    Since 2009, when PDVSA, Venezuela's state oil giant, began sponsoring it, Emelec's payroll has risen by about 30%, according to a local players' agent.


  • 传言加利亚尼打电话给 弗洛伦蒂诺 ·佩雷斯询问 迪亚拉,利诺奥马尔 ·蒂索内费尔南多父亲经纪人 ),米兰可能儿子签约。

    Rumours are that Adriano Galliani has phoned Florentino Perez for Lassana Diarra (26), but according to Lino Omar Tissone, the father and agent of Fernando, Milan could be making his move for his son.


  • 业内人士透露,已经有人想姚晨的微博中植入广告,并提出条微博至少支付给姚晨十万被其经纪人拒绝了。

    According to industry insiders, Yao has been offered at least 100, 000 yuan for each post featuring product placements, but her agent has refused all offers.


  • 加州不动产经纪人协会公布调查显示,一半以上消费者利用互联网服务购买他们的住宅

    More than half of all consumers use the Internet when buying a home, according to a survey released Tuesday by the California Assn. of Realtors.


  • NAR(国家房地产经纪人协会)说,这个房屋销售保持年度平均水平3.83百万。

    Home sales completed in the month stood at an annualised rate of 3.83 million, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR).


  • 美国周刊》报道,ABC电视台演员经纪人都尚未对此时发表评论

    The magazine reported that ABC and the actor's reps had no comment.


  • 总部汉城金融咨询公司FnGuide称,在2008年韩国股票经纪人撰写的17335篇报道中,14903篇出现了“买入建议不见“卖空”的任何身影。

    Of the 17,335 reports issued by South Korean brokers in 2008, there were 14,903 “buyrecommendations but not a single “sell”, according to FnGuide, a Seoul-based financial-information company.


  • 电视台报道显示交易中,经纪人会叫年轻女性母亲协调交易

    During their transaction, the agent called the young woman's mother to coordinate the deal, the TV report showed.


  • 罗比尼奥经纪人说,切尔西本周表示了对这位皇马球员兴趣

    Chelsea are set to step up their interest in Real Madrid forward Robinho this week, according to the player's agent.


  • 西雅图时报》报道,费城76人队已向艾弗森开出1年期的非保障合同正在等待他的经纪人答复

    The Philadelphia 76ers reportedly offered Allen Iverson a non-guaranteed contract for 1 year and are awaiting a response from Iverson's agent, the Seattle Times reported.


  • 舍甫琴科经纪人透露,如果切尔西俱乐部愿意舍甫琴科租借出去,那舍甫琴科重返米兰

    Chelsea striker Andriy Shevchenko will only return to Milan if the Blues are willing to let him go out on loan, according to his agent.


  • 经纪人说,意大利前锋回到首都的日子似乎指日可待

    The Italian could head straight to the capital as his agent welcomes the Lupi idea


  • 贝里经纪人表示,里贝里仍然非常渴望加盟阿森纳但是看来这个赛季末加盟可能性要比冬季转会期加盟的可能性大得多

    According to his agent, Franck Ribery is still very keen on joining Arsenal, but is more likely to join at the end of the season rather than in the January transfer window.


  • 交易成交记录编制美国房地产经纪人协会称,这是时间以来的最大增幅。

    That's the fastest clip in more than two years, according to the National Assn. of Realtors, which compiled the figures based on transaction closings.


  • 业内人士透露,已经有人想姚晨的微博中植入广告,并提出条微博至少支付给姚晨十万被其经纪人拒绝了。

    According to industry insiders, Yao has been offered at least 100,000 yuan for each post featuring product placements, but her agent has refused all offers.


  • 有人自称阿穆尼亚经纪人本周表示这位门将正在谋划着在一月转会西甲但是温格了解到的是,阿穆尼亚没有什么所谓的经纪人

    Someone claiming to be the Spaniard's agent this week stated the goalkeeper is seeking a January move back to La Liga but as far as Wenger is aware, Almunia doesn't even have an agent.


  • 有人自称阿穆尼亚经纪人本周表示这位门将正在谋划着在一月转会西甲但是温格了解到的是,阿穆尼亚没有什么所谓的经纪人

    Someone claiming to be the Spaniard's agent this week stated the goalkeeper is seeking a January move back to La Liga but as far as Wenger is aware, Almunia doesn't even have an agent.


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