• 研究人员介绍,如此细小的现象做成比较的病原体研究也还是一回。

    The plague studies marked the first time such small events have been imaged and compared, the researchers said.


  • NASA表示,这些冰层比较纯净而且至少英尺才能得到这样反馈信号

    According to NASA, the ice would have to berelatively pure ice and at least several feet thick to give this signature.


  • 披露,易卜拉欣正是这位摄影者,考虑到,那时利比亚还是国际比较穷的国家,这种潜在影响很严重

    Ibrahim, it transpired, was the culprit - and given that Libya was still, at the time, an international pariah, the ramifications were potentially serious.


  • 这个调查显示,产后抑郁症的母亲自己宣称,没有患产后抑郁症的母亲相比,她们睡眠比较,而且得到的家庭朋友帮助较少

    Some harmed themselves and others contemplated suicide. The survey found that mothers who suffered PND reported less sleep and less help from family and friends than non-sufferers.


  • 十堰晚报》报道,衡庭汉:“觉得打骂虐待工人工人工资只是比较的事情

    I felt it was a fairly small thing, just hitting and swearing at the workers and not giving them wages, ” Mr. Heng said, according to The Shiyan Evening News.


  • 这个调查显示,产后抑郁症的母亲自己宣称,没有患产后抑郁症的母亲相比,她们睡眠比较,而且得到的家庭和朋友的帮助较少

    The survey found that mothers who suffered PND reported less sleep and less help from family and friends than non-sufferers.


  • 形势比较了解的透露,GMIPO分配除了上汽之外,还包括34家主权财富基金

    GM's IPO allocations likely will include three or four sovereign wealth funds, in addition to SAIC, according to a person familiar with the situation.


  • 网站报道测试过程比较顺利:“见到电脑实际运行的的说法,测试表现超出预期。”

    And it’s ALIVE… er, um… tests are said to be going well: “According to this source who saw live A5 MacBook Air actually, this test machine performed better than expected, ” the site reports.


  • 讲,有些专门做食品一点儿酒吧(意大利语叫friggitorie),“他们用的其实就是中式炒锅,那种炸是轻煎,从烹饪的角度来讲比较好,用几次就可以放到一边,重新再换油。

    In some of the better friggitoriebars that specialize in fried foods — “they fry in what is essentially a wok, ” he added.


  • 其中位女孩妈妈说,女儿曾经一次考试成绩差,结果这位妈妈训斥了拿她的另一位同学比较

    According to one of the girls' mothers, her daughter once received a poor mark in an exam, and the mother blamed her and compared her performance with another classmate.


  • 术前术后状态(日本骨科协会评分)及术后并发症比较

    Preoperative and postoperative status (according to the Japanese Orthopaedic Association scoring system) and postoperative complications were compared between the two groups.


  • 论文关于把中国透视法它产生的空间之美,通过中国美术品的比较分析人类视觉机能和心象的关系检证。

    This treatise compares and analyses the perspective style and sense of dimension of the Chinese painting, and validates the relations between human visual functions and mental feelings.


  • 文中还给出了计算机程序框图,并将M_2模型模拟结果车头时距为负指数分布的M_1模型的模拟结果作了比较

    Then the simulation flow chart is given. A comparison between the simulation results based on M2 model and M1 model (exponential distribution model) is made.


  • 结果显示,男性眼里,比较小的女性的容貌更加姣好

    Women with smaller feet have prettier faces, at least according to the men who took part in this study.


  • 模糊三角概念构造判断矩阵模糊三角数比较大小的原理进行层次单排序;

    According to the concept of the triangular fuzzy number, this paper constructs a fuzzy judgement matrix.


  • 夏鸾翔是晚清较早研究微积分中算家,《致曲术》、《万象一原》,可知他在二次曲线求积问题得到了比较全面的成果有的超过《代微积拾级》,某些成果近似近代椭圆积分

    This paper discusses Xia's achievements on the integral problem about quadratic curve, some of which were similar to modern elliptic integral and surpassed the level of Dai-wei-ji.


  • 国际货币基金组织称,中国崛起全球经济冲击比较有限而且对全球经济带来的好处也许多观察家认为的要多。

    The impact of China's rise on the global economy will be more limited and also more beneficial than many observers suggest, according to the IMF.


  • 回忆青少年行为介绍比较草率模糊考虑到自己是教数学的,她认为讲这些已经足够了

    The introduction to teenage behavior was slapdash and vague, she recalls, but given that she was going to teach math, she figured it would suffice.


  • 卢仁法介绍,经过全国税务系统八十万干部的努力,今年全国工商税收收入任务提前十一超额完成总体情况比较好。

    's 800,000 cadres, the tasks of this year's national industrial and commercial tax revenue were fulfilled above quota and 11 days ahead of schedule, and the overall situation is good.


  • 本文以利奇语义理论为基础 ,比较分析了英汉品牌名称的命名理 ,从语言的角度研究得体的品牌名称对完善品牌形象 ,提高品牌价值的重要意义

    This essay tries to approach the relationship between appropriate brand names and semantic theories in view of Leechs meaning types by the comparison of English and Chinese brand names.


  • 本文以利奇语义理论为基础 ,比较分析了英汉品牌名称的命名理 ,从语言的角度研究得体的品牌名称对完善品牌形象 ,提高品牌价值的重要意义

    This essay tries to approach the relationship between appropriate brand names and semantic theories in view of Leechs meaning types by the comparison of English and Chinese brand names.


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