• 当地媒体报道科研人员穿着熊猫确保避免幼仔环境人为干扰。

    Researchers wear panda costumes to ensure that the cub's environment is devoid of human influence, according to local media.


  • 当地媒体报道北川地震遗址一日游31日开通费用为158每人

    A one-day trip to the Beichuan earthquake remains will be launched Saturday, charging RMB158 per capita, local media reported.


  • 当地媒体报道曾经严格执行的规定现如今许多学校都已经有所放宽

    But local media have reported that the once-strict requirement is being relaxed at many schools.


  • 据当地媒体报道,在4日彩排上,中国少林功夫()让现场观众惊叹不已。

    Local media say the Shaolin Kungfu wowed the audience Friday night during rehearsals as Chinese monks showed their wand and whip techniques (see cover photo).


  • 当地媒体报道迪拜市政巡逻员逮捕几十个乞讨者,此人只是其中之一

    The beggar was among dozens arrested by Dubai Municipality inspectors, local media reported.


  • 据当地媒体报道澳大利亚个人平均债务历史新高,首次超越美国高居全球第一。

    Australian households have record levels of debt and, for the first time, owe more per person than the US, the one-time debt capital of the world, Australian media reported.


  • 尽管昨天CNN无法证实这些报道是否属实,但当地媒体报道大约15死亡

    Local media reported that around 15 people were killed, although CNN couldn't confirm those reports yesterday.


  • 海滨小镇库马那有100多家商店发生哄抢事件,当地媒体报道至少有一死亡

    Over 100 shops in the coastal town of Cumana were hit and at least one person died according to local media.


  • 当地媒体报道意大利一名婚礼摄影师新郎新娘摆姿势拍照不慎被击中身亡

    A wedding photographer was accidentally shot dead in Italy after he asked the bride and groom to pose with guns, local media reported.


  • 据当地媒体报道英国基尔大学研究人员发现不断咒骂忍受疼痛时间更长。

    Scientists at Keele University in UK have found that people can withstand pain longer if they swear compared to when using inoffensive words.


  • 当地媒体报道上海从下月停止供应90号汽油减轻空气污染,为世博会创造良好环境。

    Shanghai will stop providing 90-octane gasoline starting next month to ease air pollution and create a cleaner 2010 World Expo, local media said.


  • 当地媒体报道上周末倾盆大雨持续了10个小时某个郊区还刮起了大风龙卷风

    The torrential downpour lasted 10 hours over the weekend, producing gusty winds and a tornado in one suburb, according to local media.


  • 当地媒体报道沙特阿拉伯正在起草一项法律,将首次允许女性律师出庭女性辩护。

    Saudi Arabia was drafting new rules to permit female lawyers to appear in court for the first time, local media reported.


  • 当地媒体报道上海一些住房项目最近几个星期降价30%左右,一些开发商已经难以偿还债务

    Some housing projects in Shanghai have already lowered prices by around 30 percent in recent weeks and some developers have run into problems repaying their debt, according to local media reports.


  • 当地媒体报道今冬明春上海设立临时避寒场所,让流浪乞讨等街头生活无着人员安全过冬

    Shanghai will set up temporary cold shelters this winter and next spring for homeless people to live through winter, local media reported.


  • 当地媒体报道,美国旧金山街区10日发生煤气管线爆炸事故,爆炸引发大火,已造成至少6死亡

    At least 6 people were killed Friday when a gas pipeline exploded and set off a fire that engulfed a neighborhood near San Francisco, local media reproted.


  • 当地媒体报道莫斯科少年最近流行起一种新的疯狂玩法——跳上地铁尾部跟随地铁穿越隧道。

    Russian teenagers are risking their lives in a deadly new craze - clinging to the back of Moscow underground trains as they hurtle through darkened tunnels, local media reported.


  • 当地媒体报道印度北部东部地区遭受寒流袭击,已造成300多人死亡,多数是无家可归人员穷人

    Cold waves sweeping northern and eastern India claimed more than 300 lives, mostly homeless and the poor, local media reported.


  • 当地媒体报道澳大利亚昆士兰州名20岁男子近日与其爱狗——一只5岁的拉布拉多犬结婚

    A 20-year-old man from Queensland in Australia married his best friend - a 5-year-old Labrador, local media reported.


  • 当地媒体报道美国联邦调查局计划纽约时代广场电子屏幕上发布通缉犯失踪人员照片姓名

    The US FBI plans to unveil a digital billboard in Times Square, New York, featuring photos and names of fugitives and missing persons, local media said.


  • 当地媒体报道由于气候环境等原因,素以水流湍急而闻名世的江西庐山瀑布近些年来水量锐减

    The flow of the waterfall on Lushan Mountain, Jiangxi, has declined sharply in recent years because of poor environmental protection and climate change, local media reported.


  • 当地媒体报道美国佛罗里达州日前举办饮用水大赛,请来专业品尝师鉴定各个城市送来水样。

    A drinking water contest was held in the US state of Florida, with professional taste testers sampling water from several cities in search of the best tasting H2O, local media reported.


  • 当地媒体报道超强飓风25日袭击印度东部省邦,造成24死亡,数百座房屋,受灾人数超过11万。

    A strong hurricane hit the eastern part of India Monday, killing 24 people, destroying hundreds of houses and affecting more than 110000 people, local media reported.


  • 当地媒体报道最近重庆洋人的安保巡逻队伍中,出现了3名体格健壮的印度大汉,引来大批市民上前合影

    Three strong Indian men patrolled Foreigners' Street in Chongqing recently, attracting many residents to take photos with them, local media reported.


  • 当地媒体报道最近重庆洋人的安保巡逻队伍中,出现了3名体格健壮的印度大汉,引来大批市民上前合影

    Three strong Indian men patrolled Foreigners' Street in Chongqing recently, attracting many residents to take photos with them, local media reported.


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