• 几乎任何人体大脑造成损害的因素——基因突变脑部损伤——都容易使人们变得自私不那么友善。

    Almost anything that messes up your body or your brain-10 mutations, brain damage, brain injury-tends to make people more selfish and less kind.


  • 他们发现细胞损伤相关处标记出现显著下降这种细胞损伤造成大脑肌肉肝脏肾脏功能损害会造成皮肤的老化。

    They found a significant decrease in a marker associated with cell damage, which can cause impaired brain, muscle, liver and kidney function as well as ageing effects on the skin.


  • 尽管进食过量使得大脑呆滞导致头脑长期损伤,可是摄入的卡路里太少可以损害大脑的功能

    While overindulging can make the brain sluggish and lead to long-term detriments to your brain, too few calories can also impair brain function.


  • 一项最新研究显示,软饮料除了破坏体型损伤骨骼外,损害我们皮肤是因为软饮料中含有磷酸盐加速衰老进程

    Aside from being damaging for our figure and our bones, it turns out that fizzy drinks are also bad for our skin, for they contain phosphate, which speeds up the aging process, a recent study cited.


  • 损伤不会有选择损害自传式记忆,更别提召回那些逝去的记忆了。

    But a brain injury doesn't selectively impair autobiographical memory-much less bring it back.


  • 经得住不会某物而损害磨损是指平常使用收到损伤

    Withstand means not be damaged by somethingand wear and tear means damage as a result of ordinary use.


  • 格拉德维尔论述认知神经学家安东尼奥·达马西奥(AntonioDamasio)著名案例,即腹内前额皮质(ventromedial prefrontal cortex)的损伤导致行为能力的丧失,但智力没有受到损害

    Gladwell discusses the famous cases of cognitive neuroscientist Antonio Damasio where damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex caused nonfunctional behavior without impairing intelligence.


  • 细胞出现了遗传损伤太阳紫外线造成DNA损害,这认为其自毁

    When cells become genetically damaged - such as the DNA damage caused by the sun's ultraviolet rays - they're supposed to self-destruct.


  • 阀门缺点尽管一代阀门改进排除由于粗暴关闭造成的损害问题比较严重的问题,但它们不能完全防止机械损伤

    Valve Disadvantages: Although the improvements to this generation of valves eliminate the more serious problems of damage from abusive closing, they are not totally immune to abuse.


  • 结论辅酶Q 10对光损伤引起视网膜损害细胞凋亡有较好的防护作用

    Coenzyme Q10 plays an important role in preventing the photic injury of retina and optic cell apoptosis.


  • 人身伤害情况下,非财产损害应与受害人苦楚及其身体精神健康损伤相符。

    In cases of personal injury, non-pecuniary damage corresponds to the suffering of the victim and the impairment of his bodily or mental health.


  • 拥有者总是把它保存在对它损害最低的状态如果受到损伤使它复原。

    The owner preserves it under conditions that will minimize change, and he will restore the painting if it is damaged.


  • 闪电很高电压电流量引起严重损害损伤

    Lightning has very high voltage and high amperage and can cause severe damage or injury.


  • 结论儿童患者出现神经系统损害表现脊髓积气,伴有脊柱韧带损伤即使没有骨折征象,也要怀疑存在骨折。

    Conclusion. In the pediatric patient presenting with neurologic deficits and pneumorachis, ligamentous injury of the spine, even in the absence of bony injury, should be suspected.


  • 背景创伤白细胞(PMN)激活导致宿主组织损害器官损伤关键步骤。

    Background: Actiation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) is a critical eent leading to host tissue injury and organ damage after trauma.


  • 近年来,有关损伤内源性损害因子脑保护因子研究成为热点,而细胞因子其间扮演重要角色

    In recent years, researches on endogenous brain-damaging factors and brain -protecting factors have become a hot spot, in which, cytokines have played an important role.


  • 结论心电图改变血清ck - MB活性变化两者结合从不同侧面反映颅脑损伤后心肌损害程度

    Conclusion the changes in electrocardiogram and serum CK-MB can reveal the myocardial damage and its severity in the patients with craniocerebral injury.


  • 最新研究显示经常食用快餐油炸食品不仅会让人肥胖,损害肝脏,而且对肝脏的损伤类似肝炎

    A new study shows that regularly eating fast food isn't just bad for your waistline, it can also damage your liver in ways that are surprisingly similar to hepatitis.


  • 结果:胆减轻乙醇所致黏膜损伤抑制溃疡形成改善黏膜组织学损害

    Results: DWN could lessen gastric mucous injury, inhibit ulcerous formation and improve pathological changes of damaged gastric mucosa induced by alcohol.


  • 结论颅脑损伤引起明显的心肌损害

    Conclusion Brain injury can lead to myocardial damage.


  • 结论鹅膏蕈毒素可引起氧化损伤作用白藜芦醇可减轻这种损害程度。

    Objective: To explore the oxidative damage induced by phalloides and the protective effect of white pigweed mellow on the damage.


  • 目的研究损伤血浆组织匀浆中孤啡肽含量变化急性损害中的作用。

    Objective Study on the changes of Orphanin FQ in the plasma and nephridium organizes of rat with Brian trauma, and to explore the effects of Orphanin FQ on acute nephridium injury.


  • 这些结果说明,细胞外能够直接损害小管上皮细胞不是通过损伤细胞膜方式来实现的。

    It is concluded that high extracellular calcium can injure renal tubular cells, but not by the way of destroying the plasma membrane integrity.


  • 结论辅酶Q 10对光损伤引起视网膜损害细胞凋亡有较好的防护作用

    Conclusion Coenzyme Q10 plays an important role in preventing the photic injury of retina and optic cell apoptosis.


  • 结论缓慢牵伸周围神经造成的临床损害可逆的,而且这种损伤在牵伸8大部分恢复正常

    Conclusion the subclinical damage of peripheral nerve during limb lengthening are temporary reversible and can recover to normal after 8 weeks of lengthening.


  • 方法采用损伤穹隆—海马伞的方法造成胆碱能系统损害学习记忆障碍痴呆模型

    Method: the senile dementia model with learning-memory disorders was built by cutting off the fornix-fimbria hippocampi to damage the cholinergic system.


  • 方法采用损伤穹隆—海马伞的方法造成胆碱能系统损害学习记忆障碍痴呆模型

    Method: the senile dementia model with learning-memory disorders was built by cutting off the fornix-fimbria hippocampi to damage the cholinergic system.


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