• 2008年初来自加州大学河滨分校以及斯坦福大学地震学家们发起成立的地震捕捉者网络(QCN)激起了好奇心

    His curiosity was sparked by the Quake-Catcher Network (QCN) when it was launched in early 2008 by seismologists from the University of California, Riverside, and Stanford University.


  • 一个简单手势说话声调这位日本捕捉全部含义

    From a simple gesture or the speaker's tone of voice, the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning.


  • 调查设置6架隐蔽摄影机,用于捕捉狮子影像他们发现了狮子踪迹

    The researchers set out six camera traps capturing images of lions, and they identified lion tracks.


  • 削减因为尽管大虾苏格兰主要捕获物)数量充足,但捕虾捕捉鳕鱼

    Prawn-catchers will be cut back too because, though prawns (Scotland's main catch) are plentiful, those who fish for them also snare cod.


  • 摄影小贴士捕捉亲密瞬间摄影师必须学会获取被摄信任,还要学会在适当的时候自己“隐身”,生活得以自然地展开

    Photo Tip: to capture an intimate moment, the photographer must learn how to earn the trust of the subject, as well as when to "disappear" and let life unfold.


  • 燃煤喜爱一个绿色外衣提出这样的前景利用捕捉储藏排放出来的碳很快就清除埋入地下

    The other greenwash favoured by coal-burners is to hold out the prospect that emissions will soon be cleaned up and buried under ground using carbon capture and storage.


  • 英格·莫拉斯则捕捉到拉·戈隆德里纳作精彩的地上后卧鱼。过有弗拉明戈舞蹈表演尝试过这个动作。

    The dancer La Golondrina is caught by Inge Morath in a dramatic backbend on the floor; I have yet to see any flamenco dancer try this in performance.


  • 日本计划下月南极捕捉50头驼背

    Japanese whale hunters plan to capture 50 humpback whales in the Antarctic in the coming months.


  • 捕捉记录工作组定义模型文档编写

    A scribe to capture and document the model as it's defined in the workshop.


  • 一个客机挟持可能录像捕捉到,机票其它告密,让我们找出身份

    An airline hijacker might be caught on video or leave behind a ticket or other telltale clue to his identity.


  • 不管怎样不是一个镜头捕捉到的穿越时空了。

    And in any case, she's not the first time traveler to be captured on film.


  • 片文章中,分享一些自己关于如何通过捕捉游览留意的游览爱上你的网站捉住他们视线的想法

    In this article, I will be sharing some of my ideas on how can you let your viewers love your site and tease their eyes by making your home page capture viewers' attention.


  • 鲨鱼禁令许多反对他们愿意支持一项不许捕捉整个鲨鱼的禁令。

    Many opponents of the shark fin ban say they would support a ban on the entire shark.


  • 服务提供拥有一个属性能够捕捉位置信息尽管意思具体的实现而定的。

    A service provider has a property that captures information about its location, although the meaning of this is implementation-dependent.


  • 历史推动无论是先进技术、人口变化还是环境崩溃仍然是难以捕捉的猎物。

    The driver of history - whether it be the bettermousetrap, change in population, or environmental collapse - will remain anelusive prey.


  • 在那儿恶作剧受害称为四月”,也许春天出生的幼鱼容易捕捉有关。

    Victims there were known as "April fish," possibly due to the ease with which newborn fish could be caught in the spring.


  • 交易员们说,一旦散户投资捕捉到了一种趋势那么这种趋势可能就要发生变化了。

    A remark often made by traders is that once individual investors catch on to a trend, it is likely to have peaked.


  • 这样说来,我们有点像e计划里,设置大批计划行路狼,只不过我们视图捕捉的是一整群人

    We're kind of like Wile E. Coyote plotting a batch of schemes to capture the road runner, only we're trying to catch an entire flock.


  • 最后MIDI输入应用程序通过捕捉MIDI命令他们发布代理充当信息提供,这些MIDI命令是通过键盘这样控制器输入的。

    Finally, a MIDI input application ACTS as an information provider by capturing MIDI commands entered via a controller such as a keyboard and publishing them to the broker.


  • 1892年发明网板拖网被安装上时,使捕鱼能够拖动于被帆船捕捉的捕获物。

    When fitted with an otter trawl, invented in 1892, it enabled fishermen to haul in six times the catch of a sailing ship.


  • 采用3DV摄像机设计的拳击游戏是从电视机上部捕捉玩家使用打击对手躲避对方击打准确度高出很多。

    A boxing game using 3dv's camera focused on the players from atop a TV set, allows users to hit an opponent with far greater accuracy, and to duck a punch.


  • 然而检测捕捉入侵能力却并非同样普遍

    The ability to detect and catch a perpetrator, however, is less common.


  • 色彩捕捉游览注意力特别是如果它们适当的方式使用

    Colors capture viewers' attention, especially if they are used in an appropriate manner.


  • 希望参与地震捕捉试验访问组织网址获取软件传感器详细信息

    Readers wishing to take part in the quake-catching experiment should visit the organisers' website for details of the software and sensor.


  • 因此捕捉大鱼留下鱼,这个渔场管理渴望恢复鱼存量普遍原则可能错误的。

    Take the big and leave the young, a common principle of fisheries managers eager to rebuild stocks, may therefore be a mistake.


  • 鼓励摄影捕捉活生生海洋精髓——多彩的物种繁多常常充满惊喜英国海岸野生动物及其栖息地

    Photographers are urged to capture the essence ofliving seas’ – the colourful, diverse and often surprising wildlife and habitats found around UK coasts.


  • 迄今为止,只有少量小规模研究面向的——部分是由于他们难以捕捉

    To date, only a handful of small studies have looked at short sleepers-in part because they're hard to find.


  • 明白一旦展现了自身不幸信号就能捕捉照片里,”一个生于澳大利亚女性主义吉曼•基尔2005年这样写道

    "I understood that as soon as I exhibited any signs of distress, she would have her picture," wrote Germaine Greer, an Australian-born feminist, in 2005.


  • 明白一旦展现了自身不幸信号就能捕捉照片里,”一个生于澳大利亚女性主义吉曼•基尔2005年这样写道

    "I understood that as soon as I exhibited any signs of distress, she would have her picture," wrote Germaine Greer, an Australian-born feminist, in 2005.


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