• 他们承诺,他们捍卫美国法律

    They promised that they would defend the laws of the United States.


  • 美国为了捍卫美国及其盟友伙伴核心利益极端情况下考虑使用核武器。

    The United States would only consider the use of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States or its Allies and partners.


  • 女性军人已经面临过现实战斗证明了她们高昂的斗志捍卫美国同胞的决心。

    Female service members have faced the reality of combat, proven their willingness to fight and yes to die to defend their fellow Americans.


  • 首先毫不犹豫地使用军事力量如果有必要的话为了捍卫美国核心利益可能会是单边行动

    First, he will never hesitate to use military power, unilaterally if necessary, in defence of the nation's core interests.


  • 世界非常需要美国领导明白只有具有优雅智慧的领导人带领下,我们才能成功捍卫美国利益

    There is great need for American leadership in the world, and I understand that only by exercising that leadership with grace and wisdom can we be successful in safeguarding our interests.


  • 比如激怒朋友认为应该抨击查韦斯捍卫美国决不能盲目地搬用马克思所谓劳动价值理论

    For instance, I like to provoke my friends, who think I am attacking Chavez and defending the United States. But you cannot mechanically apply Marx's so-called labor theory of value.


  • 海豹队金色老鹰,两脚分别叉,围绕着海所组成。 (海锚代表美国海军,老鹰则代表美国自由的精神,枪象徵着捍卫美国的坚定信念,鱼叉则代表海豹蛙人在海上战斗的本能。)

    The Special Warfare insignia consists of a golden eagle clutching a U.S. Navy anchor, trident, and flintlock style pistol.


  • 然而其他学者则认为,有组织劳工一直捍卫白人工人相对非裔美国工人的相对特权地位

    Other scholars, however, have portrayed organized labor as defending all along the relatively privileged position of White workers relative to African American workers.


  • 公司捍卫很多他们喜欢引用美国的口号:”如果,就不要修理它。”

    Defenders of the Corporation—of whom there are many—are fond of quoting the American slogan "If it ain' t broke, don't fix it."


  • 美国已经作出了迄今为止坚定的决定,企图捍卫他的税基

    America has made by far the most determined attempt to defend its tax base.


  • 我们责任信守这项承诺;为了我们老人残疾人以及所有美国捍卫社会保障法》,今天明天直至永远。

    We have an obligation to keep that promise; to safeguard Social Security for our seniors, people with disabilities, and all Americans - today, tomorrow, and forever.


  • 2000年,乔治·布什聘请选举捍卫自己佛罗里达利益最近请他审视美国伊拉克战争泥沼中脱身办法

    George Bush recruited him to defend his interests in Florida during the disputed election of 2000, and more recently to examine ways out of America's morass in Iraq.


  • 正是因为美国男女军人捍卫和平,所以将来不再战争,不再有人丧失亲人,不再有人流泪

    There will never be a full account of the wars never fought, the losses never suffered, the tears never shed because American men and women stood guard for peace.


  • 每个孩子明白,这些勇敢美国战场上捍卫的福祉是无法平白得到享有作为这个国家公民的伟大特权之际,重责大任也随之而来。

    And I want every child to understand that the blessings thesebrave Americans fight for are not free—that with the greatprivilege of being a citizen of this nation comes greatresponsibility.


  • 奎因1940年逝世,享年52,曾美国歧视黑人现象最严重的时期勇敢地捍卫种族平等甚至在天主教会内为黑人信徒争取利益。

    Monsignor Quinn, who died in 1940 at age 52, championed racial equality at a time when discrimination against blacks was ubiquitous in America, even inside the Catholic Church.


  • 他们各执一词,但是谢尔巴一类财阀一边美国人民会站在朋克这边捍卫他们自己利益

    Whatever they say, the fact is that people like Mr. Shelby are on the side of the plutocrats; the American people should be on the side of the punks, who are trying to protect their interests.


  • 我们继续萨拉·林,参议员吉姆·宁,史蒂夫·福布斯,还有东北肯塔基捍卫生命权组织和美国拥枪者协会等保守主义阵营得到支持

    We’ll stick with Rand Paul’s conservative endorsements from Sarah Palin, Senator Jim Bunning, Steve Forbes, Northern Kentucky Right to Life and GunOwners of America.


  • 但是,最近的消息显示半岛电视台的掌门人对于美国关心的问题做出了坦诚专业回应捍卫了半岛电视台的全球覆盖率承诺某些个案进行调查

    But a close reading shows that al Jazeera's boss responded frankly and professionally to American concerns, defending overall coverage but promising to investigate specific complaints.


  • 2010年,国双双再次显示了强劲的出口增长捍卫自己地位出口方面远远领先于美国

    In 2010 both nations again showed strong export growth and defended their positions, well ahead of the US in exports.


  • 值此阵亡将士纪念日,我们捍卫我们自由作战牺牲世世代代美国人表示我们的敬意

    On this Memorial Day, we honor the generations of Americans who have fought and died to defend our freedom.


  • 甚至还要它们相当于这样授权:让她去捍卫经常贬损那个美国,一个既富有同情心又善于协作体面国家。

    I'd go even further and say that they amount to a mandate, which is this: to safeguard the very America - compassionate, collaborative, decent - that he routinely degrades.


  • 16获奖者中引人注目JosephMedicineCrow,他是历史学家美国印第安文化捍卫祖父比格霍恩河战役(LittleBig Horn)中担任卡斯特(Custer)将军的侦察兵。

    The most striking figure among the 16 was Joseph Medicine Crow, a historian and champion of American Indian culture whose grandfather had been a scout with Custer at the battle of Little Big Horn.


  • 16获奖者中引人注目JosephMedicineCrow,他是历史学家美国印第安文化捍卫祖父比格霍恩河战役(LittleBig Horn)中担任卡斯特(Custer)将军的侦察兵。

    The most striking figure among the 16 was Joseph Medicine Crow, a historian and champion of American Indian culture whose grandfather had been a scout with Custer at the battle of Little Big Horn.


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