• 分析挤扩盘桩可靠指标主要影响因素

    The major influencing factors of reliable index of squeezed branch pile are analyzed.


  • 作为一种新型,具有优良的工程特性。

    The squeezed branch and plate pile is a type of special figure pile.


  • 本文主要介绍了挤扩支盘桩特征承载力计算工程实例

    This paper mainly introduces its features, calculation of bearing capacity and some engineering examples.


  • 介绍新型直径灌注——挤扩支盘桩工作原理主要优缺点。

    The paper introduces the working principle and the merits and drawbacks of new-type variational diameter cast-in-place piles-the piles with plates by compaction and the piles with plates by rotation.


  • 从理论上分析影响荷载传递性状因素推导盘桩荷载传递的理论公式

    Influential the factors of the load transmission characteristics are analyzed theoretically, and the load transmission theoretical formula with squeezed branch pile is inferred.


  • 工程实践表明采用盘桩解决地下建筑抗浮问题一种比较经济合理的新方法

    A practical project is analyzed in technique and economy, it shows that it is very economical and reasonable that squeezed branch pile is used to solve the...


  • 大型有限元软件ABAQUS分析了的抗拔特性,抗压特性进行了比较

    The extraction-resistant behaviors of squeezed branch piles are analyzed with large FEM software ABAQUS and compared to the compression-resistant behaviors.


  • 通过挤扩试验和测试的结果,分析竖向荷载作用下的荷载传递机理

    The mechanism of load transfer on the vertical loading through the analysis of squeezed branch piles' field static loading test is analyzed.


  • 用双曲线方法110根扩支盘极限承载力进行预测与直杆预测结果进行对比

    This paper predicate the ultimate bearing capacity of squeezed branch pile based on 110 pile from different site by hyperbola method, and compare with the results of the friction pile's.


  • 基于全国各地场地支盘等直径对比试验资料挤扩支盘桩承载性能进行了分析。

    Based on the contrastive experimental data between DX piles and equal-diameter piles at the same sites all over the country, this paper has a study on the bearing behaviors of DX piles.


  • 再次,运用二维轴对称有限元以及有限元法,系统分析支盘承载变形性状

    Thirdly, the bearing and deformation characteristics of single and group piles are investigated by means of axisymmetric finite element analysis (FEA) and three-dimensional FEA.


  • 根据载荷试验结果全面系统分析了扩支盘桩承载机理荷载传递性状FEM模拟结果。

    Bearing mechanism, loading transfer behavior and results of FEM simulation of squeezed branch pile are analyzed systematically in this paper based on results of static loading test.


  • 根据挤扩实际工作性状,设计了一个室内模型试验装置研究支盘桩不同土层中的荷载传递规律

    According to the actual work situation of the piles with branch plates, a model test equipment is designed to research load transfer mechanism of the piles with branch plates in different soil layers.


  • 介绍新型型,初步分析特点,并用工程实例分析了大型工业民用建筑中的应用

    This paper introduces the new squeezed branch pile, Preliminary analysis its characteristic, and introduced it through the project example in the project application.


  • 通过挤扩支盘对土层适应性、单承载力、节约材料环保性能分析说明挤扩支盘较好的技术经济效益。

    The advantages of squeezing-enlarges pile are demonstrated by analyzing its soil adaptability, pile bearing capacity, material saving and environment.


  • 由于人们挤扩支盘桩研究较晚及其复杂的受力特性挤扩支盘桩理论研究实际应用过程还有许多问题值得探讨

    Because the late study and the complex bearing characteristics, it also remains many questions in the process of theory research and practical application to be worth discussing.


  • 根据受力机理,应用荷载传递理论分层总和计算沉降的概念,提出一种支盘不等臂钻孔灌注基础沉降计算方法。

    According to mechanics character of expanded branches and plates and load transfer theory, a method of expanded branches and plates pile foundation settlement calculation is present.


  • 采用挤扩支盘-土-结构体系进行振动台模型试验,了解震动激励体系抗震性能以及支盘桩对结构体系的抗拉、抗压及抗扭曲的作用

    The dynamic interaction of pile-soil-structure in liquefiable site, especially, the seismic response on pile, are studied with the method of whole dynamic finite elements under seismic condition.


  • 通过载荷试验证明挤扩由于不同位置设置多个,使其荷载传递性状发生根本改变,因而的承载力及沉降等方面也发生了变化。

    It is proved by loading test that the loading transfer behavior of squeezed branch piles has changed because at different places of the pile body are located many branches or disks.


  • 本文采用平衡静载荷试验基础上,分别对浙江嘉兴湖州两个工程中的同一场地挤扩支盘灌注与普通直孔灌注进行对比试验研究。

    To study vertical bearing behavior of the foundation, a shaft diaphragm wall foundation of bridge in loess area was tested for bearing capacity by use of the self-balanced method.


  • 通过挤扩灌注载荷试验,寻求挤扩支盘灌注基础杭州地区应用可行性

    By performing a static load experiment on cast-in-place with branches and plates pile, the paper discusses the feasibility of cast-in-place with branches and plates pile in Hangzhou area.


  • 通过挤扩灌注载荷试验,寻求挤扩支盘灌注基础杭州地区应用可行性

    By performing a static load experiment on cast-in-place with branches and plates pile, the paper discusses the feasibility of cast-in-place with branches and plates pile in Hangzhou area.


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