• 以上一步都有可能出错你的心模型可能无法电脑状态相同步,或者可能按钮名字

    At every step something can go wrong, your mental model can get out of sync with the state of the computer, or you might remember a button name incorrectly.


  • 用户记录都有一个按钮读出名字

    Each user's record has a button to pronounce the name.


  • 要么一个一个把他们名字进去,要么按“选择多个朋友”的按钮一次性好几个人加入列表

    You can either start typing in names one by one or click on "Select Multiple Friends" to add several people to the list all at once.


  • 标注一个按钮名字提交还是保存或者更新还是新建创建

    Do you label a button Submit or Save or Update or New or Create?


  • 点击class旁边按钮这个名字输入Root这个例子是这样

    Click the button beside the class box and type in the name of the root class: root, for this example.


  • SimpleGWTApp随后定义一个文本框按钮可以使用它们输入某人名字发送一句问候语(参见清单10)。

    The SimpleGWTApp class then defines a textbox and button, which you can use to input someone's name and send them a greeting (see Listing 10).


  • 点击映射模型文件名字旁边New或者点击浏览按钮(…)来选择已存在映射模型,来创建一个新的映射模型,如图13所

    Create a new mapping model by clicking new, next to the mapping model file name, or select an existing mapping model by clicking the browse button (...), as shown in Figure13.


  • 我们知道可能开发人员某天修改q s名字或者他们可能使用搜索按钮不同gif文件应当创建一个模块这件事情

    Knowing it's possible that the developers might someday change the name of the qs field, or that they might use a different search button GIF file, you should create a module to do this work for you.


  • 用户Web表单输入名字(例如Bill Higgins),单击提交按钮

    A user enters a name (for example, Bill Higgins) in a Web form and clicks a Submit button.


  • 注意更改提交按钮名字追踪细节信息保存TrackingDetailEntry.jsp

    Note: Change the name of the submit button from submit to tracking details and save TrackingDetailEntry.jsp.


  • 当然列表中删除站点功能,只要站点名字右侧点击x按钮

    There is also the possibility to delete a site from your list, by clicking the 'x' button - right of the site name.


  • 调整逻辑需要面板单击名字然后单击中间面板的EditProperties按钮

    To resize a logical volume, you click its name in the left panel, then click the Edit Properties button that appears in the middle panel.


  • DominoWebAccess客户机提供CheckName按钮来对Toccbc c域中当前内容进行名字解析

    The Domino Web Access client provides the Check name button to perform name resolution against information currently residing in the to, cc, or BCC fields.


  • 查看名字排序联系人列表单击Sortby Firstname按钮

    To see the list of contacts sorted by first name, click the Sort by Firstname button.


  • 点击newStyle按钮提供一个名字

    Click on the New Style... button and provide a name.


  • 机身上没有按钮,只有一个电源开关这个开关同样也能控制歌曲顺序还是乱续(shuffle)播放就像它名字所指

    There are no buttons, for instance-only a power switch that also controls whether songs are played in sequence or "shuffled," as the name implies.


  • 注意按钮首先会出现drawer,您刚刚选择图标也会显示出来新的文本标签会拖入使用而不是标签名字

    You will notice the button now appears first in the drawer, the icon you just selected is shown, and your new text label is used instead of the tag name.


  • 光标置于数组(例中m),单击样子为一对眼镜按钮speedbar出现显示数组的名字类型

    Place the cursor on the array namem, in this case — and click on the button showing a pair of glasses. If it is not present already, the speedbar should appear and display the array name and type.


  • 修改按钮控件中的名字鼠标置于上方时显示帮助提示右键单击按钮控件,然后选择Control。

    To change the name on the button control and the help tip displayed when the mouse is over it, right-click the button control and select control.


  • Mike是一个销售经理,当打开我们的CRM软件,他看到一个登陆界面...登陆界面建议提供“记住我”复选框。 如果Mike在点击登陆按钮之前选择了复选框,我们的软件将记住并且在下次来到登陆界面自动填写他的名字

    our software will remember and auto-fill his username the next time he comes to the login screen.


  • 可以通过点击已经存在名字右边的+按钮创建新的,记住,关卡同一时刻只能指定一个层。

    You can create new layers by clicking the + button to the right of the existing layer names. Each level can only be assigned to one layer at a time.


  • 还要一个编辑按钮打开编辑器,修改这位英雄名字超能力

    There should also be an edit button that opens up an editor to change the name and superpower of our hero.


  • 可以改变当前用户选择名字名单上ok按钮

    Also you can change current user by selecting the name in the list and pressing the OK button.


  • 最后一步保存点击保存按钮(象软盘那个按钮)然的一个名字

    The final step is to save the new table. Click the save button (the icon of the floppy) and give the new table the name Movies.


  • 点击账户名字下面一行编辑按钮更改你的支付类型ID并且保存更改

    Click the Edit button next to your name in your account to update your payout type and ID and SAVE changes.


  • 点击账户名字下面一行编辑按钮更改你的支付类型ID并且保存更改

    Click the Edit button next to your name in your account to update your payout type and ID and SAVE changes.


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