• 计程车按时到达我们登车而去。

    The taxi that he had ordered duly arrived, and we drove off.


  • 棕榈岛集团欠银行的债务,包括双边银团贷款足额按时偿还。

    Nakheel's bankers, including bilateral and syndicated lenders, will be paid in full but not on time.


  • 第二按时在走廊里走动房间出来,陪走回的病房。

    The next day as I made my scheduled walk, he came out and walked with me to my room.


  • 管理财务部员工活动确保所有日常事务报告程序都被准确按时地完成

    To manage the Accounting Department staff and activities ensuring that all routines and reporting procedures are completed accurately and on a timely basis.


  • 授完权就走人可以管理者必须监督授权结果以便确保任务能够准确按时地完成

    It's not enough to simply delegate a task and go away; managers must also monitor the results of the delegation to ensure that the tasks are being performed correctly and on time.


  • 拥有任务详细步骤不仅有助于确保正确按时完成任务,而且还有助于让那些工作人员暂时替代其他人员

    Having detailed steps of the tasks helps ensure that the tasks are done correctly and on time but also helps those staff members filling in for other people.


  • 一个很简单事实如果承诺太多,你就永远无法变得高效。你让自己承受的太多,以致于你无法搞定所有的事情至少无法完美或者按时完成

    It's a simple fact that you can never be productive if you take on too many commitments - you simply spread yourself too thin and will not be able to get anything done, at least not well or on time.


  • 拘于礼数准备妥当,按时门厅入口处等候

    He was punctilious about being ready and waiting in the entrance hall exactly on time.


  • 按时完成任务,一直快马加鞭工作

    I've been working like nobody's business to get it finished in time.


  • 这种行政日历用于安排税收或者其他的需要按时交纳的东西

    This administrative calendar was much easier to use for things like scheduling taxes and other things that had to be paid on time.


  • 我们拼命干,按时完成这项工作。

    We worked like crazy to get it done on time.


  • 量的研究表明,按时完成家庭作业,孩子们可以更好记住课堂上所学的知识,而家庭作业本身在培养孩子的学习能力,如独立思考和创造力方面发挥着重要作用。

    A great number of researches do show that kids can remember what they have learned in class better by finishing their homework on time and homework itself plays an important role in developing their learning shills, such as independent thinking and creativity.


  • 飞机每天精确刻表飞行各条航线上。

    Planes fly daily over regular routes with timetable precision.


  • 这个过程可以计划重复运行或者业务流程任何其他服务使用者作为服务(重复调用

    This process can run (repeatedly) on a time schedule or it can be invoked (repeatedly) as a service from a business process or any other service consumer.


  • 首先迁移重要功能使决策者更自由控制迁移过程按时实现关键功能。

    Migrating important features first helps the decision makers to feel more at ease with the process to see their key features implemented in a timely manner.


  • 彻夜不眠清理账目未能按时完成

    He plodded away all night at the accounts but didn't finish them in time.


  • 由于日志中包含按时间顺序排列的近期数据修改记录就简单查看最近被修改的那部分元数据。

    Since the journal contains a chronological log of all recent meta-data changes, it simply inspects those portions of the meta-data that have been recently modified.


  • 疯狂试图明白问题所在以便可以按时驾车上班

    You frantically try to figure out the problem, so you can get to work on time.


  • 项目开发阶段发现问题显著降低了修补缺陷成本增加了生产代码质量并且有助于团队按时交付应用程序

    Detecting problems in the development phase of a project significantly reduces the cost of fixing defects, increases the quality of produced code, and helps the team deliver the application on time.


  • 流程可重复性非常重要,因为组织必须一致系统应用软件流程,按时预算内交付高质量产品服务。

    Process repeatability is important, because the software process has to be applied consistently and methodically for organizations to deliver high-quality products or projects on time and on budget.


  • 如果按时这个法子来整理自己脑袋很快自然而然养成习惯,你高兴发现自己已经变成一个可以潇洒面对人生起落的酷哥酷姐了。

    If you play this head sorting game regularly it will soon become very natural to you and you can rejoice in becoming one of those chilled out lovelies who can go with the flow of life.


  • 已经把一切计划安排妥当,分派任务整个项目应当可以顺利按时完成

    You might have everything planned and scheduled, with smaller tasks delegated so the whole project will be done right on time.


  • 尽早客户提供应用程序代码可以减少由于应用程序没有按时交付所造成风险

    For some of our clients, providing working application code sooner helped alleviate for them the risk that the application couldn't be delivered in time.


  • 道格拉斯来说无限可能性实践按时完成写作困难总是不安靠在一起。

    For Douglas, the infinite possibilities and the practical difficulties of getting material written and meeting deadlines sat uncomfortably alongside each other.


  • 你想想有没有人每次都要把事情拖最后一秒才完成并且发疯般到处跑来跑去同时又想按时完成每件事?

    Imagine someone always leaving stuff to the last minute and madly running around trying to get everything done on time?


  • 找到自己的那种,你就可以按时它们同时不间断尝试一些其他水果蔬菜

    When you find one you like (and you will) eat it regularly, while continuously trying other fruits/veggies.


  • 专业着装按时上下班勤奋努力等这些基本要求是否能够一如既往,坚定做好?

    Are you absolutely solid on basics like professional appearance, attendance, and diligence at work?


  • 专业着装按时上下班勤奋努力等这些基本要求是否能够一如既往,坚定做好?

    Are you absolutely solid on basics like professional appearance, attendance, and diligence at work?


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