• 交易中的一种履约保证

    A liquidity margin performs as guarantee in a financial transaction.


  • 存款准备指金融机构保证客户提取存款清算需要而准备中央银行存款,中央银行要求的存款准备占其存款总额的比例就是存款准备率。

    The Required Reserve is depositors'bank's minimum balance of deposits in central bank to ensure that the bank do no run out of cash on hand to meet the demand for withdrawals and settlement.


  • 正如地区法院的法官马丁j .2004年出的,这一统计反映沃尔玛工作女性每个地方大多数工种上,都男性得少

    As District Judge Martin J. Jenkins wrote in 2004, the statistics showed that women working in Wal-Mart stores were paid less than men in every region and in most job categories.


  • 起来于是了城堡街上一家面包店顶上一个便宜旅馆夫街不远,有一回这个地方

    I wanted to conserve it too, so I looked up a cheap hotel over a bakery on the Rue du chateau, just off the Rue DE Vanves, a place that Eugene had pointed out to me once.


  • 我们绝对是印度首屈一英文书籍出版商,”企鹅集团的执行长官约翰·说道

    "We're far and away the leading English language publisher in India," says Penguin chief executive John Makinson.


  • 中国人民银行宣布本月银行存款准备率提高一个百分点,具有标性上海星期二暴跌百分之7.7。

    China's stock market benchmark, the Shanghai Composite Index, plunged by 7.73 percent Tuesday after the People's Bank of China said it would raise the reserve ratio by one percent this month.


  • 考特先生尤其赞赏休斯顿称之为机会城市(opportunity city)”中的最佳典范——“机会城市”,一个存在大量就业机会,大量廉价住房以及新来者持欢迎态度地方

    Mr Kotkin particularly admires Houston, which he calls a perfect example of an "opportunity city" -a place with lots of jobs, lots of cheap housing and a welcoming attitude to newcomers.


  • 目前状况很多关心担心广诚呼吁大家相信阿梅!

    But when told that her present condition makes people worry about her, King asked all to have trust in Ah Mui.


  • 特所说转瞬即逝颜料在纸面不可预测流动交汇

    The emergencies Sargent spoke of are the unpredictable flows and convergences of water and pigment across paper.


  • 淋巴瘤淋巴系统恶性肿瘤这种疾病可以分为霍奇淋巴瘤霍奇病淋巴瘤,其中后者较为常见

    Lymphoma refers to a malignancy of the lymph system. The disease is divided into Hodgkin's disease and Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with the latter being much more common.


  • 客户备付第三机构持有、不属于机构自有财产

    Customer provisions is the money held by third-party organizations that are not the property of the organization.


  • 寿险责任准备保险人为尚未终止的人寿保险责任提取的准备

    The term "reserves for life insurance liabilities" refers to the reserves made by an insurer for unexpired life insurance liabilities.


  • 保险诈骗罪投保人受益人保险人以虚构保险事实或者隐瞒事实真相的方法,进行保险诈骗活动,骗取保险数额较大行为。

    The insurance swindle is a kind of offence that the insurance holder, the beneficiary and the insured make up the insurance facts or withhold the truth to defraud a large sum of money.


  • 商业银行满足中央银行法定存款准备要求银行同业市场上做隔夜拆借

    It refers to the funds which traded on the interbank market overnight by commercial bank in order to meet the requirement of reserve by central bank.


  • 到期责任准备保险人为尚未终止的非寿险保险责任提取准备

    The term "unearned premium reserves" refers to the reserves made by an insurer for unexpired non-life insurance liabilities.


  • 批准搬运人交易所批准安全运输防弹汽车公司

    "Approved Carrier" shall mean an armored car company approved by the Exchange for the secure transportation of Gold, Platinum and Palladium.


  • 希望看起来真的年长因此可以让她对阿纳的那种颐气派阿纳又有一点敬畏的感觉显得真实可信

    He's been working with me on that. He wants to make sure I seem older than Anakin, so it's believable that I can be bossing him around, and he's a little intimidated.


  • 1984年了蓝星行动我们进入阿姆利则秘密袭击极端分子从此以后我一直身受威胁。

    "I commanded operation Bluestar in 1984 when we went into the Golden Temple in Amritsar to secretly attacked on the extremists. And ever since then I have been under threat".


  • 河鲈任何一种有刺状鳍淡水鱼可食用北美洲欧洲的河鲈。

    Any of various spiny-finned freshwater fishes of the genus Perca, especially either of two edible species, P. flavescens, of North America, and P. fluviatilis, of Europe.


  • 补充备用补足支付使零用备用恢复原有数额

    To replenish a petty cash fund means to replace the amount of money that has been spent, thus restoring the fund to its original amount.


  • 公司高层人员证实摩根·士丹利所持该公司股份。

    CICC officials confirmed that was a reference to Morgan Stanley's stake in the company.


  • 同时,12调整期仿真交易保证比例总体趋势数字有上升趋势最高提高15%。

    In the meantime, gold has 12 times the period of adjustment refers to the ratio of margin trading simulation, the overall trend showed an increase, the maximum has been raised to 15%.


  • 谐音“生前景好的前途希望一诺千前途无量意。

    The "give birth to a daughter" homophonic cans have a good prospect and hopes and also has for "while was living view" 's pointing one promise daughter, idea of unlimited future.


  • 谐音“生前景好的前途希望一诺千前途无量意。

    The "give birth to a daughter" homophonic cans have a good prospect and hopes and also has for "while was living view" 's pointing one promise daughter, idea of unlimited future.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定