• 分支结构主要部分分支岔,神经

    An offshoot or a division of the main portion of a structure, especially that of a nerve, blood vessel, or.


  • 经脉在这里不是神经,也不是真实存在的通道

    Nadi here does not mean nerve. It is not a physical channel.


  • 结论吻合神经动脉逆行状皮瓣修复缺损简单有效

    Conclusion digital artery re - verse island flap combined with digital nerve end to side anastomosis is a simple and effective procedure for repair of finger defect.


  • 总结逆行动脉神经吻合治疗皮肤缺损的临床体会

    To sum up the experience in treating the finger end imperfect skin with reverse finger artery island flap combined with finger nerve anastomose.


  • 总结逆行动脉指神经吻合治疗皮肤缺损临床体会

    Objective To investigate the clinical effects of finger artery island flap at two stage for repairs of the skin and soft tissue defects of the finger.


  • 手术顺序从掌皮肤开始,依次为皮下静脉神经再固定闭合伤口

    The orders of the replantation were subcutaneous veins, artery, nerve, fixation of bone and closure of wound in turn.


  • 这一概念实际上,向大脑或者神经系统输入信息或者读出大脑和神经系统以外的信息。

    And that concept is really to either write information into the brain and the nerve system or read information out of the brain and the nerve system.


  • 神经传递素种在神经细胞传递信号化学物质,ADHD患者这种化学物质常常多巴胺,物质的作用是调节愉悦满足感。

    A neurotransmitter is a chemical that carries messages between nerve cells and, in the case of ADHD, that chemical is often dopamine, which controls feelings of reward and pleasure.


  • 其实只是打击了尺骨神经控制着你的小手无名感觉帮助控制手腕肌肉以及部分

    In fact, you've just hit your ulnar nerve, which controls feeling in your pinky and ring fingers, and helps control the muscles in the wrist, as well as parts of the hand.


  • 白内障眼内晶状体无痛浑浊阻碍了光线到达视网膜(眼球后部神经),从而引起视力问题。

    A cataract is a painless, cloudy area in the lens of the eye that blocks the passage of light to the retina, the nerve layer at the back of the eye, usually causing vision problems.


  • 长期以来神经科学家研究都是单一动作比如脚踝翻转或者动作。

    Neuroscientists have long studied isolated movements such as ankle rotations or finger tapping.


  • 肌纤维神经纤维各种长形细胞线状组织中的任一种。

    Any of various elongated cells or threadlike structures especially a muscle fiber or a nerve fiber.


  • 人类质变神秘途径就是神经循环,这一术语神经学家斯坦尼斯拉斯·德阿纳(StanislasDehaene)首次提出,利用大脑先天能力开发全新机能

    This mystery mechanism of human transformation is neuronal recycling, coined by neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene, wherein the brain's innate capabilities are harnessed for altogether novel functions.


  • 通俗就是计算机通过深度神经网络模拟人脑的机制来进行学习判断决策

    Generally speaking, it is the way a computer imitates the human brain to learn, judge and make decisions using deep neural networks.


  • 一些研究者认为所谓的镜像神经可能参与这些相互作用。镜像神经元(mirror neuron)是个体观看另一个体动作,仿佛像自己完成此动作一样激活的神经元。

    Some researchers think that so-called mirror neurons, which fire when one individual observes the actions of another, might be involved in these interactions.


  • 深度学习训练多层人工神经网络方法

    Deep learning refers to the method of training multi-layer artificial neural networks.


  • 对于没有神经损伤病例,椎管占位视为手术干预征。

    In the absence of a neurological deficit, canal compromise should not be considered a factor supporting surgical intervention.


  • 采用包含侧固有神经背侧动脉皮瓣即时修复外伤或再造拇、食

    The primary repair by vascularized skin flap with the dorsal branch of proper palmar digital nerve could be done.


  • 伴随神经损伤多个损伤以及吸烟肌腱修复术后结果有负面影响

    Concomitant nerve injuries, multiple digit injuries, and a history of smoking negatively impact the final outcome of tendon repairs.


  • 目的固有神经侧支临床应用提供解剖学基础

    Objective to provide anatomic basis for the clinic application of the dorsal branch of the proper digital nerve.


  • 另外一面来看,对脊髓型颈椎病后纵韧带骨化患者来说,如果潜在动脉神经损伤风险纳入考虑,使用颈椎椎弓根螺钉

    On the other hand, there is no indication in cases of typical CSM and OPLL if a potential risk of vertebral artery or nerve injury is taken into account.


  • 目的介绍应用固有神经逆行膜蒂皮瓣修复缺损

    Objective To present application of a reverse fascial flap from neighboring digital with the dorsal branch of the proper digital nerve for repair thumb tip defect.


  • 结论我们研究表明射频关节突关节神经不是一种起安慰剂作用治疗可以用于治疗明确手术征的慢性下腰痛患者

    Conclusion. Our study indicates that radiofrequency facet denervation is not a placebo and could be used in the treatment of carefully selected patients with chronic low back pain.


  • 人工智能领域神经网络通过专门计算设备连接一个网络,模拟生物神经让使它们可以学习数据潜在统计

    In artificial intelligence, a neural network simulates biological neurons by connecting specialized computing devices into a network, which allow them to learn the underlying statistics of the data.


  • 皮瓣不仅提供合适的掌侧总动脉提供了广大的带神经皮岛

    The boomerang flap not only preserves the proper palmar digital artery but also provides an extended and innervated skin paddle.


  • 结论固有神经皮瓣最理想皮瓣类型逆行转移修复缺损理想转移方式

    Conclusions: The idealest type of digital artery island flap is the flap with dorsal branch of digital nerve. The reversed transfer is the best transfer method for fingertip defect.


  • 结论侧总动脉可以造成掌侧总神经卡压,是导致掌侧总神经卡压的原因之一

    Conclusions: as one of reasons, common digital palmar artery may cause the entrapment of common palmar digital nerve.


  • 结论侧总动脉可以造成掌侧总神经卡压,是导致掌侧总神经卡压的原因之一

    Conclusions: as one of reasons, common digital palmar artery may cause the entrapment of common palmar digital nerve.


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