• 实用新型涉及消防设备中的灭火器压力表外壳部分测量系统指示部分组成。

    The utility model relates to a pressure gauge for fire extinguisher used in the fire fighting equipment, comprising a casing part, a measuring system, and an indication part.


  • 关于系统要求信息更加详细安装指示请参阅参考资料部分中的链接

    For information about system requirements and for more detailed installation instructions, see the links in the Resources section.


  • 部分中的第一复选框,指示了拖拉标签附近是否一个JSF表单

    The first checkbox in the section indicates whether a JSF form should surround the tag being dropped.


  • 通过包括页面中的组件标记片段指示恰当生存期缓存作用域站点高度动态部分自动页面中呈现

    Highly dynamic parts of the site will automatically be rendered in pages indicating lifetime and cache scope appropriate for the component markup fragments that are contained on those pages.


  • 这个假肢感觉就是身体部分,可以自主挪动不用使用者任何指示

    It is designed to feel part of the body and moves itself rather than requiring the user to do it.


  • 通过选项卡名称指示环境不同部分如图1所示,我将按照这里出现次序来讨论这些特性

    I'll refer to the different parts of the environment by their "TAB" names, as shown in Figure 1, but I will not discuss the features in the order that they appear here.


  • 可以使用这个部分确保某个特定的服务正在运行,并且没有超出可能指示错误容量

    You can use this to make sure that a particular service is running, and that you haven't exceeded capacity that might indicate a fault.


  • 不好方法:有时候模式中会指示数据可选,但系统其他部分却可能因为部分数据的缺失失败

    Bad: Sometimes a schema indicates that a data item is optional when some other part of the system downstream fails without the data. Here is an optional element in XML schema.


  • Brokermessageselection指示消息传递系统哪个部分实现消息选择器

    Broker message selection Indicates what part of the messaging system implements message selectors.


  • 如果存在,则必须创建[netlogon]部分指示路径,且所指向的位置应该空。

    If it doesn't already exist, you'll have to create the path indicated in the [netlogon] section, and it should be empty.


  • 注意所显示页面指示Createanaccount部分出现异常因为用户尚未登录。

    Notice that the displayed page shows that an exception occurred in the Create an account section, because the user has not logged in.


  • 缺省索引为0指示使用第一部分

    By default the index is 0, indicating that the first section will be used. For example, suppose that you wanted to extract the city name from Toronto, Canada.


  • 红色指示主要部分传播FileOut put节点文件部分

    The red bars indicate the part of the file propagated from the main part of the flow to the FileOutput node.


  • 角色绑定指示服务提供者一个部分服务契约中扮演哪一个角色。

    The role bindings indicate which part of the service provider plays which role in the service contract.


  • 这些需求中的部分应该表述业务策略指示

    Some of these requirements should be expressed as business policy directives.


  • 并且它们不断增长发生频率亚马逊森林退化部分——这种变化可以作为大片地区环境变化的指示

    And their increasing frequency is an important part of the degradation of the Amazon forest-and could be an indicator of large-scale environmental change.


  • 展示如何构建这个示例指示板前,可以下载部分获得文件安装这个指示板。

    Before I show you how to build the example dashboard, you might want to get the source files from Download and install the dashboard.


  • 这些指示一直DB 2V8组成部分

    These indicators have always been a part of DB2 V8.


  • 按钮控制部分功能包括接听电话重拨顶部边缘处更小的按钮,用来控制音量开启关闭状态指示

    One button handles most functions including call answer and redial, while a smaller button on the top edge controls volume and turns the status indicator on and off.


  • 部分原因在于虽然它是戒律据说10条,其实大约1415指示,其区别来自不同宗教团体

    Most of the reason for this is that although the number of Commandments is said to be 10, there are actually about 14 or 15 instructions, so division varies with the religious group.


  • 设置选项时,查询优化器选择按照PDA指示部分工作数据源查询执行计划

    When this option is set, the query optimizer chooses the query execution plan that pushes the most work down to the data source as indicated by the PDA component.


  • 颜色部分颜色设置指示功能区

    The colours section is where the colours are set to a functional area of the dashboard.


  • 业务分析人员将关键性能指示(Key Performance Indicators,KPI)16定义业务过程本身部分

    The business Analyst defines Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 16 as part of the business process itself.


  • 模块部分模块式座位相连指示桌子位置

    Modular corner table section. Attach to modular seats to indicate the location of a table.


  • 输出page部分指示系统当前分页状态pi指示读入内存数目po 列则指示内存的页数目。

    The page section in the output indicates current paging status of your system; pi column indicates number of pages read into the memory and po column indicates number of pages paged out of the memory.


  • 控制部分的饮食等于你的纤维素蛋白质取得平衡,是Janel Cheryl和Beth为了长远改变而提供的指示

    Controlling your portions isn't the same as balancing your fiber and protein, though - Janel, Cheryl and Beth offered Pointers for longer term changes.


  • 红色指示传播其他部分文件部分

    The red bars indicate the part of the file propagated to the rest of the flow. The green boxes symbolise mark-up provided by delimiters.


  • 红色指示传播其他部分文件部分

    The red bars indicate the part of the file propagated to the rest of the flow. The green boxes symbolise mark-up provided by delimiters.


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