• 研究者发现体重指数BMI增加单位,患正常眼压型青光眼的风险降低6%。

    The researchers found that each unit increase in body mass index (BMI) was associated with a 6 percent lowered risk for normal-tension glaucoma.


  • 只要修正偏差,三位经济学家显示,改进的巨无霸指数就可以好地及年以上时间单位预测汇率走势。

    Once that is done, the three economists show that a reconstituted index is good at predicting real exchange rates over horizons of a year or more.


  • 雨棚根据相对墙体面积的叶面积指数(LAI)来测量单位LAI,日照减少一半

    Canopy is measured according to leaf-area-index (LAI) relative to wall area; for each unit of LAI, sunlight decreases by about half.


  • 上周经合组织(OECD)发布了他们季度报告单位劳动力成本相关指数”。

    LAST week the OECD released their quarterly "Unit Labour Costs and Related Indicators".


  • 如果以标准斯科威尔辣度指数(Scoville heat scale:甜椒0辣的印度断魂椒为100万单位),黄色哈瓦那辣椒的辣度在10万至35万之间。

    On the standard Scoville heat scale (Bell peppers 0, the hottest Indian jolokia peppers 1,000,000) orange habaneros run 100,000 to 350,000.


  • 人体体重指数大概24(体重除以高度平方就得出体重指数体重单位为千克,高度单位为米)。

    A body mass index (BMI, your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in metres) of around 24 is good.


  • 研究表明青少年时期,BMI指数增加一个单位20年后你患心脏病几率就会增加12%。

    For every one unit increase in BMI in the teen years, the study found a 12 percent increase in the risk of heart disease around 20 years later.


  • 丈夫(妻子)身高体重指数增加一个单位,丈夫(妻子)的平均(预期)工资可以相应减少0.3%和0.15%。

    An additional unit of husband's (wife's) BMI can be compensated by a 0.3%-increase (0.15%-increase) in husband's (wife's) average (predicted) wage.


  • 内部指数作为衡量标准的话,康韦同事们发现大多规则约束市场下的每人产出增长要缓慢他们怎么不用每小时产出计量单位呢?

    Using the in-house index as a gauge of regulation, Mr Conway and his colleagues find that output per worker grows more slowly in more rule-bound markets.


  • 还有最后一点,将生存质量经济信息单位成本比较,作为一项评估指数

    Oh, and one last thing, compare quality of living with the economic intelligence units cost of living index.


  • 两位经济学家用这种指数美元单位大大小小的幸福相关其他因素进行了估价。 。

    The two economists, using this index, assign a dollar value to other factors associated with more or less happiness.


  • 确定测量单位——测量术语表达控制对象数量比率指数权数等等

    Define a unit of measure - express the control subject in measurable terms such as quantities, ratios, indices, rating etc.


  • 提出一种通用定量计算方法,即用规范化指数表示各地区的资源,用“度”作为资源丰度的计量单位

    The enrichment of area resources was expressed by means of a standardized index, and the degree was taken as quantitative unit of the enrichment of resources.


  • 权证价值衍生另一种金融工具股份货币指数单位信托单位等。

    Warrants derive their value from another financial instrument such as shares, currency, an index or units in a unit trust.


  • 这个指标——绿色容积(GPR)是以一个通常被称作面积指数(LAI)的生物参数作为基础参数定义为每单位地块面积上的单面叶面积总和。

    This new metric, the green plot ratio (GPR), is based on a common biological parameter called the leaf area index (LAI), which is defined as the single-side leaf area per unit ground area.


  • 计算体重指数体重单位千克,身高在进行平方运算时单位

    BMI is calculated by dividing an individual's body weight in kilograms by the square of the height in metres.


  • 如果体重增加了13BMI指数提高2个单位,则该女性体重超标患糖尿病几率翻倍了。

    If she gained 13 pounds, raising her BMI by 2 units and making her overweight, her diabetes risk would double.


  • 术后24周,观察坐骨神经功能指数运动神经传导速度单位视野神经纤维计数

    The sciatic nerve function index(SFI), the motor nerve conduction velocity(MNCV) and total myelinated axons per sight were counted on 2 and 4 weeks after the surgery.


  • 基于扩展残存资源量提出一种根据分年龄组渔获量以及资源量指数(单位捕捞努力量渔获量,CPUE)求算鱼类自然死亡系数(M)的方法

    A new method for estimating fish natural mortality coefficient (m), based on the extended survivors method, using a catch-at-age data and an abundant index (catch per unit effort, CPUE) was proposed.


  • 单位资源价格可能所生产产品一般产品价格指数相联系

    The price per unit of resource may be linked to a price index of the product produced or of products in general;


  • 方法采用WHO推荐的限定剂量(DDD)和药物利用指数(DUI)作为药物利用研究单位北京安贞医院一个门诊处方进行分析

    METHOD: by using Definite Daily Dosage (DDD), Drug Utilization Index (DUI) recommended by WHO as indicators, prescriptions of a month in the Anzhen Hospital were statistically analysed.


  • 哈夫单位(H.U)蛋黄指数蛋的新鲜度显著相关

    H. U. and yolk index were significantly positively correlated with freshness.


  • 励磁电流传递力矩单位转动惯量传递力矩等成指数关系,与功率损耗成负指数关系。

    The exciter current an exponential relationship with transmitted torque, torque by unit moment of inertia and viscous power loss.


  • 建议引入了单位时间周转量EEOI指数,修正航速EEOI的影响客观全面反映船舶能效

    Propose unit time turnover EEOI be used to correct speed influence in order to reflect ship energy efficiency in an objective and overall manner.


  • 结果企事业单位中老年妇女高血压发生率为29.86%,高血压发生年龄文化程度饮食习惯体质指数、高血压家族史等因素有关

    Results the incidence of hypertension in the middle and older women was 29.86%. Age, education, diet, body weight index and family history might be related to the occurrence of hypertension.


  • 丈夫(妻子)身高体重指数每增加一个单位,丈夫(妻子)的平均(预期)工资可以相应减少0.3%和0.15%。

    An unit of husband's (wife's) BMI can bed by a 0.3%-increase (0.15%-increase) in husband's (wife's) average (predicted) wage.


  • 体重指数体重千克单位)与身高(以单位计)平方之比。即使有缺点,这指标也仍是被最普遍采用的检测一个是否超重的指标。

    BMI, the ratio of weight in kilograms to the square of height in metres, is a common, if imperfect, gauge of whether someone is over- or underweight.


  • 体重指数体重千克单位)与身高(以单位计)平方之比。即使有缺点,这指标也仍是被最普遍采用的检测一个是否超重的指标。

    BMI, the ratio of weight in kilograms to the square of height in metres, is a common, if imperfect, gauge of whether someone is over- or underweight.


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