• 看到声誉其他那里,你看到如何存在的,如何持续的,人们如何取笑如何崇拜它。

    You see the fame out there with everything else, and you see how it stands, how it lasts, how people make fun of it or how they adore it.


  • 我们想要——能够信任照料人员、一个熟悉环境持续支持好的食物——这些是我们在琳达第一生育时办法提供给她的。

    Everything we wanted for hertrusted care providers; a very familiar environment; continuing support; good foodwere things we needed but didn't have the first time Linda gave birth.


  • 也就是为什么我会不顾持续抗争

    This is why, despite everything, I fight on.


  • 问题持续多久,并且如何稳定下来

    The question is how sustainable all this is, and how stabilising.


  • 不用牺牲任何人都得到所想要这样幻觉还持续多久

    How long can this illusion that everybody can get whatever he wants without any sacrifice last?


  • 如果势头持续下去不得不呼吁本地球迷站出来支持他们的国家,那么只能说是可悲的。

    It will be tragic if this trend continues and I appeal to local fans to come out and support their country.


  • 平静但是知道这不可能持续下去

    Everything seems totally quiet, but you know it can't last.


  • 这些趋势持续整个春天努力的工作会有丰硕的回报。不过某些时候,一看上去显得毫无意义

    These trends will continue in spring. Hard work will be fruitful. However, at some point, it may seem that everything is useless.


  • 最终证明所有将合并一个持续开发操作设置中

    It turns out it's all merging into a continuous development and operational setting.


  • 那个时候体验过个人成就持续进步所带来种种好处都还处在理论水平。

    All content would have been only theoretical because at that time, I had not yet experienced the benefits of personal achievement and continuous improvement.


  • 可能容纳新的航天任务持续监测北极气候变化影响

    "This can include everything from new space missions to continually monitoring the effects of climate change on the Arctic."


  • 所有说明即便挥动魔棒,永远停止突变至少有些物种进化可以持续很久可能永不休止

    What all this means is that even if I waved my wand and stopped mutation for good, there are at least some species in which evolution could carry on for ages, perhaps indefinitely.


  • 持续增长人以欣欣向荣的印象

    Continued growth gave the impression that all was well.


  • 几个小时之内所有德黑兰听到这件事儿,尽管街头巷战还要持续周的时间,但每个人似乎都知道已结束了

    Within a couple of hours, all Tehran had heard about the incident, and although the streetfighting carried on for weeks, everyone somehow knew it was all over.


  • 年少的敬畏年长同事们描述地炸去工人劳动力工厂里地的生活持续忍受熏,高温无光而不休息所有的一都是为了节省很少的一些家里

    The youngsters listened in awe as older colleagues described life in sweatshops, enduring fumes, high temperatures and blinding lights for weeks without rest, all to save a little cash to send home.


  • 我们现在努力保持经济就业岗位持续增长

    We have to act now to do everything in our power to keep this economy moving and to grow jobs.


  • 但是饭桌上持续固执挑食,我们需要格外注意孩子其他的一些行为斯特医学中心大学的儿科学家

    But persistent pickiness at mealtime could be a reason to look more carefully at a toddler's other behaviors, says Dr. Susan Hyman, a pediatrician at the University of Rochester Medical Center.


  • 规律的持续孤独对自己身体带来严重伤害精神压力增大血压升高、睡眠紊乱,---这足以促使老年痴呆症提前到来

    It's regular, chronic loneliness that does the serious damage: increased stress levels, higher blood pressure, disrupted sleepall the way to accelerated dementia.


  • 所得或者说段关系中见证对方一,都一直持续下去。

    What you see is what you get, or should I say, what you have been witnessing for the time you have been in the relationship is what you are always going to get.


  • 世纪气温一直持续上升,永久冻土未来10年里预计大量减少威胁着唯一的自然栖息地

    Temperatures have been rising over the last century and a significant reduction of the permafrost is expected in the coming decades, threatening this unique natural habitat.


  • 使持续2000农村社会发生变化,更多颠覆

    All this turns the rural society of the last 2,000 years and more upside down.


  • 野村综合研究所(NomuraResearch Institute)村上辉康相信持续不断连接网络上将打开新的市场开创新的生活方式

    Teruyasu Murakami of Nomura Research Institute believes that having things continuously connected to a network will open up new markets and new ways of living.


  • 愤世嫉俗善于操控虚伪毫不留情- - -而这一乐此不疲的持续了让人难熬的90分钟

    She is cynical, manipulative, dishonest and ruthless-and so on for 90 excruciating minutes.


  • 随后,拉去盘问次——持续9个小时一次,就在星期发生的,持续了7个小时。 他们了我无关案子问题,问了生活,我买的,我建立的网站

    I've been deposed twicefor nine hours one day and for another seven a few weeks ago – where I was asked every irrelevant question about my life, cars that I owned, websites I've operated.


  • 所以尽量学习正常的,甚至更大背景下我们可以看到生命持续不断河流,一只是没有停止前进

    So try to learn to put everything in a normal or even larger background, we can see life is a continuous river, and everything just moves forward without stop!


  • 无论你们情形如何,都要信心并且知道你们现在正在经历的一不会持续

    Have faith whatever your circumstances, and know that nothing you are experiencing now will last too long.


  • 持续保持质量这些工作涉及高度机密所有却都要求将外包业务内部化

    Quality must be consistently high and the work often involves strict secrecy, all of which argues for keeping it in-house.


  • 他们持续前进因为一样他们非常非常渴望拥有东西知道自己能否得到唯一方式就是堵上

    And they pressed on, because there was this thing that they wanted so very, very badly and the only way to know if they could get it was to put everything on the line.


  • 他们持续前进因为一样他们非常非常渴望拥有东西知道自己能否得到唯一方式就是堵上

    And they pressed on, because there was this thing that they wanted so very, very badly and the only way to know if they could get it was to put everything on the line.


- 来自原声例句

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