• 震动幅值增大、延长变得更高;

    The pore pressure gradually increases as the input motion amplitude becomes larger and the shaking duration becomes longer.


  • 使用旋风现在主手副手武器能产生伤害

    Using whirlwind while dual wielding now deals damage from both mainhand and offhand weapons.


  • 基础上,文中研究了强震持时钢筋混凝土结构累积破坏影响

    Futhermore, using this estimation model, the influence of strong motion duration on accumulated seismic destruction to RC structures is studied in this paper.


  • 文中提出震动工程概念定义推导出工程持时预报方程

    A conception and definition of engineering duration of earthquake ground motion is proposed, and its predicting equations are deduced.


  • 无法格。(但是左手装备武器可以右手武器左手魔法无法。)

    You can not block while dual-wielding. Though you can block while wielding a weapon in your left hand, but not in your right hand.


  • 所以我们计划推出一个天赋,称为“专一怒火”,泰坦之握并排提升大量武器持时伤害

    Therefore, we're planning to try out a talent called Single-Minded Fury that is parallel to Titan's Grip and will provide a large boost to the damage of a pair of one-handed weapons.


  • 本文强震持时频谱特性能量分布峰态系数等三个方面地震地面运动规律进行综合分析,提出了一种较为客观地震地面运动分类方法。

    In this paper, the law of earthquake ground motion is analyzed comprehensively by taking account of duration, frequency characteristic and peak index of energy distribution.


  • 开会往往观望态度

    He tends to sit on the fence at meetings.


  • 反垄断法政策这样观点制造商用一定途径分销商网络进行控制消费者获得了好处

    Antitrust law and policy have adopted the view that consumers benefit when a manufacturer exercises control over its network of distributors in certain ways.


  • 我们并不认为仅仅通过设计就能得到优化代码每当有人说起现在JVM优化和垃圾收集方面有多么,我们都保留态度。

    We also do not take for granted the optimization of code by design and we take it with a grain of salt every time somebody tells us how good JVMs are now at optimization and garbage collection.


  • 因为引入糟糕语言功能风险如此,所以语言设计师进行关于优势是否多于劣势的成本-收益分析需要保守态度。

    Because the risk of introducing a bad language feature is so high, language designers need to be conservative when making the cost-benefit analysis of whether the good outweighs the bad.


  • 没想到这种想法居然大有人在,真是令人担忧:我们下一代读书他们会说“拿过来,上面贴上广告就可以付钱了吧?”

    We are raising a generation of kids who do not want to pay monthly subscriptions for anything. Give me stuff for free and stick some advertising on it.


  • 件事情某种立场,很容易陷入认为自己别人更优秀陷阱里因为自我更聪明遭受更多理解最多等等

    In taking a position on anything, it is easy to fall prey of thinking I am better than others because of I am better intellectually, suffer more, understand the most, etc.


  • 确保团队那么固执这样每当某人发布内容不会感到他们反对意见。

    Make sure that this team is not so inflexible that you feel they are trying to break your back every time someone publishes content.


  • 多数正常人”则对弗朗西斯过失更为友善看法打算糖果送给格洛里亚东西自己手里无法抗拒自己享用诱惑

    Most normal people would take a kinder view of Frances's failings: she intended to give the candy to Gloria but when it was actually in her hands, the temptation to eat it herself became overwhelming.


  • IBMDB 2部门收集优化器相关信息很有用的。

    This is useful to know when you're gathering optimizer-related information for IBM DB2 Support.


  • 我们受其他的干扰,觉得心神不宁如何那份孤独呢?

    How can we stay in solitude when we feel that deep urge to be distracted by people and events?


  • 只有当更多分娩能够得到熟练接生人员的协助,以及更多的妇女能够获得紧急产科医护,才能降低不下的孕产妇死亡率

    The stubbornly high figures for maternal mortality will not go down until more deliveries are attended by skilled birth attendants, and more women have access to emergency obstetric care.


  • 但是甚至人们基于事实的世界观,仍习惯于无效数字说话

    But even when people act within a fact-based worldview, they are used to talking with sterile figures.


  • 门票查验优惠票的参观者出示相关有效证件,具体证件类型本须知附件

    Visitors with special admission tickets are required to present a valid id at the time of ticket verification (see Annex hereto for types of valid IDs).


  • 期间,只能当初进ibmH - 1 B签证不得已留在IBM做之前相同的职位,只为了能申请绿卡

    In the meantime, he remains on an H-1B visa tied to IBM, where he must keep the same position to remain in the green card queue.


  • 保罗不是实现末世论因为基督拯救得到的,复活所有好处未实现。

    What Paul has is not realized eschatology because the resurrection and all the benefits that you get from being saved by Christ are still in the future.


  • 重大底部很少有人牛市的观点。

    Also there are few bulls at major bottoms.


  • 接近70%预计经济状况变得越来越糟糕,而2004年这种观点的人不到一半

    Almost 70% of them reckon economic conditions are getting worse, compared with less than half in 2004.


  • HTTPRequest节点具有一个使用 (keep alive)连接配置选项虽然只有选择HTTP 1.1 选项。

    The HTTPRequest node has a configuration option to use keep alive connections, though it is supported only when you select HTTP 1.1.


  • 观点报料透露,扎·维尔兄弟美国的代理人克里斯·穆尔(ChrisMuhr)“那种开会尖酸刻薄的家伙,爱对别人鲍勃的决定真是愚蠢透顶。”

    One source who holds this view says that the Samwer's proxy in the U.S., Chris Muhr, "is the kind of guy who will hold somebody up in a meeting, and say, 'Bob, you made a really dumb decision."


  • 比利首相GuyVerhofstadt(上星期前他在位子上)相反观点

    An opposite view is taken by Guy Verhofstadt, Belgium's prime minister until last week.


  • 然而问及移民对国家而言是问题或是机遇更多德国人却认为是问题的来源(大部分美国人英国人也相同态度)。

    However, when asked if immigration was a problem or an opportunity, more Germans saw as it as a problem (as did a big majority of Americans and Britons).


  • 然而问及移民对国家而言是问题或是机遇更多德国人却认为是问题的来源(大部分美国人英国人也相同态度)。

    However, when asked if immigration was a problem or an opportunity, more Germans saw as it as a problem (as did a big majority of Americans and Britons).


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