• 实用新型属于汽车拖拉机机动车辆加油用工具

    The utility model belongs to a fueling tool for automotive vehicles such as automobiles, tractors, etc.


  • 原油中可提炼出开动轮船、飞机、拖拉机各种不同燃料

    From crude oil we get the different fuels which drive ships, aircraft. tractors and so on.


  • 类似结构挂车拖拉机设计计算具有理论指导意义

    The result is useful for designing and calculating semi-trailer and tractor that possesses the similar structure.


  • 南昌然后成为中心汽车行业生产卡车拖拉机设备轮胎

    Nanchang then became a center of the automotive industry, producing trucks and tractors and also such equipment as tires.


  • 为此该国有意维护其被低估货币保持玩具拖拉机等产品低廉的价格。

    It purposely kept its currency undervalued to underprice its products, from toys to tractors.


  • 负荷急剧变化工程机械拖拉机等作业机械负荷工况重要特征之一

    The rapid load fluctuating condition is one of the most significant characteristics of some kinds of machines such as mobile construction equipments and tractors.


  • 产品广泛用于矿山农机工程建筑汽车拖拉机行业,所有同行生意兴隆

    The product is widely used in mine, farm machinery, project, building, automobile, tractors and so on. We hopes all colleagues business well!


  • 双曲面齿轮特殊锥齿轮航空汽车拖拉机等工业中得到了较为广泛应用

    The hypoid gear is one sort of the special bevel gears. It gets comparatively extensive application in aircraft industry, automotive industry and tractor industry.


  • 虽然使用拖拉机机械以及施用化肥可以提高农业产量,但是土地最终所产出粮食只有那么不会再增加

    Although agricultural production can be increased by use of machinery such as tractors and the addition of fertilizer, the land ultimately can produce only so much food and no more.


  • 态度乐观另一个缘由全球农业繁荣引发了对包括联合收割机、压捆机、播种机以及拖拉机迪尔产品的空前需求

    The second source of his optimism is the global boom in agriculture, which is leading to record demand for Deere's products, including combine harvesters, balers and seeders, as well as tractors.


  • 集团建立初期只生产轿车然后产品很快多样化领域涉及商用车辆船舶飞机火车农用拖拉机建筑机械

    Initially the group set up production of cars, then the product will soon diversified in the fields of commercial vehicles, ships, aircraft, trains, farm tractors and construction machinery.


  • 所有农业损害环境,包括你所能想到的一切——砍伐森林垦荒草原灌溉水源粪肥拖拉机消耗的燃料杀虫剂还有化肥

    All agriculture damages the environment - think of all those felled forests and ploughed-up prairies, all the irrigation water, manure, tractor fuel, pesticides and fertiliser.


  • 拖拉机耕地并且建起一道道田埂,水流这些农田时,这些田埂起到河堤的作用。

    Tractors are tilling the land and building earthen rows that will serve as levees once water flows into these fields.


  • 使用水平对冲模具可以完成拖拉机机架大型零件水平冲孔

    With horizontal opposite punching die, horizontal punching of large parts of tractor frames can be fulfilled.


  • 介绍了高速拖拉机悬架系统配置、传动系统改进、制动系统的强化以及目前所面临问题

    Secondly, the fitting up of the suspension system, redesigning of the transmission system, the fortifying of the braking system and some problems now faced of high speed farm tractors are introduced.


  • 车辆工程研究汽车拖拉机机车车辆、军用车辆其他工程车辆陆上移动机械理论设计制造技术的工程技术领域。

    Vehicle Engineering is concerned with the theory, design, and manufacturing of land vehicles such as automobiles, tractors, locomotives, trucks, military vehicles and other work vehicles.


  • 并以集材-50拖拉机对空车上坡满载下坡满载上坡工况进行计算分析

    Taking the J-50 tractor as an example, the different working situations of the tractor (such as: tractor uphill without load, full loaded tractor downhill or uphill) were calculated and analysed.


  • 昔日“二牛抬杠”种地,牦牛踩场打麦的传统生产方式,逐渐轰鸣拖拉机收割机脱粒机现代农机代替。

    Modern farm machines such as tractors, harvesters and threshers have replaced yaks that were used for cultivation and shelling in the past.


  • 变型拖拉机受生产使用条件结构设计因素影响,载荷分配一般前轴载荷偏大,同步附着系数制动状态下易出现后轮先抱死发生后轴侧滑,制动性能降低。

    With the limit of the use condition and structure of derivate tractor, its front load distribution is more than that of the rear and synchronism adhesion coefficient is small.


  • 本文发动机拖拉机改装问题进行了探讨试验结果进行了分析

    Modifications of engine and tractor are discussed and experimental data presented in this paper.


  • 汽车行业冲压件,我国,这部份冲压件主要集中生产汽车厂拖拉机飞机制造厂大厂;

    Stampings in auto industry. In China these stampings are mainly produced in automobile factories, tractor factories, aircraft factories and other big factories.


  • 如果一个国家想要推行农业机械化,科乐收(CLAAS德国公司会为制造拖拉机谷物收割机

    If a country was mechanizing its farms, German companies like Claas made the tractors and grain harvesters.


  • 本文通过GN-6型手扶拖拉机基本参数分析确定,进行了额定牵引力扭矩速度、牵引力动力输出轴转速验算

    Through analyzing and checking the parameters of rated force, tractor's speed, pull force and real force, a clutch of double dried frictional flake is chosen and designed in the paper.


  • 那时社会很多工作盘子拖拉机袜子裤子小商品甚至在煤矿做矿工。

    I did a lot of jobs back at that time in the society: Washing dishes, driving tractor, selling small goods like pants and socks and even working in the coal mine.


  • 目前我国小型单缸卧式发动机用于手扶拖拉机小型收割机、小型移动式排灌装置

    For the present China's small-sized horizontal engines with single-cylinder are mostly used on walking tractors, small type harvester, and small portable irrigation equipment, etc.


  • 从而克服现有拖拉机拖斗一般只能通过手工接而存在所需人手、挂接困难不便缺陷

    Accordingly, the disadvantages of many labor needing, difficult hanging, inconvenience, etc. existing when the existing tractor trailer can be generally hung only by hands are overcome.


  • 系统汽车拖拉机工程机械产品检验测试验总装过程中汽车排出的尾气。

    The system in automobiles, tractors, construction machinery and other products, testing and final assembly inspection and testing process, the exhaust emitted by vehicles.


  • 产品适用于汽车、拖拉机航空航天仪表轴承工具纺机五金行业,深受广大客商信赖好评

    Product for automobiles, tractors, aerospace, instrumentation, bearing tools, textile machinery, metal industries, by the majority of customers trust and praise.


  • 大中马力拖拉机配套装载机、后挖掘机产品远销亚洲美洲欧洲澳洲地。

    Products of front loader and backhoe equipped to large and medium-sized tractors are mainly sold to the districts in Asia, America, Europe, Australia, etc .


  • 大中马力拖拉机配套装载机、后挖掘机产品远销亚洲美洲欧洲澳洲地。

    Products of front loader and backhoe equipped to large and medium-sized tractors are mainly sold to the districts in Asia, America, Europe, Australia, etc .


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