• 外套泥里

    He was dragging his coat in the mud.


  • 汉斯接过,把根绳子上然后拖在身后

    Hans takes the bacon, ties it to a rope, and drags it away behind him.


  • 长裙地板上

    Her long skirt was trailing along the floor.


  • 只风筝尾巴空中

    The kite 's tail trailed in the air.


  • 裙子地(板)上。

    Her skirt trails on the floor.


  • 大盘几千鳝鱼里直至淹死

    Dai Dapan had been drowned by thousands of eels which held him under water until he died.


  • 我们知道什么新奇配件口袋里

    Wed love to know what newfangled gadgetry you re hauling in your pocket.


  • 想法用力心脏决定礼物作为我的象征

    Thoughts of her tugging at my heart, I decided to send a gift as a token of my love.


  • 着镯子,耳悬着珍珠的头发长得地板上

    She has bracelets on her arms and pearl drops in her ears; her hair sweeps down upon the floor.


  • 亲眼看着长子死去,亲眼看着的尸首战车后面

    I watched my eldest son die, watched you dragged his body behind your chariot.


  • 早上阳光朦胧辉煌的夕阳合作伙伴

    Good morning sunshine, sprinkled on a page, such as dim as a brilliant sunset, a long drag on the tip of the partner.


  • 谈判差不多时间归属主权问题上,没有让。

    Of the two years of talks, more than a year was spent on the issue of jurisdiction and sovereignty, but she made no concessions.


  • 优质医护服务满足需求不要最后分钟问题

    They want to give you quality care and meet your needs, but it's not fair to them to drag out the appointment with last-minute requests and questions.


  • 同一图像列出两次,为什么?是删除这些图像之一风险呢?

    Xcode - Dragged in same image twice and it is listed twice, why? Is deleting one of these images a risk?


  • 只见龇牙咧嘴,目光一般地闪动着长发彗星尾巴似的脑后

    Her teeth were bared, her eyes shone like fire, and her long hair streamed out behind her like a comet's tail.


  • 能够游泳岸边木筏后面,只要你们尾巴

    I think I can swim to the shore and pull the raft after me, if you will only hold fast to the tip of my tail.


  • 是否饱受压力、疲惫不堪感觉脸颊地板上,睡眠质量而且时间运动

    Are you stressed out and tired, feeling like your cheeks are dragging on the floor, with poor sleep patterns and no time for exercise?


  • 双方不想回到这个年代俄罗斯能够美国谈判桌上小时数衡量自己GDP水平

    Neither side wants to return to a time where Russia measured its GDP in the hours it could keep America at the nuclear negotiating table.


  • 而是把前面去上去踢,这种习惯使得每一次受到重击,跟脚上一样容易磨损。

    Our habit of kicking the slippers on ahead, and catching them up again, made them work none the less hard, through effectually defeating at every step the reason of their being.


  • 还有条尾巴露茜最初没有看见因为雪地里搞脏,他拿伞的那个手臂弯里

    He also had a tail, but Lucy did not notice this at first because it was neatly caught up over the arm that held the umbrella so as to keep it from trailing in the snow.


  • 鸟龙腕骨楔形,因此可以将前肢折叠身体两侧,行走前肢上的羽毛可以悬空,不会地面上。

    Anchiornis's wrist bone was so wedge-shaped that it could fold its arms to its sides, keeping its arm feathers off the ground as it walked.


  • 也许黄昏时分看到者,只有根毛茸茸的狐狸尾巴雪车后面作为战利品而回来,他们旅馆过夜

    And perhaps at evening I see the hunters returning with a single brush trailing from their sleigh for a trophy, seeking their inn.


  • 维特·施托克身着长裙摆白色绸缎嫁衣,由乔治·阿玛尼设计,上面镶嵌数千水晶,裙摆红色地毯上

    The long white train of Wittstock's Giorgio Armani duchess satin gown, encrusted with thousands of tiny crystals, spilled over the red carpet.


  • 随着嵌入墙体不是立架子上平板电视数量不断增加,witricity公司可以帮忙解决拖在电视后边的难看的电线

    With an increasing number of flat-screen TVs wall-mounted rather than placed on stands, he said that witricity could help do away with unsightly trailing cables.


  • 当杰克走回到参孙时薄雾渐渐包围了他.能见度只有几米.毫无预兆看起来粘糊糊的粗似的东西薄雾中显现.它们是从上面下来的 看不见来源而且拖在地面发出微弱的沙沙声.杰克转身时虽然及时地看见了它们 但仍然被笼罩其中.

    Without warning, a curtain of what looks like slimy ropes emerges out of the mist. They are hanging down from above, their source unseen, and are dragging over the ground with a faint swish.


  • 至少希望他们看到一些照片,那是他们父亲反抗中监狱

    At least they will see, I hope, pictures of their father being hauled off to jail in defiance.


  • 次折展示中,展开翅膀尾巴一边,一边慢慢远离巢穴

    In a broken-wing display, the bird spreads and drags the wings or its tail, and while it does that, it slowly moves away from the nests.


  • 次折展示中,展开翅膀尾巴一边,一边慢慢远离巢穴

    In a broken-wing display, the bird spreads and drags the wings or its tail, and while it does that, it slowly moves away from the nests.


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