• 拍摄主题必须要不见你。

    The subject must forget about you.


  • 街头摄影秘密在于放慢步调,速度不该太快,拍摄的主题必须要看不见你,而你的速度必须要很快。

    The secret is to take your time. You mustn't go too fast. The subject must forget about you. Then, how ever, you must be very quick.


  • 计划进行将近拍摄主题照片数量加起来,达到130多张时,知道接近结束了。

    The project rolled on for almost a year, but one day, when he counted up the number of subjects photographed and came to a figure in the mid-130s, Floyd knew he was near the end.


  • 另一一家郊区报纸工作那个时候惊讶发现自己很喜欢接受拍摄任务兴趣最重要的,应该享受这个过程并且喜欢拍摄主题

    Another year I worked for a small suburban newspaper chain and was surprised to learn that I enjoyed assignment photography. Fun is important. You should like the process and the subject.


  • 照片提示创意地拍摄形象性主题尝试采用不同组成部分记住不必要总是显示整个塑像对象

    Photo Tip: be creative when shooting iconic subjects, and try different compositions. Remember that you don't always have to show the whole statue or object.


  • 拍摄主要景点然后致力于发现不太为人所值得一拍的主题

    I photograph the main attraction and then discover the lesser known yet still photo-worthy subjects.


  • 照片提示创意地拍摄形象性主题尝试采用不同组成部分

    Photo Tip: Be creative when shooting iconic subjects, and try different compositions.


  • 透彻的研究纪录片主题。在开始拍摄以前,你知道你到底要一个什么样的故事。就故事片一样,纪录片一样要有趣的人物冲突故事情节。和故事片不同的是,所有这些都是自然而然发生的,不是在你的导演之下。

    As with dramatic films, there needs to be interesting characters, conflicts and plots. Unlike dramatic films, these should occur naturally, without directing the people in your documentary.


  • 照片提示可能不得不要花相当长的段时间拍摄主题一起,跟随着他们,使拍摄变得更为完美

    Photo Tip: you may have to spend quite a while with your subjects, following alongside them, to get that perfect shot.


  • 潜在问题:一个忏悔记录如果围绕着让人反感的主题拍摄结果往往事与愿违吉普森的忏悔最好触动别人的心弦

    Potential Bust-Up: A confessumentary could always backfire if the subject turns out to be a genuine bugger. Gibson better hope he can twang those heart strings.


  • 也为克劳德·勒鲁什、·吕克·戈达尔、雅克·德米拍摄的新浪潮电影创作主题曲。

    He is the author of several themes for Nouvelle Vague movies made by Claude Lelouch, Jean-Luc Godard or Jacques Demy.


  • 每部电影主题各异实验不同纪录片拍摄传统风格所有影片都是讲述这样那样个人故事。

    The subjects of the films vary widely, and each film was used to experiment with different documentary traditions and styles, but all the stories are personal in one way or another.


  • 1985版的封面主题麦当娜张照片是在成名的前几年拍摄的

    This 1985 issue featured nude photos of Madonna, taken years earlier before she became famous.


  • 你为拍摄倒影寻找焦点不妨焦点放在主题上的同时瞄准湖中的倒影。

    When considering focus while shooting a reflection, it's worth experimenting with both focusing on the subject itself and focusing on the reflection.


  • 照片背景照片主体一样重要符合主题地方拍摄出的照片远封闭房间里效果好的多。

    In photography, background is as important as the subject itself. A photograph taken with the same subject in a field could sometimes result better than taking it in a closed room.


  • 相反的,只是白色为背景,用高速摄影设备在1/8000快门速度拍摄这样分离出了主题精髓之处

    Instead, with pure white light and high-tech photo equipment that can capture a sliver of time as brief as a 1/8000th of a second, he isolates his subjects' essences.


  • 人曾拍摄一个食物主题私人项目他们拍摄符号性的图像开始将这个项目引向令人惊讶方向

    For a personal project centered on food, the couple started with iconic images and took them in surprising directions.


  • 本周主题我们推荐的首张图片是Baldev Sahota飞越撒哈拉沙漠拍摄到的。

    This week the theme is clouds, and we begin with a photograph sent in by Baldev Sahota that was taken while flying over the Sahara desert.


  • 展出一百二十幅作品是罗申科1922 至1940(得到最后一次委托年)拍摄的,按主题编排

    The 120 works on display date from between 1922 and 1940, when Rodchenko got his last big commission, and are arranged thematically.


  • Set-jetting指将电影拍摄地作为目的地旅游“电影主题旅游”。

    Set-jetting is the trend of traveling to destinations that are first seen in movies.


  • 如果拍摄内容是一个生日party,去了解聚会主题什么采用的装饰与执行的晚会程序有什么特别,过生日孩子希望得到什么礼物

    If you photograph a birthday party, check out the theme, the decorations they plan on using, what the birthday kid hopes to get for his or her gifts.


  • 我们本周读者画廊主题时间,先欣赏ChrisMarvel 拍摄巴黎雕塑鸽子吧

    We start this week's gallery of readers' pictures on the theme of time with a picture by Chris Marvel of a pigeon on a sculpture in Paris.


  • 所以影片作品可以任何给定'主题',视频拍摄什么他们核心概念

    So my video pieces can be on any given 'subject' while the shooting of the video is what is conceptually central to them.


  • 如果仔细看你所钦佩摄影师作品,你会发现他们深入拍摄一个特定地方或者主题并且从中发现一些特别的东西。

    If you look at the photographers' work you admire, you will find that they have found a particular place or subject, and then have dug deep into it, and carved out something that is special.


  • 日本手机拍摄流行主题之一就是食物

    In Japan, one of the most popular subjects for mobile snapshots is food.


  • 岩井俊二拍摄的电影被人们称作“青春片”,关于岩井俊二电影中的青春主题主要四个部分

    Shunji Iwai produced many movie called "youth movie", Shunji Iwai of movies about the main points of four parts youth theme.


  • 岩井俊二拍摄的电影被人们称作“青春片”,关于岩井俊二电影中的青春主题主要四个部分

    Shunji Iwai produced many movie called "youth movie", Shunji Iwai of movies about the main points of four parts youth theme.


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