• 一个交易达到市场定价一定折扣时候提醒,并包括拍卖费用预计的重新拍卖

    EvalResale - Prompts you for deals based on discount from the market value, AH fee, and expected relistings.


  • (生命中的最后里,不得不拍卖家里部分财物支付养老院费用

    In the last year she had to sell some of her family's possessions at auction to pay for her stay in the nursing home.


  • 买受人未按照约定受领拍卖标的的,应当支付由此产生保管费用

    Should a buyer fail to take back an auction target as agreed upon, he or she shall pay the storage costs arising thereafter.


  • 如果孩子长大了这些衣服好,也可以拍卖寄售收回一部分费用

    If the clothes are still in good shape when your children outgrow them, you can auction or consign them to recover some of your costs.


  • 约定可以委托人收取拍卖支出合理费用

    And in the absence of any agreement, the auctioneer may collect from the trustee rational charges as auction expenses.


  • 未作约定应当拍卖支付拍卖支出合理费用

    In the absence of an agreement, he or she shall pay the auctioneer reasonable costs paid for an auction.


  • 通过在线销售鼻烟壶拍卖大大降低交易费用

    By marketing the snuff bottles online, the auction house would seriously reduce the costs associated with the sale.


  • 参与恶意串通竞买应当承担拍卖船舶费用赔偿有关损失

    Any bidder involved in malicious collusion shall pay expenses for auctioning the ship and compensate losses incurred.


  • 海事法院裁定终止拍卖船舶准备拍卖船舶所发生的费用由海事请求人承担。

    If the maritime court orders to stop the auction of the ship, expenses incurred for auctioning the ship shall be paid by the maritime claimant.


  • 无法保管不易保管或者保管费用可能超过价值物品海事请求人可以申请提前拍卖

    For articles which cannot be stored, or are difficult to be stored, or the storage expense may exceed their value, the maritime claimant may apply for auction in advance.


  • 万一有什么字画古董拍卖变现支付拍卖费用

    One thousand what calligraphy and painting, antiques, auctions, still have to want to cash payment to the auction house a fee.


  • 海事法院裁定终止拍卖船舶,为准备拍卖船舶所发生费用由海事请求人承担。

    If the maritime court makes an order to terminate the auction of the ship, the expenses incurred in preparation for auction of the ship shall be borne by the maritime claimant.


  • 公共拍卖出售物业专业人员通常收取卖出价一定百分比作为费用

    A professional (real estate broker or auctioneer, depending on local laws) who sells property at public auctions. Usually paid a percentage of the sale price.


  • 当然,如果买家决定钻石切开拍卖的落槌是不包括加工费用

    And of course, the hammer price does not include whatever the buyer would have to pay to have the stone cut, should he or she decide to do so.


  • 拍卖所得用于支付报关仓储费其他所有费用

    Proceeds of the sale used to pay customs fees, storage charges and all other costs.


  • 是个非常体面金额甚至拍卖大约15%费用

    That is a pretty decent amount even with the auction house taking about 15% on fees.


  • 拍卖周五比赛筹集钱款用于资助中国贫困山区的教育费用

    All the money collected from the auction and from Friday's game will be used to aid schooling for kids in China's poorest regions.


  • 货物腐烂变质或者货物的保管费用可能超过价值的,可以申请提前拍卖

    Where the goods are perishable or the expenses for keeping such goods would exceed their value, the carrier may apply for an earlier sale by auction.


  • 里根孩子送到老虎-伍兹所上过高尔夫学校了解所需的费用时,开始有了拍卖自己名字的主意。

    Iligan said she got the idea when she found out how much it would cost to send one of her children to a golf school that Tiger Woods once attended.


  • 一些受访农民,农民前来收购的买家销售烟叶他们自己承担拍卖运输费用拍卖场销售更好。

    Some farmers interviewed said that it made more sense for farmers to sell their tobacco to buyers who come to them than for them to bear the cost of transporting the crop to the auction floors.


  • 安排将拍卖公开私下重售所得价格低,差额连同买家未有付款而引致主任何费用一并买家索

    Arrange public or private resale of the auction item, if the resale price is lower, the company will claim for the balance together with the cost arisen from the buyer's failure to pay.


  • 安排将拍卖公开私下重售所得价格低,差额连同买家未有付款而引致主任何费用一并买家索

    Arrange public or private resale of the auction item, if the resale price is lower, the company will claim for the balance together with the cost arisen from the buyer's failure to pay.


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