• 段视频拍摄后,卫生部部长杰米•曼拉里克告诉记者这些矿工掉了不少体重并且处于脱水状态,不过仍算健康

    After the video was filmed, health Minister Jaime Manalich told reporters that the miners had lost weight and were dehydrated but were "reasonably" healthy.


  • 自埃文河畔斯特特福镇的一号和二号约翰逊·艾克赛尔巴士将乘客送到我们一英里长的车道尽头。

    The 1 and 2 Johnsons Excel-bus from Stratford-upon-Avon drops passengers at the end of our mile-long drive.


  • 朝圣者准备参与第六十二届默里亚巴德玛丽圣殿朝圣之旅,对此穆尔塔克·皮亚MushtaqPyara)神父表示担忧

    Father Mushtaq Pyara expressed concern as devotees prepare for the 62nd pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine in Mariamabad.


  • 如果很小玻璃杯或是一个很大的玻璃杯,当参数设定一致时,你恰好的到同一个形状波形。”莱克·

    "If you have a very small glass or a very big glass and you put in the same parameters, you will have exactly the same shape of the wave," Reclari says.


  • 上述结论至少英国里克大学马太·伯伦安德鲁·奥斯瓦尔德得出结论。

    That, at least, is the conclusion of Matthew Rablen and Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick, in England.


  • 1910年新泽西组建了·克斯公司,随后监督制作几百部电影

    In 1910 she formed Solax in New Jersey and supervised another several hundred films over the next four years.


  • 巴迪克说:“患者需要积极配合治疗,他们需要很多工作我们实施的治疗绝不是将一个模子放入腿里而后等待那么简单。

    The patient needs to do their part, and that involves a lot of workwe aren’t just putting a cast on the leg and waiting,” Badylak said.


  • 告诉群众朋友弗兰克·麦科特安吉骨灰》一书中颂扬了古时的利默里克更喜欢眼前的这座城市。

    I told the crowd that my friend Frank McCourt had memorialized the old Limerick in Angela’s Ashes, but I liked the new one better.


  • 他们居住甘塞特湾沿岸地区,也就是现今里克金斯区域居住片区域的大批土著部落最大的一支。

    They inhabited the area along Narragansett Bay from present-day Warwick to South Kingstown and were the largest of a number of native tribes living in the area.


  • 海浪波峰如果它们移动过快葡萄酒开始瓦解变为泡沫,莱克·

    Just like an ocean crest, wine waves begin to break, turning frothy, if they're moving too quickly, he says.


  • 来自加州大学圣迭戈分校的卡迪克•穆里达兰世界银行万可太实•桑德曼,印度安德的300所国立学校试验了这个想法

    Two researchers, Karthik Muralidharan of the University of California at San Diego and Venkatesh Sundararaman of the World Bank, tested that idea in 300 state-run schools in Andhra Pradesh in India.


  • 北极科利加拿大勒维特·伊格·卢利克附近的浮冰上休息。

    An Arctic Larry, Moe, and Curly lounge on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.


  • 黑暗日子里,本•伯南克、汉克·保尔森、蒂姆·盖特纳·贝尔把握了大局,大胆快速地采取了行动

    In the darkest of days, Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Tim Geithner and Sheila Bair grasped the gravity of the situation and acted with courage and dispatch.


  • 爪哇槟榔刚甘山斜坡男人们印度教毗湿奴配偶希里·克希米雕像洗浴。

    In a sacred pool on the slopes of Java's Mount Penanggungan, men bathe beside statues of Sri and Lakshmi, the consorts of the Hindu god Vishnu.


  • 里·埃里森——小罗伯特·唐尼•阿弗莱克、杰弗里·、休•劳瑞约翰·萨维奇

    Larry EllisonRobert Downey Jr., Ben Affleck, Geoffrey Rush, Hugh Laurie and John Savage.


  • 里克兹洛永远不能美国必须卡萨布兰卡

    Rick, Laszlo must never reach America. He stays in Casablanca.


  • 因此贝尔比尔·盖茨、里·佩奇、谢尔盖·布林和马克·扎克伯格式的创业”,正在缓慢稳扎稳打中国诞生。

    Thus, what Bell calls the "Bill Gates-Larry Page-Sergey Brin-Mark Zuckerberg model," is slowly but surely being born in China.


  • 当天晚上,马吕斯便住圣雅克门旅馆间屋子里,挨着古克的房间。

    And that very evening, Marius found himself installed in a chamber of the hotel DE la Porte-Saint-Jacques side by side with Courfeyrac.


  • 莫莉恩-窦德的小别墅里挤满了演艺圈的人——-戴维斯,,乔治-卢卡斯,雷-哈维德,甚至汤姆-汉克斯-阿弗莱克想进去都得费点劲儿。

    Maureen Dowd's townhouse so jammed with stars -- Larry David, George Lucas, Ron Howard -- that even Tom Hanks and Ben Affleck have trouble getting in.


  • 法兰克·傅里叶拍摄被困淤泥倒塌建筑物中的奥马伊·桑切斯的悲剧照片。

    Frank Fournier captured the tragic image of Omayra Sanchez trapped in mud and collapsed buildings.


  • 周一致会员信中俱乐部老板埃德·布里塞克斯(EdraBlixseth)几周来前所未有经济事件Yellowstone被迫寻求债权人保护

    In a letter to members Monday, club owner Edra Blixseth said the 'unprecedented economic events' of recent weeks have forced Yellowstone to seek protection from its creditors.


  • 1999年西方干预那次准军事行动,位于普里什蒂纳以南城镇察克有四十五名平民葬身塞尔维亚人

    In Racak, south of Pristina, the deaths of 45 civilians at the hands of Serbian paramilitaries in 1999 convinced the West to intervene.


  • 朱里诺·洛佩兹(Julio Lopez)来自关键证人艾切克·勒斯的审判无期徒刑的判决中起到了关键的作用

    Julio Lopez was a key witness from la Plata, who had played a significant role in the trial and life sentencing of Etchecolatz.


  • 23岁Facebook创立者马克扎克博格使得Google30多岁的联合创立者谢尔盖布林里佩奇显得老了。

    At a virile 23, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, makes Google's co-founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, both in their thirties, look almost decrepit.


  • Penanggungan山坡一个男人们印度教毗湿奴配偶克希米雕像洗澡

    In a sacred pool on the slopes of Mount Penanggungan, men bathe beside statues of Sri and Lakshmi, the consorts of the Hindu god Vishnu.


  • 一个涂成黑色哨兵告诉只能布雷加以西25英里的阿克·,“安全了。”

    A rebel sentry with a blackened face told me to go only as far as Al Uqaylah, twenty-five miles to the west: "it's not safe past there."


  • 朝圣委员会秘书长穆尔塔克.皮亚MushtaqPyara神父表示关注朝圣者准备前往旁遮普省参与第六十二届默里亚巴德全国圣母朝圣地的朝圣之旅。

    Father Mushtaq Pyara, secretary of the pilgrimage committee, expressed concern as devotees prepare for the 62nd pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine in Mariamabad, Punjab province.


  • 这枚卡地亚订婚钻戒重三克金戒托圆形切割。 倒是和凯蒂·佩里的肤色和甲油颜色很搭。

    Perry's Cartier engagement ring boasts an estimated 3-carat round diamond set atop a yellow gold band.


  • 马克·伯格在哈佛大学(Harvard)的宿舍推出了FacebookTwitter杰克·多西谷歌(Google)的里·佩奇以及谢尔盖·布林都是20多岁时就创立了自己公司

    Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm room; Twitter's Jack Dorsey and Google's (GOOG) Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded their respective companies in their twenties.


  • 马克·伯格在哈佛大学(Harvard)的宿舍推出了FacebookTwitter杰克·多西谷歌(Google)的里·佩奇以及谢尔盖·布林都是20多岁时就创立了自己公司

    Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm room; Twitter's Jack Dorsey and Google's (GOOG) Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded their respective companies in their twenties.


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