• 奥利弗·斯通制片的电影《棕榈》由·德拉尼、吉姆·贝鲁西安吉·迪金森联袂主演。

    Produced by Oliver Stone, "Wild Palms" costars Dana Delaney, Jim Belushi and Angie Dickinson.


  • 电影《阿凡》里,潘朵拉星球生物圈里所有元素都在一个网络之中,磷光植物翼手龙鸟,纳威自己也接入了这个网络。

    In the movie Avatar, the Na 'vi people of Pandora plug themselves into a network that links all elements of the biosphere, from phosphorescent plants to pterodactyl-like birds.


  • 苏珊娜雅纳拉都是因为害怕秘密暴露带来耻辱,才不得不多数朋友面前保密自己工作

    Both Suzanne and Dayanara also have to keep their work hidden from most of their friends, fearing the stigma associated with revealing their secret.


  • 为了安全起见雅·纳拉大多数女性一样,只告诉一个朋友她们行踪

    To play it safe, Dayanara and most of the women generally tell one friend where they're going.


  • 年前雅·纳拉纽约的一家投资银行暑期实习生,从那时,她就开始位比她年长高管交往

    A year ago, Dayanara started dating an older, married executive while working as a summer intern at an investment bank in New York.


  • 弗拉格勒海滩代托纳海滩佛罗里东海岸奥古斯之间拥有美丽海滩木板路和钓鱼码头海滨社区

    Flagler beach, between Daytona beach and St. Augustine on Florida's east coast, is a small seaside community with beautiful beaches, a boardwalk, and fishing pier.


  • 无关小事如何将我们吸入深渊》,作者是佛罗里大学安纳•塞拉宾夕法尼亚大学乔纳伯杰

    I recently stumbled upon a working paper, “Decision Quicksand: When Trivial Choices Suck Us In,” by Aner Sela (University of Florida) and Jonah Berger (Penn).


  • 但是创始人史蒂夫•佩寇拉、林·克罗·威尔、马修·科纳塔科斯明•哥塔希望有朝一日直接生产商合作以便能拿到低的价格

    But founders Steven Pecora, Darrin Cromwell, Matthew Conetta, and Cosmin Ghotta hope to one day partner with manufacturers directly to get even better deals.


  • 不过美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校格拉尔多•阿尔教授对此表示质疑,他说支持广泛采用的历法转换数值可能无效的。

    But Gerardo Aldana, a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, says the data supporting the widely-adopted conversion factor may be invalid.


  • 研究西雅图坦帕拉谟卡莱·罗纳布鲁·明顿、印第安纳水牛城纽约宾夕法尼亚中心地区寻找司机

    The study seeks drivers in Seattle, Tampa Bay, Durham, North Carolina, Bloomington, Indiana, Buffalo, New York and central Pennsylvania.


  • 1575年58日,与纳斯蒂弗拉诺夫一个名为瓦拉诺的宫殿举行了婚礼

    She married Nádasdy in a palace named Varanno on May 8, 1575 in Vranov.


  • 弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫,《阿》、《佩宁》、《微暗的引人犯罪的超级畅销书《莉塔》的广受赞誉作者他的富于想像力的写作技巧持续折磨着又一代的读者。

    Vladimir Nabokov, the acclaimed author of Ada, Pnin, Pale Fire and that transgressive bestseller Lolita, is a writer whose imaginative mastery continues to torment successive generations.


  • 据印度税务部长尔马纳·普拉萨·拉奥(Dharmana PrasadaRao)邻近安得拉邦有60遇难还有100万人暂时安身在100顶援助帐篷里。

    In neighbouring Andhra Pradesh, 60 people had died and more than 1 million had sought shelter in 100 relief camps, Dharmana Prasada Rao, the state's revenue minister, said.


  • 幸运的是只老虎,还只是留在动物园里,没有大街上去,”动物园主管人员纳拉原•马汉narayanMahanta告诉法新社记者

    "Fortunately the two cats remained inside the zoo complex and did not try to venture out in the streets," zoo warden Narayan Mahanta told AFP.


  • 同年马拉多纳加入了巴赛罗纳西班牙人球队转会费70亿里拉

    In the same year Diego was engaged by the Spaniard team Barcellona, that paid for his transfer the record sum of 7 billion liras.


  • 拉.尼尔.赫斯特于1934年发表一部长篇小说《Jonah'sGourdVine》(《乔纳的葫芦蔓》),故事发生佛罗里小镇,讲述的是两个与她父母很相似的人物。

    Zora Neale Hurston published her first book, "Jonah's Gourd Vine, " in nineteen thirty-four. The story takes place in a small Florida town.


  • 位于拉谟北卡罗来纳生命科学博物馆恐龙近期竣工了只恐龙正是其中的一部分

    The four are part of the recently completed dinosaur trail at the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science in Durham.


  • 据悉,帕拉蒂科根据过去年里相关文献研究,撰写了《莱奥纳尔多??芬奇意大利文艺复兴迷失中国学者一书

    Mr Paratico said documentation he has uncovered during two years of research forms the basis of his latest book Leonardo Da Vinci: A Chinese scholar lost in Renaissance Italy.


  • 人们认为这退役最后一世界杯了,他将·席勒、弗拉迪斯拉夫·兹穆马拉多纳一起,出场21被写进世界杯记录册

    He was supposed to be playing in his last World Cup but joined Uwe Seeler, Wladislav Zmuda and Maradona in the record books in the tournament with 21 games before his exit.


  • 盖奥拉·辛眼睛部位暗色条纹向《银杀手》中的里尔·致敬——片中里尔·汉纳也画着一个相似的妆。

    The dark strip of makeup across Aurra Sing's eyes is an homage to a similar look worn by Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner.


  • 目前国际上开展度假权益项目的俱乐部包括万豪威斯汀四季雅高喜来登凯悦安纳塔拉国际品牌度假俱乐部。

    At present, the international vacation clubs we are partnered with include Marriott, Westin, Four Seasons, Accor, Sheraton, Hyatt, Starwood, Anantara and other international brand holiday clubs.


  • 正在鲁迪·佩雷兹训练,佩雷兹先前训练过莫拉·雷斯的职业对手,马可·安东尼奥·巴雷拉

    Maidana is now being trained by Rudy Perez, who previously trained Morales' career rival, Marco Antonio Barrera.


  • 国王同意了梅斯要求决定把阿摩纳斯洛留作人质。

    The king grants his request but keeps Amonasro in custody.


  • 波士顿·法伯癌症研究所结肠癌专家博拉。舒拉格说:“想想那些利益一致的地方。”

    "Think about where the interests are aligned," said Dr. Deborah Schrag, a colon cancer specialist at the Dana-Farber cancer Institute in Boston.


  • 教会另一个传统玛利亚 拉匝禄姐妹 就是玛利亚肋纳。

    Another church's tradition also has Mary, the sister of Lazarus, as Mary Magdalene.


  • 来自墨西哥小伙成名2005年U-17世青赛,被阿森纳一月份拉亚拉队签来这个赛季他被租借到了西班牙的奥萨苏纳队。

    The Mexican, who starred in the Under-17s World Cup in 2005, signed from Guadalajara in January and is spending this season on loan at Spanish side Osasuna.


  • 欢迎光临网上组合。我的名字马格莱纳德拉一个分辨率数字艺术家角色建模专业雕刻纹理

    Welcome to my online portfolio. My name is Magdalena Dadela and I am a digital artist specializing in high resolution character modeling, sculpting and texturing.


  • 欢迎光临网上组合。我的名字马格莱纳德拉一个分辨率数字艺术家角色建模专业雕刻纹理

    Welcome to my online portfolio. My name is Magdalena Dadela and I am a digital artist specializing in high resolution character modeling, sculpting and texturing.


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