• 1969年,名叫罗德·威尔斯化石猎人来到澳大利亚的那拉科特探索当时称为维多利亚洞穴的地方。

    In 1969, a fossil hunter named Rod Wells came to Naracoorte in South Australia to explore what was then known as Victoria Cave.


  • 马萨诸塞州伍斯特大学地理研究生生物学副教授多米尼克·库科夫斯基说:“越来越多的人把房子在了容易起火的环境之中。”

    "We are increasingly building our homes in fire-prone ecosystems," says Dominik Kulakowski, adjunct professor of biology at Clark University Graduate School of Geography in Worcester, Massachusetts.


  • 科特无花果倚靠石灰岩面向科特生长,它肿胀树干的身体比例几乎一样。

    Socotran Fig Tree (Dorstenia gigas) with a bizare swollen trunk that almost has human proportions grows against a limestone rock face on the island of Socotra.


  • 科特也门群岛四个岛屿中的一个小岛,它们是远离非洲海岸印度洋中的一些小岛,大约半岛以南350公里

    Socotra is a small Yemeni archipelago of four islands and islets in the Indian Ocean off the coast of the Horn of Africa, about 350 kilometers south of the Arabian peninsula.


  • 温哥华居民或许还记得1980年年底关于斯特·社区花园划分那场辩论

    Vancouver residents may remember the debate in the late 1980's over a section of community garden on Prior Street in Strathcona.


  • 这个问题和无关,陨坑里释放很多东西,”科普雷特特随后表示并不说出超出议题太远这样的话。

    This goes beyond the water, there’s a lot of stuff that came out of there,” Colaprete said, before saying he didn’t want to saytoo much beyond” that.


  • 作为该片执行制片人,蒂代表辛纳特遗产授权斯科塞斯影片中使用父亲所有著名歌曲,因此她的意见有着巨大的影响力

    As the executive producer who has granted permission on behalf of the Sinatra estate for Scorsese to use all of her father's famous songs, it is Tina's opinion that could hold sway.


  • 佛罗里达州确保阿巴契科(该河弗林特查特·胡奇河汇流而成)流量充足

    Florida wants to ensure an adequate flow to the Apalachicola river, formed by the confluence of the Flint and Chattahoochee.


  • 该画陈列莎士比亚故乡斯特特福德以后,亚历克·科布希望不久将来回到爱尔兰展览

    After putting the painting on display in Shakespeare's hometown, Stratford-on-Avon, Alec Cobbe hopes to bring it back to Ireland for exhibition in the near future.


  • 骆驼消失在沙丘背后留给的只有一张照片以及科特充满敬畏记忆

    It vanished behind the dunes, leaving me with this picture and the most awe-inspiring memories of Socotra.


  • 上个月刚过完70岁生日的弗朗西斯·福特·科波:《泰特罗》年轻时就开始计划的一部影片,当时还没有名气运气也没降临到他身上。

    FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA, who turned 70 last month, says that "Tetro" is the kind of film he set out to make as a young man, before fame and fortune sidetracked him.


  • 沃伦·克里斯托弗安德烈。科济列夫作见证人,法特和我则站在后面

    Warren Christopher and Andrei Kozyrev witnessed it while Rabin, Arafat, and I stood behind and to the right.


  • 特德斯科、西研究团队火山口中开展研究时,毒气云雾频繁震动他们所要面临两大挑战

    Clouds of toxic gas and frequent tremors were two of the challenges faced by Tedesco, Sims, and the research team as they studied Nyiragongo's crater.


  • 印度首府印度教寺庙发现了地窖,地窖中藏有大量18世纪凡科王朝时期的黄金和珠宝

    Vaults containing vast quantities of gold and jewellery from the 18th-century kingdom of Travancore were found under a Hindu temple in the capital of the Indian state of Kerala.


  • 贡戈火山探险,带上山一点负重事先要经过仔细掂量,但特德斯科毫不在乎,他甚至特级初榨橄榄油

    On the Nyiragongo expedition, where every ounce hauled up the mountain was carefully considered, Tedesco brought a large glass bottle of extra virgin olive oil.


  • 科特800多种植物产地其中约240小岛特有的,当然还有很多植物物种尚未发现

    Socotra is home to more than 800 species of plants, some 240 of which are endemic to the island, and there are certainly many more plant species that have yet to be discovered.


  • 科比·布莱恩特闪亮登场同时还有网球明星法尔·纳达尔以及足球巨星梅西

    Kobe Bryant has made his appearance, as have tennis star Rafael Nadal and soccer superstar Lionel Messi.


  • 特德斯科一直拼命催促火山研究领域的顶级科学家对这里进行定期的实地研究,唯有如此,科学界才能掌握尼戈火山每一次活动精确记录

    Until top scientists make regular visits-something Tedesco has been desperately urging-the best that can be done is to maintain a precise record of Nyiragongo's every move.


  • 塔奥亚特代表来自众所周知印第安苏族斯卡州,塔州,达科塔州蒙大拿州的,自由科塔奥亚特(人民)的传统声音.

    Lakota Oyate represents the traditional voice of the free Lakota oyate (people) from what was known as the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana.


  • 日落绘画着马萨诸塞州德角切波恩特海滩天空

    Sunset paints the skies over Race Point Beach in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.


  • “即使母鼠血糖浓度正常脂肪出生子鼠血糖浓度也另一组的倍,”塔斯特·科斯基

    "At birth, offspring in the high-fat group had blood sugar levels that were twice as high as those in the control group, even though their mothers had normal levels," Strakovsky said.


  • 下图维斯和摇摆电视机:“出租车司机”(马丁·斯科塞斯,1976)。

    Below: the tension of Travis Bickle, keeping his television perpetually balanced on the edge of smashing to the floor: "Taxi Driver" (Martin Scorsese, 1976).


  • 随着贝兰·托尼斯特·斯·鲍夫的发现,米罗年科显然错误地相信了他信以为真事情。

    In the wake of Bellantoni and Strausbaugh's findings, Mironenko's confidence was clearly misplaced.


  • 所以说托尔斯泰陀思妥耶夫斯基契科夫司汤达梅尔维尔海明威福克纳,多斯·帕索斯,普鲁斯特,托马斯·歌德,对了,还有——逃不掉的——莎士比亚!

    So, I'll list Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Stendhal, Melville, Hemingway, Faulkner, Dos Passos, Proust, Zola, Mann, Goethe, and, oh yes-curses-shakespeare!


  • 所以说托尔斯泰陀思妥耶夫斯基契科夫司汤达梅尔维尔海明威福克纳,多斯·帕索斯,普鲁斯特,托马斯·歌德,对了,还有——逃不掉的——莎士比亚!

    So, I'll list Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Stendhal, Melville, Hemingway, Faulkner, Dos Passos, Proust, Zola, Mann, Goethe, and, oh yes-curses-shakespeare!


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