• 在普吉岛森塔海滩度假酒店饭店。

    I will stay at Centara Grand Beach Resort Phuket.


  • 只大蓝鹭用来保护佛罗里达萨科海滩的围栏上。

    A great blue heron stands on an oil containment boom that is being used to protect the beach in Pensacola, Florida.


  • 朱美海滩区靠工人夜以继日工作36便拔地而起。

    Jumeirah Beach Residence rose in just 36 months, its concrete poured by laborers working day and night.


  • 这些巴西杰里科·科海滩的男生女生厕所棕榈树叶子搭建而成的。

    These His and Hers beach toilets on Jericoacoara beach in Brazil are made using palm fronds.


  • 朱美拉海滩游客可以滑翔伞200高空俯瞰地平线迪拜全景

    Visitors to JBR can also take to the skies with a parasailing ride, for perfect views of the horizon and Dubai from 200 metres in the air.


  • 这无足为奇 -迪拜朱美海滩一个商业大楼34400英尺公寓

    Nothing odd about that – except that the apartment was located 400ft up on the 34th floor of a tower block in Jumeirah Beach, Dubai.


  • 这些景观跟着石头、科科岬、毛纳鲁尔海滩光线采交互感化而不竭转变

    The views are an ever changing interplay of light and color from Diamond Head to Koko Head over the Maunalua Bay and the beaches of Kahala.


  • 夜幕降临,大量游客涌入朱美拉海滩步行区数百家餐馆、咖啡厅开门迎客,提供各国风味美食

    By day, JBR's pedestrianised zone, The Walk, attracts many to its hundreds of restaurants and cafés, serving up cuisine from around the world.


  • 画面前景处群集于科科拉海滩(CocoaBeach)见证历史时刻人群中的一小部分

    In the foreground is a small part of the vast throng that flocked to Cocoa Beach to witness the spectacle.


  • 夏天可以黑海周围一些海滩享受清凉例如海滩拉海滩,它们可以说是是欧洲风景最美海滩

    In the summer, you can cool off at some of Europe's most beautiful beaches by the Black Sea, such as Nirvana beach and Perla beach.


  • 2007年2月4悉尼罗纳海滩麦加··Mecca Laa Laa首次冲浪救生巡逻中身着“布基尼”泳衣。

    Mecca Laa Laa wears a 'Burqini' on her first surf lifesaving patrol at North Cronulla Beach in Sydney, Australia on February 4, 2007.


  • 考虑到一点珀斯西澳大利亚大学物理学尔夫·梅斯认为可能已经发现了为什么鲸鱼出现一些特定海滩

    With this in mind, Ralph lames, physicist at the University of Western Australia in Perth, thinks he may have discovered why whales turn up only on some beaches.


  • 兰工程专业的学生斯特在16岁时去希腊度假,他开始思考所有被水冲到海滩上的垃圾。

    When he was 16, Dutch engineering student Slat was on vacation in Greece, and he started to think about all the rubbish that is pushed onto beaches by water.


  • 雕塑由从几次志愿者清理海滩时收集的16.8万根塑料吸管制成,首次出现在越南胡志明市的埃斯特广场购物中心。

    Made of 168,000 plastic straws collected from several volunteer beach cleanups, the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shopping center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


  • 尽管大多数帕·努伊岛都是为了探索文化历史当你需要一点放松时候这座岛也是潜水冲浪的好去处,还有迷人海滩

    While most people visit Rapa Nui to explore its cultural history the island is also home to some excellent diving, surfing, and enticing beaches when a bit of relaxation is in order.


  • 派恩城堡矗立加利福尼亚州海滩之上,可观海景,占地1.2英亩其中包括玫瑰园修建整齐草坪喷泉

    With ocean views, Pyne Castle is set on 1.2 acres of grounds in Laguna Beach, Calif., that include rose gardens, manicured lawns and fountains.


  • ·波拥有浪漫绰号一个容易理解有着为孤立海滩贴心酒店安静气氛

    Bora Bora boasts the nickname the "Romantic Island," a moniker easy to appreciate with its isolated beaches, intimate hotels, and quiet atmosphere.


  • 根据海滩工作的医生的描述,每一轰炸都会惊吓大批难民逃出该地区。

    According to the doctor on Mullaitivu beach, each bombardment provokes a clamour of refugees wanting to escape.


  • 2011年4月4日,加利福尼亚海滩 ---沃伦巴菲特聪明的,他也是富有的。

    04/04/11 Laguna Beach, CaliforniaWarren Buffett is a smart guy. Warren Buffett is a rich guy.


  • 约会地点LAX主题建筑屋顶360城市观景台,戈蒂博物馆斯泰普斯中心湖人比赛布雷焦油佩吉博物馆,威尼斯海滩浮桥

    Date spots: Rooftop observation deck at LAX’sTheme Building for 360-degree views of the city, Getty Museum, Lakers Game atStaples Center, Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits, Venice Beach Boardwalk


  • “来吧,孩子,”纳希命令我,一起漫步走海滩。 纳希位年轻朋友坐在海边上,其中的穆是村里学校的老师,懂一点英语。

    "C'mon baby, " he commanded, and we wandered back down to the beach, where three of his younger friends were sat by the shore.


  • 格勒海滩代托纳海滩佛罗里达东海岸奥古斯之间拥有美丽海滩木板路和钓鱼码头海滨社区

    Flagler beach, between Daytona beach and St. Augustine on Florida's east coast, is a small seaside community with beautiful beaches, a boardwalk, and fishing pier.


  • 但是春末的时候,来自加利福尼亚曼哈顿海滩·科斯塔高中的他,却去了耶鲁

    But later that spring, the student from Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach, Calif., got into Yale.


  • 南加州几个海滩包括亨廷顿海滩海滩,已进入警戒状态。

    Several Southern California beaches were put on alert, including Huntington beach and Laguna beach.


  • 日落绘画着马萨诸塞州德角切波恩特海滩天空

    Sunset paints the skies over Race Point Beach in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.


  • 在穆特附近处迷人的地中海风格海滩一座主要游轮使用的码头。

    Nearby Muttrah has a charming Mediterranean-style waterfront and a harbour now used mainly by cruise liners.


  • 海滩一带的珊瑚20%严重受损科帕依珊瑚礁一半毁掉了

    The damage is most extensive around South Patong Beach - with 20 percent devastation - and Koh Pai and Rana Bay off Phi Phi Island, which lost almost half the reef.


  • 这座位于莱州哈特斯角国家海岸线海滩别墅8月27日艾琳娜飓风中,被掀翻屋顶。

    The roof of a beach house at Cape Hatteras National Seashore in North Carolina sits in shambles August 27 due to high winds from Hurricane Irene.


  • 南加州几个海滩包括亨廷顿海滩海滩,已进入警戒状态

    Several Southern California beaches were put on alert, including Huntington beach and Laguna beach. According to a piece in the Los Angeles times.


  • 南加州几个海滩包括亨廷顿海滩海滩,已进入警戒状态

    Several Southern California beaches were put on alert, including Huntington beach and Laguna beach. According to a piece in the Los Angeles times.


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