• 非线性自适应拉格里归一化lms算法

    Variable step size adaptive nonlinear laguerre normalized LMS algorithm.


  • 1999年4月14日足总杯半决赛,曼联阿森纳的比赛中,吉格斯中场得,连续过接连把维埃格里曼迪格逊亚当斯甩在身后打进了一个史诗般的进球。

    In the semi-final between United and Arsenal on April 14th, 1999, Giggs scored a epic-like goal when he picked up the ball in his own half, dribbling through Vieira, Grimandi, Dixon and Adams in turn.


  • 演员约翰古德曼电影中饰演美拉尼•格菲斯

    Actor John Goodman played Melanie Griffith's sugar daddy in the film.


  • 一个案例研究中,高利讲述弗拉基米尔·莫洛兹故事他的父亲1937年处决、母亲被送往拉格

    In one case study, Gregory recounts the story of Vladimir Moroz, whose father was executed in 1937 and whose mother was sent to the Gulag.


  • 首场比赛1 - 2不敌匈牙利后,英格兰成功反弹,凭借罗恩·弗拉·沃斯、查尔顿吉米-格维斯的进球,英格兰3 - 1击败了阿根廷

    England recovered well from a 2-1 defeat against Hungary in the opening game as goals from Ron Flowers, Charlton and Jimmy Greaves sealed a 3-1 victory against Argentina.


  • 谈到新郎乔斯·格戈斯,加伊拉说:“可爱。”

    "He is very cute and I love him," Jayla said of the groom, Jose Griggs.


  • 马西米拉诺·阿莱格(米兰主帅)现在带领米兰意甲联赛中场比赛本周六他们迎战塞纳

    Massimiliano Allegri's side, however, remain without a win in Serie a after three matches and they play host to Cesena this Saturday.


  • 拉戈阿格法官,胡安奥努涅斯今年晚些时候就此作出裁决

    The judge in Lago Agrio, Juan Nuñez, is expected to rule on the case later this year.


  • 菲思天文台,基生气地责骂卡尔,要求乔治。菲拉格讨回公道

    At the Griffith Observatory, Keith angrily attacks Carl, demanding justice for George Ferragamo's death.


  • 朋友18岁弗兰克·迪皮特拉保罗抓住一只手臂他们俩菲斯附近个柱子旁。

    His friend, Frank DiPietrapaul, 18, grabbed her other arm, and the pair dragged Griffith to a nearby stoop.


  • 麦卡锡三种选择释放(依照苏格兰1993年通过法律),引渡或者麦格·拉希·诺克监狱度过自己余生

    Mr MacAskill, had three options: release (as sanctioned by a Scottish law of 1993); transfer; or keep Mr Megrahi in Greenock prison for his few remaining days.


  • 十八世纪法国美食家莫•德•雷尼埃尔为了推销其著作关于快乐之反思》,专门举办了一场“宴”。那些被邀请赴宴的人们就没有那么幸运了。

    But they got off easy compared with those invited to the “Funeral Supper” of the 18th-century French bon vivant Grimod de la Reynière, held to promote his opus “Reflections on Pleasure.”


  • 研究稀有小型类的科学家·(Larry Griffin),“三眼恐龙虾迅速长成,周内产下数百

    Scientist Larry Griffin who has studied the rare shrimp, said, “Triops matures rapidly and produces hundreds of eggs in just a couple of weeks.


  • 争论的焦点德士古公司(2001年雪佛龙公司收购)于早在20世纪60年代厄瓜多尔“丛林城市”拉·阿格附近的雨林中倾倒石油废弃物

    At issue is waste dumped by Texaco (bought by Chevron in 2001) as long ago as the 1960s in the region around Lago Agrio in the Ecuadorean jungle.


  • 虽然轻而易举染着夫背后真相杨恩德伊西拉看起来也就是他们的那样,鸭子也差不多

    He had sniffed out the truth beneath the dyed blue hair of Griff and Young Griff easily enough, and Yandry and Ysilla seemed to be no more than they claimed to be, whilst Duck was somewhat less.


  • 集中寻找多过程帮助帕帕诺依达男爵提列克舞女没有名字,不过在剧本演职员表称为特蕾拉·巴雷

    The Twi 'lek dancer who AIDS Baron Papanoida in finding Greedo is unnamed in the episode, though she is identified as Trella Bare 'ah in the script and credits.


  • 阿格科拉首先明确一种金属的。

    Bismuth is the first by Agricola clear it is a metal.


  • 虽然泰拉之前弗斯的诡计》中出现,但在几个一集设计的,一集制作在先。

    Although Tera appeared previously in "Grievous Intrigue," he and the younglings seen in that episode were designed for this episode, which was produced first.


  • 他们一名很重要球员弗兰不能上场,不过他们还有奎格·雷拉,赛季真的做的不错

    They will be missing an important player with Francesco Flachi out, but they have Fabio Quagliarella and he is doing really well this season.


  • 去年·拉希同情理由诺克监狱释放

    Megrahi was released from Greenock prison on compassionate grounds last year.


  • 摘要意大利除了灰皮雷比奥罗之外,还有一些有趣的葡萄品种值得人们关注,如西西岛出产的格洛、卡塔拉托和尹卓莉亚。

    ABSTRACT: In Italy, except for Pinot Gris and Trebbiano, there are some other white grape varieties that need people's attention.


  • 维格非洲70%艾滋病病毒感染者得了肺结核无法获得有效治疗他们几个就会死亡

    La Weige Leonard said that 70% of Africa's HIV-infected persons contracted tuberculosis after the lack of access to effective treatment, they will die a few months later.


  • 事实上,如果要找史的话,必须追溯到4 500年前才能找到真正“为唯一例子,即底格斯河-幼发拉底河流域的拉加什乌姆马两个城邦之间争端

    In fact, one has to go back 4,500 years to find the single historical example of a true "water war" - a dispute between the city-states of Lagash and Umma on the Tigris-Euphrates.


  • 那个中国小女孩下来,再了一曲格《阿尼特拉舞曲》。

    The little Chinese girl sat down to play an 39)encore of 40)Anitra's Tanz, by Grieg.


  • 意大利男子安吉洛·比奇尼伦敦北部亚历山大租用了私人湖区,湖1000只折纸天鹅,以此的女友基娅拉·格马尔迪求婚。

    Italian Angelo Piccini hired a private lake in Alexandra Palace, north London, and filled it with 1000 origami swans to propose to his girlfriend, Chiara Grimaldi.


  • 埃弗拉·内维尔签约高兴,因为知道哈格夫斯将为他们补位后,他们能够更多的前插。

    Patrice Evra and Gary Neville will be delighted by his signing because they can venture forward in future, knowing Hargreaves will cover the space they vacate.


  • 回答关于布·拉希莫维奇的问题:“不是第一伊布为冠军球员的。”

    Allegri also answered questions about Zlatan Ibrahimovic: "I am not the first to say he is a champion."


  • 菲思天文台,基生气地责骂卡尔,要求乔治。菲拉格慕的讨回公道

    At the Griffith Observatory, Keith angrily attacks Carl, demanding justice for George Ferragamo 's death.


  • 菲思天文台,基生气地责骂卡尔,要求乔治。菲拉格慕的讨回公道

    At the Griffith Observatory, Keith angrily attacks Carl, demanding justice for George Ferragamo 's death.


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