• 一个拉斯维加斯输掉这个房租美国吧?

    ARE you an American who lost the month's rent in Las Vegas?


  • 以上研究成果本周拉斯维加斯召开美国社会学会年度会议上发布的。

    The findings were presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in Las Vegas.


  • 即使是美国城市拉斯维加斯,其发出的亮度也仅只及太阳光这块区域反射亮度的万分之一。

    But even the brightest city in America, Las Vegas, emits only about a ten-thousandth as much light as the sun shines upon the same area.


  • 尽管本周拉斯维加斯有很多新的技术模式展出除了在亚洲已经了为数不多这种手机外美国欧洲都还没有

    Although several new models were unveiled in Las Vegas this week, no such handsets are yet available in Europe or America, and few in Asia.


  • 美国有成千上万人为在“新城”找到新的廉价住房奔波,他们在帕,达拉斯拉斯维加斯凤凰城找到了自己安居乐业的地方。

    In the United States, hundreds of millions of people have sought out new cheap housing in "new cities" and have been happy to settle in such places as Tampa, Dallas, las Vegas and Phoenix.


  • 身为拉斯维加斯本地人罗伯特·毕格罗是靠经营“美国廉价套间连锁旅馆这样的传统实业发家。

    Robert T.Bigelow, a native of Las Vegas, made his fortune in real estate including the Budget Suites of America hotel chain.


  • 身为拉斯维加斯本地人罗伯特·毕格罗是靠经营“美国廉价套间连锁旅馆这样的传统实业发家。

    Robert T. Bigelow, a native of Las Vegas, made his fortune in real estate including the Budget Suites of America hotel chain.


  • 正如底特律的繁荣取决于美国汽车业兴衰,拉斯维加斯依靠赌业作为这座城市的命脉。

    Just as Detroit depends on the health of the motor industry, Las Vegas relies on gaming for its lifeblood.


  • 书上读到过拉斯维加斯美国增长最快城市

    I had read that Las Vegas was the fastest growing city in the US.


  • 二三等奖冰岛拉斯维加斯,前者是最近金融崩溃代表,后者是美国抵押品赎回权丧失之都。

    The prizes for second and third place are trips to Iceland, scene of a more recent collapse, and Las Vegas, America’s foreclosure capital.


  • 我们民事警察,”,要知道拉斯维加斯其他美国城市情况墨西哥或是阿富汗地区相去甚远

    "We are civilian police," he says, noting that the situation in Las Vegas and other U.S. cities is far from what it is in parts of Mexico or Afghanistan.


  • 沙姆沙伊赫之之于像是拉斯维加斯之旅之于希望自己家乡有赌场美国

    A trip to Sharm el-Sheikh for him was like a trip to Las Vegas for an American who didn't want casinos in his hometown.


  • 据《法制晚报报道北京首个赴美抄底购房下月前往美国旧金山洛杉矶拉斯维加斯进行为期10天参观购房。

    The 1st house-purchasing group from Beijing will travel to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas for a 10-day tour next month to buy homes at a low price in the US, the Legal Evening News said.


  • 根据美国食品药品管理局指出“这些产品使用内华达州拉斯维加斯基础食品调味公司生产的水解植物蛋白制造而成。”

    According to the FDA, "the product was made using hydrolyzed vegetable protein manufactured by Basic Food Flavors, Inc." Las Vegas, Nevada.


  • 香港艺人陈小春日前宣布于大年初一女友应采儿美国拉斯维加斯注册结婚

    Hong Kong singer and actor Jordan Chan announced that he and Cherrie Ying will obtain a marriage certificate in the US city of Las Vegas on Lunar New Year's Day this year.


  • 罗还拿出了一张用中文简体写出单子,上面满了横跨整个美国的法拍屋其他性价比很高的房产名录:从西海岸的洛杉矶旧金山;到拉斯维加斯;再到东海岸的纽约波士顿

    Luo pulled out a promotional folder written in Mandarin with numerous listings of foreclosed U.S. properties in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Boston and New York.


  • 20年前相比,如今内华达州更加多元化了,但是要重振雄风,需要等到拉斯维加斯恢复元气,后者状况又取决于整个美国经济的走向。

    The state of Nevada is more diversified than it was two decades ago, but it is likely to return to strength only as Las Vegas does, and Vegas's fortunes depend on America's economy.


  • 事实上纽约市拉斯维加斯美国最酷两个城市每年一度的“美国最酷城市”评比同时名列榜首

    In fact, New York City and Las Vegas are the two coolest cities in the US, tied for the No. 1 spot in annual measure of America's coolest cities.


  • 美国拉斯维加斯印地安那小姐,凯蒂·斯塔姆在2009年加冕成为美国小姐。

    Las Vegas, US: Katie Stam, Miss Indiana, is crowned Miss America 2009.


  • 一个Urbee的全尺寸原型首次美国拉斯维加斯的改装车零配件展览会(SEMAShow)进行展览

    A full-scale Urbee prototype will be displayed for the first time in the US at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas.


  • 事实上纽约市拉斯维加斯全美最酷两个城市一年一度美国最酷城市排行榜”评比并列榜首

    In fact, New York City and Las Vegas are the two coolest cities in the United States, tied for the No. 1 spot in our annual measure of America's coolest cities.


  • 房地产崩盘普遍拉斯维加斯这样,美国内华达州房地产经纪人协会(NVAR)会长Devin赖斯解释道要命了

    When a property crash becomes as pervasive as Las Vegas's, explains Devin Reiss, a former head of the Nevada Association of Realtors (NVAR), it takes on a life of its own.


  • 出生地拉斯维加斯美国

    Birthplace: Las Vegas (United States).


  • 去年拍摄的一部电视记录片中,展示了自己数字方面的才能。 尽管从来没有玩过21点(blackjack),他居然在拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas,美国赌城 --译者注)大赢特赢。

    In a documentary last year, he again demonstrated his numerical powers, this time by breaking the bank in Las Vegas, never having played blackjack before.


  • 今年,颁奖典礼拉斯维加斯重新举行,美国广播公司进行了直播,宿醉2》的主角肯•杰昂主持

    This year the show was brought back in Las Vegas, broadcast live on ABC, and hosted by "the Hangover 2" star Ken Jeong.


  • 詹姆斯拉斯维加斯派对时候,杜兰特则在下午美国训练晚上自己训练师练习。

    When James was hosting parties in Vegas, Durant was practicing with Team USA in the afternoons and his own trainers in the evening.


  • 詹姆斯拉斯维加斯派对时候,杜兰特则在下午美国训练晚上自己训练师练习。

    When James was hosting parties in Vegas, Durant was practicing with Team USA in the afternoons and his own trainers in the evening.


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