• 这部电影2004年于威尼斯影展首映以动画技术获得

    In 2004 the film premiered at the Venice film Festival and animation technology to get Jin Aola Award.


  • 美国个史,每年颁成功也最荒诞诉讼案原告律师白痴陪审团。

    In america, they have one award named stella awards, which they will give to the most successful and most crazy court case's lawyer.


  • 于是当地学校设立一项数学写信请求名字冠名。

    So I set up a prize for maths at the local school, and wrote to Dirac asking to use his name.


  • 这份报告指出虽然博士八十年前就因发现“曼效应”获得诺贝尔,然而时至今日印度使用、根据“曼效应”原理制造的工具器械,大部分都是进口的。

    The report also pointed out that while C. V. Raman won the Nobel Prize eighty years ago for the Raman Effect, most of the instruments available in India today using this principle are imported.


  • 这份报告指出虽然博士八十年前就因发现“效应获得诺贝尔,然而时至今日印度使用、根据“曼效应”原理制造的工具器械大部分都是进口的。

    The report also pointed out that while C.V.Raman won the Nobel Prize eighty years ago for the Raman Effect, most of the instruments available in India today using this principle are imported.


  • 因为发现反物质而赢得了1933年的诺贝尔物理学

    Dirac went on to win the Nobel prize in physics in 1933 for his discovery of antimatter.


  • 我们非常荣幸地能够参加今天晚上这个授予教授J .罗伯特·奥本海默纪念的庄重典礼。

    It is a great honor for us to participate tonight in these modest ceremonies in awarding Professor Dirac the J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize.


  • 教授J .罗伯特·奥本海默纪念首位者。

    M. Dirac to be the first recipient of the J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize.


  • 斯克批评者强调如今使用基于青蒿素组合疗法一个科学接力赛的产物,经过许多阶段

    Critics of the Lasker citation emphasize that development of the artemisinin-based combination therapy used today resulted from a scientific relay race that went through many stages.


  • 1985年,派恩因《星期天乔治公园获得普利策戏剧

    In 1985, he and Lapine won the Pulitzer Prize in Drama for Sunday in the Park with George.


  • 赫曼马德斯的莫扎特绝对印度明星抢先夺得最佳音乐不久后,又摘得最佳配乐

    The star for India was definitely Rahman, known as the Mozart of Madras, who picked up the Oscar for best original score before scooping the best song award moments later.


  • 发现这种激光散射可以替代X光衍射鉴别化合物。 这个发现赢得了诺贝尔

    Raman, who won a Nobel Prize for his discovery, realized that this scattering of light offered an alternative to X-ray diffraction as a means of identifying compounds.


  • 几个,31获得诺贝尔物理学,是诺得主中最年轻的理论物理学家。

    A few months later, Dirac, at 31, became the youngest theoretician to win the physics Nobel Prize.


  • 纽博格林赛道拥有四种不同的路线配置并且历史最重要比赛的举办地:1955年德国范吉奥1935年大赛塔齐奥·诺瓦利的夺冠

    It featured four configurations and was home to arguably the two greatest races in history: Fangio’s victory in the 1955 German Grand Prix and Tazio Nuvolari’s GP win in 1935.


  • 纽博格林赛道拥有四种不同的路线配置并且历史最重要比赛的举办地:1955年德国范吉奥1935年大赛塔齐奥·诺瓦利的夺冠

    It featured four configurations and was home to arguably the two greatest races in history: Fangio's victory in the 1955 German Grand Prix and Tazio Nuvolari's GP win in 1935.


  • 因为斯克被看作诺贝尔的“风向标”,中国媒体充满了预期

    Because the Lasker Award is often seen as a precursor to the Nobel Prize, the Chinese media are abuzz with anticipation.


  • 丹麦导演·冯·特里尔导演影星妮可·基德曼出演的影片《狗镇》获得了最佳导演和最佳摄影

    "Dogville," by Danish director Lars von Trier and starring Nicole Kidman, won best director and best cinematography.


  • 美国摄影师唐纳德·米列凭这幅夏威夷2009年铁人世锦赛图片赢得体育动作故事组别一等

    American photographer Donald Miralle, Jr takes first prize in the Sports Action Stories category with this photo showing the Ironman World Championships, Hawaii 2009.


  • 既是展会明星又是沙迦双年展获得者ImranQureshi(人名),是一位来自巴基斯坦哈尔的艺术家

    The star of the show and a winner of the Sharjah Biennial prize was Imran Qureshi, an artist based in Lahore.


  • 二氧化碳转化为甲醇方法资料受到诺贝尔化学获得者乔治·奥(GeorgeOlah)的支持肯定。

    The profile of the CO2-to-methanol approach has been boosted by support from chemistry the Nobel Laureate George Olah.


  • 阿兰·波尔(Alan Ball)曾编写美国丽人》这部电影获得奥斯卡,这之后加入HBO创作了《英尺》,他把HBO广播电视台中的“古监狱”相对比。

    Alan Ball, who won an Oscar for writing "American Beauty" before joining HBO to create "Six Feet Under", contrasts HBO with the "gulag" of broadcast television.


  • 乔弗瑞-凭借《彼得·勒斯》(THELIFE AND DEATHOFPETER SELLERS)获得最佳电视电影男演员

    Geoffrey Rush of "the Life and Death of Peter Sellers" accepted the award for best actor in a mini-series or television movie.


  • 儿子一个知名的葡萄牙建筑师阿尔瓦罗西扎维埃冠军是1992年1988年普利兹克阿尔瓦阿尔托许多其他荣誉

    He is the son of one of the best-known Portuguese architects, Álvaro Siza Vieira , winner of the 1992 Pritzker Prize and the 1988 Alvar Aalto Medal, among many other accolades.


  • 沙哈瓦教授获得了2005年的“尤利卡”科学研究2004年的“最新改革者

    Professor Sahajwalla won the 2005 Eureka Prize for scientific research and the 2004 Fresh Innovator Award.


  • 迈克尔·哈内克2009年凭《丝带获得金棕榈,他如今弗朗西斯·福特·科波一样,都这个最高两度获得者。

    Michael Haneke won the Palmed 'or with the White Ribbon in 2009, and now joins the likes of Francis Ford Coppola as a two-time winner of the top prize.


  • 维奥·戴维斯凭借《藩篱》中的角色成为最佳女配角,收获了第一奥斯卡

    Viola Davis took home her first ever Oscar was crowned Best Supporting Actress for her role in Fences.


  • 诺贝尔基金会执行董事斯•黑肯斯坦表示得主没有明显消费趋势

    Lars Heikensten, executive director of the Nobel Foundation, said there were no obvious shopping trends among laureates.


  • 二等获得者提出了一个丰富多彩的结构简单低成本材料制成。

    The second place winners proposed a colorful, tensioned structure which is comprised of low-cost, uncomplicated materials.


  • 二等获得者提出了一个丰富多彩的结构简单低成本材料制成。

    The second place winners proposed a colorful, tensioned structure which is comprised of low-cost, uncomplicated materials.


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