• 茨万表示仍然深信退正确决定。 茨万再次表示相信这次的选举合法,是虚假的。

    Tsvangirai said he remains convinced his decision to withdraw was the right decision, and he again said he believes the election will be an illegitimate sham.


  • 座巴拉吉塑像一边,巴拉吉印度受人尊崇女神,懒懒的坐在紧贴吧台的角落里,品味当地闻名的特色类的食物

    A small statue of Balaji, a deity worshiped in southern India, sat snugly on the counter. And the food was rich with the crepe-like dosas for which the region is known.


  • 如何操浆我们船喝放在暖水壶里的草药时,告诉我,热衷于乘出行,这是一种吓人极地旅行方式。

    Kyla teaches me how to hold the paddle. When we stop for herbal tea (from her flask) she tells me about her passion for going out in horrifying Arctic conditions with a sled and a team of dogs.


  • 特有长的海岸线像样农业在这里很少见,她一直是以那里的贸易商闻名的。

    With a long coastline and too little rain for decent farming, Gujarat has always been famous for its traders.


  • 塔马指责茨万是个"反白痴",茨万伊回应说,津巴布韦的老百姓受苦的时候,穆塔马先常年在国外逍遥。

    Mr. Mutambara accused Mr. Tsvangirai of being "an intellectual midget," and in turn was attacked for being absent from the country for years while his people suffered.


  • ·罗瑞格兹是卡门最好朋友,她表现了隐藏在寻欢作乐面具下的恐惧德瑞克·丹尼科卡门有钱白人男友,他英俊潇洒,但软弱。

    As Carmen’s best friend, Gina Rodriguez conveys terror behind a fun-loving veneer; as Carmen’s affluent white boyfriend, Derrick Denicola is pretty, charming and spineless.


  • 无论何时厨子喝醉了酒,帕拉吉习惯于楼上哭泣,每当这个时候阿列仆人就待屋里准备万一需要保护拉吉

    Whenever he got drunk she used to hide upstairs and SOB, and on such occasions Alehin and the servants stayed in the house to be ready to defend her in case of necessity.


  • 阿列告诉我们美丽拉吉爱上了这个厨子因为喝酒性格粗暴,帕拉吉不想但是愿意外同居

    Alehin told us that the beautiful Pelagea was in love with this cook. As he drank and was of a violent character, she did not want to marry him, but was willing to live with him without.


  • 塔马指责茨万是个“反白痴”,茨万伊回应说,津巴布韦的老百姓受苦的时候,穆塔马先常年在国外逍遥。

    Mr. Mutambara accused Mr. Tsvangirai of being "an intellectual midget, " and in turn was attacked for being absent from the country for years while his people suffered.


  • 巴基斯坦专机将阿里·海德尔·喀布尔送回巴基斯坦。飞机降落巴基斯坦东部城市合尔尼在严密安保之中家人团聚

    A special Pakistani aircraft brought Ali Haider Gilani back from Kabul and landed at the airport in the eastern city of Lahore where family members received him amid tight security.


  • 个人资历广受尊敬个月德国的韦伯退出角逐后,德拉吉在接任一事上进展加快。

    Yet his personal credentials are widely respected and his candidacy has gathered momentum since former Bundesbank president Axel Weber withdrew from the race two months ago.


  • 条新闻说道,“·GDP增长11%,一方面做得中国更好非常有趣

    The news said "Gujarat's GDP has crossed 11 per cent and is in fact better than China on that front...". Very amusing.


  • 参与第三球,正是西多夫传球切入卡卡的跑动路线

    Gila was again involved in the third, redirecting Clarence Seedorf's pass into the path of Kaka for a low drive.


  • 参与第三球,正是西多夫传球切入卡卡的跑动路线

    Gila was again involved in the third, redirecting Clarence Seedorf's pass into the path of Kaka for a low drive.


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