• 亚伯林肯取得伟大功绩

    Abraham Lincoln achieved greatness.


  • 女士来自高收入家庭孩子可以更自如应对官场上的事宜,学校职场上取得成功

    Children from higher-income families are likely to have the skills to navigate bureaucracies and succeed in schools and workplaces, Ms. Lareau said.


  • 10月20日,我校向新萨摩萨的村民赠送了10盏植物灯。到目前为止,它们已经取得了巨大的成功!发明这盏灯的德克萨斯大学教授埃尔默·米雷斯认为,植物灯可以帮助改善许多人的生活,特别是小型雨林社区的人们,那里42%的人不能使用电。

    The university gave ten Plant Lamps to the villagers of Nuevo Saposoa on October 20. So far, they have been a huge success! Elmer Ramirez, the UT professor who invented the lamp, believes the Plant Lamp could help improve the lives of many people, especially small rainforest communities, 42% of whom have no electricity.


  • 位退休IBM技术专家欧文·沃达斯凯 -伯杰说,这次大型机取得巨大成功使公司内部聚焦”。

    The huge success of its mainframes had made the companyinternally focused”, in the words of Irving Wladawsky-Berger, a retired IBM technologist.


  • 贾南国王首先高度评价此次访问所取得成果

    King Gyanendra highly evaluated the achievements made in his current visit.


  • 贾南国王中国尼泊尔伟大邻邦经济取得了巨大的成就,尼泊尔为此感到高兴希望学习和借鉴中国经验

    Praising China as a great neighbor of Nepal's and China's economic achievements, he said that Nepal feels glad and hopes to learn from China's experience.


  • 尽管拒绝行贿罗山也已经取得成功,暗示,并不是所有竞争对手都坚持这一原则。

    Roshan has prospered despite its stated refusal to bribe, a scruple that Mr Khoja hints is not Shared by all his competitors.


  • 事件取得后继进展责任更多地在了霍伊团队肩上。

    The responsibility for what happens next falls as much on their shoulders as on those of Mr Rajoy.


  • 曼城公园温顺1比0告负加盟的埃丁·达伦·本特他们球队球队表现不错只有一个取得进球

    City fell meekly 1-0 at Villa Park, where newcomers Edin Dzeko and Darren Bent both had good games for their new teams but only one found the back of the net.


  • 福特取得同样成功,所需不仅是运气

    To pull off the same trick at Ford, Mr Mulally will need more than luck.


  • 但是我们认为英军撤离意义重大,是对巴士地区所取得进步成就一种认可

    But we will see a significant drawdown of British troops as a recognition of the progress and success that's been enjoyed here in Basra.


  • 洪都:回溯到1982年,洪都第一次世界杯之旅与西班牙的大战,他们早早取得领先并且将1 - 1的比分坚持到最后,制造了那场著名平局

    Honduras: When Honduras played Spain in its first World Cup appearance back in 1982, it took an early lead and held on for a famous 1-1 draw.


  • 多哥近期局势掩盖里昂安哥和平局面、坦桑尼亚经济增长加纳的房地产繁荣景象,”南卡尼道出了近期取得一些成就。

    "Recent events in Togo shouldn't obscure peace in Sierra Leone or Angola, growth in Tanzania, or a housing boom in Ghana," says Nankani, pointing out some recent gains.


  • 我们双方应该抓住机遇携手并肩,共同推动友好合作不断取得新的进展

    We both sides should seize opportunities and work together to drive the China-Latin America friendly cooperation to increasingly new levels.


  • 其他公司很快就注意到苹果公司取得成功,推出竞争产品于是价格,提升消费者吸引力

    Other companies quickly noted Apple's success and produced rival devices, thereby driving down prices and widening their appeal to consumers.


  • 用“比较满意描述罗萨恰如其分的,看来非常享受行业带来挑战更何况已经取得成功

    And "decently happy" is a good way to describe Villarosa, who seems to be thoroughly enjoying the challenges thrown his way by the industry, not to mention the success that he has seen.


  • 阿夫博士的一些病人表示,激光也能取得疗效。 这是一种旨在刺激头发毛囊仪器

    Someof Dr. Avram’s patients report success with laser combs, devices thatare intended to stimulate hair follicles.


  • 方高度重视中国发展前景希望经贸人文等领域交流合作取得更多成果

    Latvia attaches great importance to China's development prospect and hopes for more fruitful exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in the areas of economy, trade and humanities.


  • 巴基斯坦高官称,巴基斯坦来说,逮捕取得双重胜利

    According to a senior Pakistani official, the detention of Mr Baradar is a double victory for Pakistan. It has captured a Talib who had become troublesome.


  • 希腊经济和产业研究基金会(IOBE)总干事亚尼斯•斯托纳斯是治理希腊经济的员猛将,他此次垄断业的震慑取得成功无可厚非。

    Yannis Stournaras, director-general of IOBE, an economic think-tank in Athens, calls the shake-up of the monopolies a qualified success.


  • Gyanpel挽救湿地努力取得成功。

    Gyanpel said efforts to rescue the Lalu wetland had been successful.


  • 纽约西奈山医学院约瑟·劳威特(音译,Josep Llovet)非尼取得类似结果,它是一种针对促进血管生长蛋白药剂

    Josep Llovet of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York had a similar outcome with sorafenib, an agent aimed at a protein that promotes blood-vessel growth.


  • 日本传奇医学院休男亥抠·哈尼·哈(TsunehikoHanihara)小组测量世界各地博物馆收藏头骨投入不少精力并取得突破性进展

    The breakthrough was the inclusion in the team of Tsunehiko Hanihara, of Saga Medical School in Japan, who has spent much of his life measuring skulls in various museum collections around the world.


  • 11月20日霍诺带领人民党西班牙议会绝对优势获胜取得1982年以来差额最大多数(另文)。

    On November 20th Mr Rajoy led the PP to an absolute majority in the Spanish parliament with the biggest margin of victory since 1982 (see article).


  • 于此同时伊利诺斯州·维亚的费米研究室最近正在努力的做取2011年9月关门前的研究,他们希望取得发现Higgs大奖

    Meanwhile, Fermilab's Tevatron in Batavia, Illinois, is pushing for an extension beyond its September 2011 shutdown, and still hopes to hit the Higgs jackpot.


  • 于此同时伊利诺斯州·维亚的费米研究室最近正在努力的做取2011年9月关门前的研究,他们希望取得发现Higgs大奖

    Meanwhile, Fermilab's Tevatron in Batavia, Illinois, is pushing for an extension beyond its September 2011 shutdown, and still hopes to hit the Higgs jackpot.


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