• 拉伯格说:“在快速眼动睡眠期间大脑处于全速工作状态,外界脱节。”

    "During REM sleep," says LaBerge, "the brain is working full-tilt, yet it is disconnected from the outside world."


  • 斯坦福任教25期间,生理心理学家斯蒂芬·拉伯格推广了这个概念,他开发出一种清醒诱发装置

    Stephen LaBerge, a psychophysiologist who popularized the concept while teaching at Stanford University for 25 years, also developed a lucid dream-inducing device.


  • 有点穷人塔希提岛,”拉伯格,他是加州帕洛·阿尔托(PaloAlto)领导清晰之梦”学会一名心理生理学家。

    "It's like a poor man's Tahiti," says LaBerge, a psychophysiologist who directs the Lucidity Institute in Palo Alto, California.


  • 作为马克思兄弟好友,塞拉伯格在格劳乔生日的时候他寄去了这样一张纸条,上面写着:“如果格劳乔-马克思取代了卡尔-马克思,估计世上不会这么乱作团了”。

    A good friend of the Marx Brothers, Thalberg sent this note to Groucho one birthday: "The world would not be in such a snarl, if Marx had been Groucho instead of Karl."


  • NovaDreamer的开发者心理生理学家斯蒂芬拉伯格(StephenLaBerge)。这位科学家斯坦福大学执教25,其间始终在推广清醒做梦概念

    NovaDreamer was developed by Stephen LaBerge, a psychophysiologist who popularized the concept of lucid dreaming while teaching at Stanford University for 25 years.


  • 罗伯特·戴尔兹特格•饶森伯格(去年八月科学》杂志上篇报告作者)指出这些全都传统渔场

    All of these, point out Robert Diaz and Rutger Rosenberg, authors of a report last August in Science, are traditional fishing grounds.


  • 不过罗利市北卡罗莱纳州大学工程学教授·西尔弗伯格认为如果圣诞老人已经学会时空冲浪的话,或许还是得担心这一点。

    Or perhaps he does, if he has learned to surf the waves of space-time, believes Larry Silverberg, an engineering professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.


  • 肯尼思·特伯格舅舅本就遇到了这个问题,肯尼思和女朋友之间的关系陷入麻烦,而本单身15之后决定再婚

    Kenneth Trachtenberg and his uncle Benn share this problem, Kenneth has troubles with his girlfriend, and Benn decides, after 15 years on his own, to remarry.


  • 扎克伯格普莉希在哈佛大学读书开始交往了。

    Zuckerberg and Chan started seeing each other when they were both studying at Harvard University.


  • U 2乐队会是本周五顿伯里音乐节的焦点。在下个他们完成3600巡演之后,全球30个国家将有七百万已经看过他们演出

    By the time U2, who headline the Glastonbury Festival this Friday, finish their 3600 Tour next month, seven million people will have seen them play in 30 countries.


  • 文格罗》(或者吉卜赛男人》)一书中个无可救药患有失眠症,他发现华尔华斯的一诗集惟一有效的催眠剂,只不过是伯罗的恶作剧而已。

    In Lavengro (or is it Romany Rye?) there is an impossible character, a victim of insomnia, who finds that a volume of Wordsworth's poems is the only sure soporific; but that was Borrow s malice.


  • 大部分电影讲述那些功能的,患阿斯·伯格综合症的,拥有超强的记忆力不同寻常的能力的人。“哈曼。”

    "Most of the movies have been about those who are high-functioning, with Asperger's, with sharp memories and unusual traits," says Rehman.


  • 认为桑德伯格自己不能充分认识这个问题因为赞助者那里受益良多:“桑德伯格非常幸运地遇到了里·萨默斯。”

    She believes that Sandberg is insufficiently aware of this problem because she has benefitted from sponsors: "Sandberg, to her great credit, had Larry Summers."


  • 史蒂芬·乔·伯格乔治华盛顿大学的荣誉校长该校教授,也是光辉国际集团的合伙人

    Stephen Joel Trachtenberg is President emeritus and university professor at George Washington university and a partner in Korn Ferry International.


  • 吉恩·艾登·伯格了个电话,把蒙德的话转告给听,我要求他做出解释

    I called Gene Eidenberg, told him what Drummond had said, and demanded an explanation.


  • 八卦小报报道丁森名字卡米.贝尔模特安妮.舍恩伯格以及火辣女星妮娜.舒伯特这些人联系在一起,巧妙地分散了对斯图尔特关注

    Pattinson, according to the gossip press, was linked with the likes of Camilla Belle, model Anne Schoenberger and former flame Nina Schubert, skilfully deflecting attention from Stewart.


  • 曾在美国《综艺》杂志任职的著名娱乐记者尼科尔·珀特在新书爆料,著名导演史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格是个疑神疑鬼的妄想狂。

    A new book coming out from former "Variety" writer Nicole LaPorte targets famous movie director Steven Spielberg and his apparent paranoia.


  • 好莱坞领军人物马丁·斯科塞斯斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格佛朗西斯·科波朱丽叶·比诺什都谴责被捕

    Leading Hollywood figures including Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Juliette Binoche condemned his arrest.


  • 甚至安吉·罗波尔搬出伯格·霍夫别墅,以便让名正言顺地戏称为大酒店”的城堡主人。

    He even ordered Angela Raubal out of the Berghof, so that Eva could take over as chatelaine at the place she nicknamed "the Grand Hotel."


  • 29岁霍尔茨·伯格28岁妻子瑞夫卡举行的葬礼仪式十分感人。

    It was an emotional service for 29-year-old Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his 28-year-old wife, Rivkah.


  • 法国乌伊斯特·勒昂附近的皮噶苏斯伯格(pegasusbrug)作为踏脚石一种有限盘式开启桥。

    The Pegasusbrug near Ouistreham in France, which was a stepping stone for tail Bridges, is a limited turntable bascule bridge.


  • 我伸长头颈观望,就是犹太中心奈芮门大楼,布鲁克林来比伽弗雷。霍尓兹伯格妻子莉卡就是在这儿杀害的。

    That was the Nariman House, where a rabbi from Brooklyn, Gavriel Holtzberg, and his wife, Rivka, were killed.


  • 马克·伯格哈佛大学(Harvard)的宿舍推出了FacebookTwitter杰克·多西谷歌(Google)的里·佩奇以及谢尔盖·布林都是20多岁时就创立了自己公司

    Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm room; Twitter's Jack Dorsey and Google's (GOOG) Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded their respective companies in their twenties.


  • 扎克伯格更新状态后,普莉希Facebook页面显示,两人2003年11月7开始交往的也就是扎克伯格哈佛大学推出声名狼藉Facemash网站数之后。

    Following the new update, Chan's Facebook page reveals that the pair started their relationship on November 7 2003, just days after Zuckerberg's infamous Facemash stunt at Harvard.


  • 如今演员马克·沃尔伯格约旦国王阿布这样顾客改造轿车箱式货车

    Today, he customises cars and vans for clients such as Mark Wahlberg, an actor, and King Abdullah of Jordan.


  • 24名20岁以下年轻人有幸追随辍学名人足迹比尔·盖茨里·埃里森马克·扎克伯格

    With luck, some of the 24 under 20 will follow in the footsteps of other notable stop-outs such as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg.


  • 24名20岁以下年轻人有幸追随辍学名人足迹比尔·盖茨里·埃里森马克·扎克伯格

    With luck, some of the 24 under 20 will follow in the footsteps of other notable stop-outs such as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg.


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