• 野外,考拉从它们吃的植物叶子中获取水分。

    In the wild, koalas get water from the plant leaves they eat.


  • 王子离开的那一刻,楼梯上走了下来

    Just as the Prince was about to leave, Ella came down the stair - case.


  • 出海啦:乌苏海底女巫变成了俏皮人间女巫

    Out of the water: Ursula goes from a sea-based witch into saucy sorceress.


  • 时候安吉拉从枷锁中解放出来,让发挥自己的威力了。

    It is time to set Angela free to see what she can do.


  • 女儿结的婢女雅各儿孙,共有七人。

    These were the sons born to Jacob by Bilhah, whom Laban had given to his daughter Rachel-seven in all.


  • 转过来时,卡门·艾尔茜的眼中看到惊恐的神色。

    When he turned his face to her, she could see the fear in his eyes.


  • 克鲁伊夫一直以来都是用来衡量我们的标尺,瓜迪奥到来的时候就我们灌输了这些

    Cruyff has always been a reference, and Guardiola has transmitted this to us ever since he arrived.


  • 因为起了这么好的作用,有兴趣了。于是年前,雪监狱里接塔出来,直接到了良所。

    Because Magdalene worked so well for Sheila, Tara was interested, and Sheila picked Tara up from prison two years ago and brought her straight to Magdalene.


  • 挥手腋下取出帽子帽檐盖住眼睛

    He took his cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.


  • 4起就孤儿院生活

    Larry has been in an institution since he was four.


  • 政府前任手里接过了一个极为困难局面

    The Endara government inherited an impossibly difficult situation from its predecessors.


  • 昨天斯韦加斯圣地亚哥能感觉到冲击波

    The shock waves yesterday were felt from Las Vegas to San Diego.


  • 激愤座位上站了起来,向我们拳头又啐唾沫。

    Larry rose excitedly to the edge of his seat, shook a fist at us and spat.


  • 帕洛斯··弗龙特港出发向西航行

    He sailed westward from Palos de la Frontera.


  • 米雷斯上尉率领突击队他们的右翼开火

    The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right flank.


  • 150年前马车内布加州的纳姆出发驶往俄勒冈州加利福尼亚

    150 years ago, wagon trains left from Lanham, Nebraska, bound for Oregon and California.


  • 这些影响不是很大这项研究推翻移民本地人那里偷走工作机会他们工资说法

    None of these effects was large, but the study undermines the claim that immigrants steal jobs from natives or drag down their wages.


  • 树梢蒸发并没有彻底地分解而是剩下的水分子这种作用分子延伸另一个分子,一直根部

    Instead of making a clean break, water evaporating from treetops tugs on the remaining water molecules, with that tug extending from molecule to molecule all the way down to the roots.


  • 船上跳入海里

    Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean.


  • 加兹温泉爬上山上来几个小时

    It would take several hours to have her carried up from Ragatz.


  • 奎尔出生在墨西哥,但她十岁起就住在这里了。

    Raquel was born in Mexico, but has been here since she was ten years old.


  • 纳根先生牧场耀眼阳光走进绿树成荫小树林时的眼睛搜寻特定一棵树

    As Mr. Flanagan leaves the glaring sun of the prairie and enters the shady grove, his eyes search for specific tree.


  • 纳根先生牧场耀眼阳光走进绿树成荫小树林时的眼睛搜寻特定一棵树

    As Mr. Flanagan leaves the glaring sun of the prairie and enters the shady grove, his eyes search for specific tree.


  • 例如,自俄罗斯总统基米尔·普京10月26日该国永久性地实行“冬令时”,俄罗斯人开始每天小时起床

    Russians, for example, began to wake up about a half-hour later each day after President Vladimir Putin shifted the country permanently to "winter time" starting on October 26.


  • ·阿特金斯·史密斯每年都会所在的社区收集暖和衣服帮助那些不那么幸运的人。

    Every year, Tara Atkins Smith collects warm clothes from her community in order to help the less lucky.


  • 丈夫当时正在收拾行李,准备纽约西雅图

    My husband, Larry, and I were packing to move from New York to Seattle.


  • 救援队英国的罗瑟出发状况百出飞行往返3000英里,接南极美国阿蒙森-斯考特站的工作人员

    In a chaotic two days of flying, the rescue team flew 3,000 miles round-trip from the British station Rothera to pick up the workers in the U.S. Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole.


  • 救援队英国的罗瑟出发状况百出飞行往返3000英里,接南极美国阿蒙森-斯考特站的工作人员

    In a chaotic two days of flying, the rescue team flew 3,000 miles round-trip from the British station Rothera to pick up the workers in the U.S. Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole.


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