• 施波设就打发人去,将米甲亿儿子丈夫帕铁那里接回来。

    And Ishbosheth sent, and took her from her husband, even from Phaltiel the son of Laish.


  • 就走了来到亿那里安居无如同西顿人安居一样。

    So the five men left and came to Laish, where they saw that the people were living in safety, like the Sidonians, unsuspecting and secure.


  • 女儿米甲,就是大卫了迦琳拉亿儿子帕提为

    But Saul had given his daughter Michal, David's wife, to Paltiel son of Laish, who was from Gallim.


  • 扫罗女儿就是大卫迦琳人拉亿儿子帕提妻。

    Saul had given Michal his daughter, David's wife, to Palti the son of Laish, who was of Gallim.


  • 的神像祭司带到拉亿,见安居无虑的民,了那民,又放火烧了那

    Then they took what Micah had made, and his priest, and went on to Laish, against a peaceful and unsuspecting people. They attacked them with the sword and burned down their city.


  • 从前窥探拉亿个人他们弟兄说:“这宅子弗得家中的神像,并雕刻的像与铸成的像,你们知道吗?

    Then the five men who had spied out the land of Laish said to their brothers, "Do you know that one of these houses has an ephod, other household gods, a carved image and a cast idol?


  • 从前窥探拉亿个人他们弟兄说:「宅子里弗得和家中的神像并雕刻铸成的像,你们知道吗?

    Then the five men who had gone to scout out the country of Laish said to their brothers, "Do you know that in these houses there are an ephod, household gods, a carved image, and a metal image?"


  • 西西对雅亿:“了,你给点水喝。”

    I'm thirsty, "he said." Please give me some water.


  • 现已减弱热带风暴其所带来疾风暴雨使几百万受灾造成亿英镑损失

    Morakot has now weakened to a tropical storm, but high winds and torrential rain have affected millions of people and caused hundreds of millions of pounds worth of damage.


  • 西西亿了,点水

    And he said unto her, Give me, I pray thee, a little water to drink; for I am thirsty.


  • 亿左手拿着帐棚橛子,右手拿着匠人锤子击打西西打伤他的鬓角打破穿通。

    She put her hand to the nail, and her right hand to the workmen's hammer; and with the hammer she smote Sisera, she smote off his head, when she had pierced and stricken through his temples.


  • 西西亿说:“请你站棚门口,有人说,有人在这里没有。”

    Stand in the doorway of the tent, "he told her." If someone comes by and asks you, 'Is anyone here?'


  • 这个结果让我们大吃一惊,”斯姆森特别是因为那些锆石样本自身年龄已经有33.4亿- 42.4亿了。

    "This was a big surprise to us," Rasmussen says, especially because the zircons themselves ranged in age from 3.34 billion and 4.24 billion years old.


  • 这个耗资30亿美元项目位于迪拜媒体技术自由区,它俯瞰珠美棕榈岛占地140万平方米

    The 3 billion USD project overlooks the pal jumeriah and covers 1.4 million square meters of the Dubai media and technology free zone.


  • 真正意义上的第一个大陆名叫瓦尔·巴从36亿年前开始形成了。

    The very first supercontinent was called Vaalbara and it started forming more than 3.6 billion years ago.


  • 甲骨文总裁萨弗卡兹期望Sun公司第一年中能为公司贡献不少于15亿美元的营业利润,在第二年则希望能超过20亿美元。

    Safra Catz, Oracle’s president, expects Sun to contribute more than $1.5 billion to Oracle’s bottom line in the first year and more than $2 billion in the second.


  • 远东集团捐赠台币133亿(即美元4.22亿)城市一个时尚大型文体馆用于11月弗洛展览会.

    Far Eastern will donate the T$133 million ($4.22 million) building to the city next month for use as a fashion pavilion during a flora exhibition in November, Huang said.


  • 苏富比拍卖行16日4544万瑞士法郎(约合人民币3亿元)高价拍出枚重达24.78粉色钻石,刷新全球单颗钻石/珠宝拍价纪录

    A 24.78-carat pink diamond was sold at CHF45.44m (RMB300m) in an auction held by the Sotheby's Tuesday, breaking the record for any diamond and jewelry ever sold at an auction.


  • 岩石群所含有碳酸盐十分相近,而一点对于研究来说十分关键因为皮尔地区的岩石用于研究35亿年前地球早期阶段生命

    The similarities between the two sets of rocks in terms of carbonates is important because Pilbara is used to study the early stages of life on Earth 3.5 billion years ago.


  • 每日邮报消息,德姆兰戈堡收藏有达芬奇勃朗特汉斯·荷尔拜因等人价值6亿5百万作品

    The castle is home to an estimated $650 million worth of works by da Vinci, Rembrandt and Hans Holbein, according to the Daily Mail.


  • SatyamComputer公司创始人马林加•贾(B. Ramalinga Raju)在涉嫌欺诈公司10亿美元而被捕之前达沃斯常客,经常发表演讲

    B.Ramalinga Raju, the founder of Satyam Computer, was a regular Davos attendee and speaker before his arrest over a $1bn alleged fraud at the company.


  • 法国一家特别法庭周五决定是否调查在帮一名有争议商人获得2.85亿欧元仲裁案件中所扮演的角色

    A special French court will decide on Friday whether to investigate Lagarde's role in securing a 285-million-euro arbitration deal for a controversial businessman.


  • 主要受益者基米尔·普京他因给1.42亿俄罗斯国民带来日益繁荣的生活而邀功。

    The main beneficiary has been Vladimir Putin, who has claimed credit for delivering increased prosperity to Russia's 142 million citizens.


  • 全球富有自主创业的女性西班牙的罗莎丽亚·的总资产接近24亿美元。

    The richest self-made woman in the world is Rosalia Mera (61) of Spain, who is worth approximately $2.4 billion.


  • 相反一个一些非洲贫穷,病得最厉害,受教育也最低人口的国家卫生部门的总预算仅28亿

    By contrast, the capital budget for the health sector was 2.8 billion naira, in a state with some of the poorest, least healthy and worst-educated people in Africa.


  • 梅什·卡尔世界卫生组织推测,全球有5亿多人屈光不正影响到日常生活

    Ramesh Raskar: the World Health Organization estimates that over half a billion people have uncorrected refractive error, which is affecting their daily livelihood.


  • 未被吸收数量相当于4.05亿二氧化碳或者相当于英国最大燃煤电厂德克斯大约60排放量。

    The drop in the amount absorbed is equivalent to 405m tonnes of carbon or around 60 times the annual output of Drax coal-fired power station, which is the largest in the UK.


  • 未被吸收数量相当于4.05亿二氧化碳或者相当于英国最大燃煤电厂德克斯大约60排放量。

    The drop in the amount absorbed is equivalent to 405m tonnes of carbon or around 60 times the annual output of Drax coal-fired power station, which is the largest in the UK.


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