• 我们历经十五时间还清抵押借款

    We paid off our mortgage after fifteen years.


  • 计划生效所需投资者信心提振将需要时间——罗森,这需要购买食品每月支付抵押贷款的时间

    The boost in investor confidence needed for the plan to work will take time—time that Rosen says still requires him to buy food and make monthly mortgage payments.


  • 财政部计划一周时间准备安排第一购买抵押贷款资产的拍卖会,因此第一笔购买交易会几周内完成

    The Treasury is expected to take a week to set up the auctions for the first mortgage purchases, and the first purchases could therefore take place within weeks.


  • 这种风险会维持多久那些作为许多新兴工具抵押房贷状况而定,这些工具直到前一段时间华尔街欢快翱翔。

    How far it goes will depend largely on the state of the mortgages that serve as collateral for many of the newfangled instruments that were, until recently, hawked with glee on Wall Street.


  • 银行存款同一时间相同汇率转换过来,银行透支抵押贷款的外借款总值银行资产持平

    Bank deposits would have to be converted at the same time, and the same rate, as overdrafts and mortgages to keep the value of Banks' debts in line with their assets.


  • 随着时间开销逐渐降低——你付清抵押贷款孩子也长大自立了——或者你的父母那里继承到一笔财产

    And, given time, your expenses will begin to decrease - the mortgage will be paid off, the children will eventually grow up - or perhaps you'll inherit assets from your parents.


  • 而且没有固定到期日几时能收回是不知道的,因为人们支付他们抵押贷款时间不可预测的,这个时间举例来说他们决定出售他们的房子的时候。

    There's certainly no fixed maturity date: Money shows up in irregular chunks as people pay down their mortgages at unpredictable times-for instance, when they decide to sell their house.


  • 财政部可以购买所有的抵押贷款可能需要一时间而且整个金融系统经济产生作用也要好久

    It could be some time before the Treasury is able to purchase mortgages en masse, and longer still before that starts to affect the broader financial system and economy.


  • 抵押贷款每月还款固定的,但是其中本金利息的比例关系,时间改变,这个公式决定的

    Your mortgage payment is constant through time but the fraction of it that goes to paying off principal versus interest changes through time and it just changes as dictated by this formula.


  • 10%抵押贷款利率不是时间一蹴而就的。

    Mortgage rates of 10% didn’t just happen in one year.


  • 由于OFHEO指数追踪所房子重新抵押价格指数时间段调查得到的指数更加精确

    The OFHEO index gives a more accurate picture than more timely series, because it tracks the value of the same houses when they are resold or remortgaged.


  • 巴黎银行原本土耳其北非地区还承受着尚可的压力,但是现在存款抵押的贷款也让他们感到头疼了,而对此情况解释银行在那边分支以前更多了,所以还需要时间(来调整)。

    The bank has a decent presence in Turkey and north Africa but now that lending without raising deposits is frowned upon, the expansion there will be more branch-based than before—which takes time.


  • 房地美持有担保所有抵押贷款中,逾期达到90或更长时间的贷款占到了其中的2.4%。

    Freddie said 2.4% of all single-family mortgages it owns or guarantees are 90 days or more overdue.


  • 另外正如用户所知填写Facebook隐私设置填写申请抵押贷款的文件时间要来的长。

    Besides, as users know, mortgage application forms often take less time and trouble to fill out than Facebook's privacy Settings.


  • 这个事情并不总是那么简单通过CafePress了足够用来每月偿还抵押贷款金·古德说,通过长达的每天时间(有时16小时)的工作,获得了成功

    But it's not always easy: Jen Goode, who earns enough through CafePress to pay her mortgage each month, found success after a year and a half of long, sometimes 16-hour days.


  • 将房屋重新抵押筹备资金包括了很多成本(如利率税收手续费),所以可能要花几个甚至上年的时间才能从中看到节省的成本。

    But refinancing involves many upfront costs (interest points, taxes, fees, etc.), so it may take several months (or even years) for you to actually realize these savings.


  • 如果银行不能准确估计抵押价值违约能够收回价值就降低了,所需要时间更长导致资本损耗利润降低。

    If a bank does not properly estimate collateral values, the collection upon default would become smaller and take a longer period of time, leading to a depletion of capital and lower profits.


  • 今天一心奉献自然主义者献上他们的时间金钱,甚至于有时还得抵押房子去贷款,的就是要保存另一——海马

    Today, a handful of dedicated naturalists are giving time, money and even the occasional home mortgage to help preserve a different kind of horsethe seahorse.


  • 随着时间推移,公然虐待抵押制度法院开始坚持更多的是买方权利使他们更多来到拥有自己土地

    With time, and blatant abuse of the mortgage system, the courts began to uphold more of the buyer's rights so that they had more to stand on when it came to owning their land.


  • 我国确立动产抵押登记制度的时间短,很多规定仍不完善。

    In our country, it has been a short time to construct chattel mortgage register.


  • 如果必需保证金存款应付利息没有规定时间支付,抵押可能在不经您同意的情况下被强制清算

    If the required margin deposits and interest payments are not made within the prescribed time, your collateral may be liquidated without your consent.


  • 如果必需保证金存款应付利息没有规定时间支付,抵押可能在不经您同意的情况下被强制清算

    If the required margin deposits and interest payments are not made within the prescribed time, your collateral may be liquidated without your consent.


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