• 补贴误导生物燃料抵押利息等等使市场扭曲。

    Misguided subsidies, on everything from biofuels to mortgage interest, have distorted markets.


  • 抵押利息其他所得按20%扣缴申报纳税

    Mortgage interest and Miscellaneous income shall be filed and taxed at the rate of 20%.


  • 有趣地环境冲击说明程序复杂抵押利息设备建材缺乏的缺乏考虑谦逊问题

    Interestingly, the complexity of Environmental Impact Statement procedures, mortgage interest rates, lack of building materials and lack of equipment were considered to be only modest problems.


  • 一般抵押借款偿还包括本金利息部分。

    With a conventional mortgage, the payments consist of both capital and interest.


  • 但是还存在着很多顾虑额外费用转嫁消费者身上,也就意味着贷款抵押利息将会有所提升。

    But there were concerns that additional costs would be passed on to customers, meaning higher interest rates on loans and mortgages.


  • 他们抱怨贷款人预先支付了一小部分典当物钱,每月还收30%利息使他们几乎不能赎回抵押物品。

    They complain that moneylenders advance only a fraction of the item’s value. And, with an interest rate of 30% a month, they can rarely afford to redeem their collateral.


  • 现今地产大王们可以地产价值作为抵押借款利用出租所得现金偿付利息支出

    Today's property barons can borrow against the value of the assets and use the cashflow from rental income to meet the interest payments.


  • 标准化抵押贷款文件都有借款人承诺偿还借款项及其利息的条款,一些也认为这样的承诺即使兑现起来不再容易,也还是不应该违背。

    A standard mortgage-loan document reads, 'I promise to pay' the amount borrowed plus interest, and some people say that promise should remain good even if it is no longer convenient.


  • 削减农业补贴减免抵押贷款利息也不失为另一明智的决策。

    Cutting out policy foolishness like agriculture subsidies and the mortgage-interest deduction would be another positive step.


  • 美国爱尔兰西班牙房主将所支付的抵押借款利息其须纳税收入中扣除

    In America, Ireland and Spain, homeowners can deduct mortgage-interest payments from taxable income.


  • 信贷评级机构Realpoint表示过去12个月里已有290亿美元,占整体3.5%的商业抵押担保证券贷款成为拖欠账款(借款人没有按时交纳利息)。

    Realpoint, a credit-rating agency, says that nearly $29 billion of CMBSs, around 3.5% of the total, have become delinquent (ie, borrowers have not kept up interest payments) in the past 12 months.


  • 美国税法通过允许人们交税时抵扣抵押贷款利息,来鼓励拥有住房

    US tax laws encourage home ownership by allowing people to deduct the interest they pay on their mortgages.


  • 它们能够国债利率高出那么一丁点利息借钱然后积累大量住房抵押贷款住房抵押贷款债券,凭借市场利率赚钱

    They could borrow at an interest rate only a bit over the Treasury rate and then accumulate large portfolios of mortgages and mortgage-backed securities earning the market rate.


  • 公司确认抵押贷款收益增加——利息费用所抵消特别是定期投资者支付信托管理成本

    But the income gains the company recognized from the mortgages were illusoryoffset by interest expense, notably the cost of administering the trusts, which make regular payments to investors.


  • 光顾当铺的人将物件作为抵押典当,当铺给出现金,直到典当偿还本金和利息(偿还后可赎回抵押)。

    Pawnbrokers give customers money in return for an object which is held as security until the customer pays off the loan plus any interest charges.


  • 令人遗憾是,美国住房市场仍然很多类似的机构联邦房管局诸如住房抵押贷款利息减税补贴

    American housing would, unfortunately, still have lots of props-agencies such as the Federal housing Administration and subsidies like tax relief on mortgage interest.


  • 抵押贷款每月还款固定的,但是其中本金利息的比例关系,时间改变,这个公式决定的

    Your mortgage payment is constant through time but the fraction of it that goes to paying off principal versus interest changes through time and it just changes as dictated by this formula.


  • 旨在削减美国预算赤字提议草案规定抵押贷款利息享受更少有利税率

    Under draft proposals for pruning America's budget deficit, mortgage interest will enjoy fewer tax advantages.


  • 利率上涨时,采取了气球式抵押贷款人们,虽然开始可以轻松支付利息发现支出在不断增加,突然他们不再支付起贷款本息了。

    As the rates rose, people who had taken on balloon-style mortgages - thinking they could easily pay the initial rate - found their payments being increased and suddenly... they couldn't pay.


  • 但是银行将小额贷款利息上调20%,并且有时要求甩卖300%的抵押还贷款。

    But Banks charge up to 20% in interest on small loans and sometimes demand 300% in collateral should they need to recoup capital in a fire sale.


  • 事情变得复杂的是,复杂抵押贷款挂钩证券投资者那些支付利息赚钱的人,可能犹豫尤其是那些持有第二抵押贷款房屋净值贷款的投资者。

    Complicating matters, investors in complex mortgage-linked securities, who make money based on interest payments, could still balk, especially those who hold second mortgages or home equity loans.


  • 许多购房者-通常是一些信用历史不良的人会选择可调利率抵押贷款。这种贷款开始利息较低但是随后会较高利率

    Many buyers, often with risky credit histories, took out adjustable-rate mortgages, which started out low but later reset to higher rates.


  • 如果爱情可以分期付款预约的爱情用生命抵押一辈子关怀利息一生做偿还,不知是否愿意一生一世银行

    If love can instalment, I need to make a reservation for you love my life for a lifetime care do mortgage, interest, life do to repay, do not know whether you care to my life when the bank?


  • 尽管人们能够抵押还款时获得利息免税的优惠,但是他们还是要税后支付其他费用

    E-C Even though people receive a tax deduction for interest on mortgage payments, they pay for all their other expenses with after-tax dollars.


  • 一些地方美国爱尔兰西班牙会给抵押借款利息支付以适当减税

    Some places (America, Ireland and Spain) give tax relief on mortgage-interest payments.


  • 根据英国抵押行协会,英国人收入/房价比刺激了房贷利息的支付,2009年11月12月里房贷利息下降了4个百分点。

    According to the CML, the proportion of British incomes devoted to mortgage-interest payments fell by four percentage points over the 12 months to November 2009.


  • 分期付款抵押借款甚至允许人们每月部分利息剩余部分加贷款本金中,增加的是贷款额,并不是存款额。

    "Negative amortisation" (neg-am) mortgages even let people pay only part of their interest each month and to add the rest to the principal, increasing their debt, not their savings.


  • 某个日期为止某个贷款抵押贷款收取利息总额

    The total amount charged as interest on a loan or mortgage to a certain date.


  • 瑞典央行认为今后50年中单单废除抵押贷款利息减免就可以收入份额中的累积债务减少50%以上

    The Riksbank thinks that abolishing mortgage-interest relief alone could cut aggregate debt as a share of income by more than 50 percentage points over the next 50 years.


  • 瑞典央行认为今后50年中单单废除抵押贷款利息减免就可以收入份额中的累积债务减少50%以上

    The Riksbank thinks that abolishing mortgage-interest relief alone could cut aggregate debt as a share of income by more than 50 percentage points over the next 50 years.


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