• 预期新闻事件报道策划现代报业集团参与报业竞争体现实力水平重要手段

    Firstly, the planning of the reports of predictable news is an important means for the Groups to show their strength and standard in the press contest.


  • 舆论监督报道策划新闻策划重要内容之一,也是科学实施新闻舆论监督的重要环节

    The reporting scheme of supervision by public opinion is one of the important contents of news scheme and a key link of the scientific supervision on news by public opinion.


  • 报道主题整合信息沟通受众发挥媒体整体优势方面论述了新闻报道策划实践意义

    This thesis demonstrates the practical meaning of reporting scheme in terms of the reporting theme, integrated information, linking up the mass and making the most of the advantage of the press.


  • 记者谋杀案提出指控而辩护律师团昨天案件的审理过程中,俄国政客策划深度报道记者安娜·波利特科夫斯卡娜(Anna Politkovskaya)谋杀案。

    A Russian politician ordered the assassination of investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya, defence lawyers claimed yesterday at the trial of three men accused of involvement in her murder.


  • 本文如何策划,进行追踪报道作了有益的探索认为追踪报道新闻手段媒体开展舆论监督有效途径

    The paper made beneficial exploration on how to plan and write tracking reports well, tracking report as a news method is an efficient way to carry out the public opinion and supervision.


  • 报刊杂志宣传报道中文撰写重大商贸活动策划组织运作。

    Write reports, give publicity to newspaper and magazine overall plan and operate of important business activity.


  • 第四部分栏目设置策划报道以及版面风格等方面今日报》内容进行分析

    Part four analyzed the contents of "Woman Newspaper of Today" from different respects, such as column setup, planning and reporting, and layout style, etc.


  • 目前国内时政类期刊很注重深度报道选题策划提高杂志影响力

    At present, every news journal has already realized the importance of in-depth reports's scheming, to enhance the journal's influence.


  • 华尔街日报》报道挪威广播公司正策划一档24小时直播慢节目,记录建筑工人如何使用木头制作数字时钟。

    According gto the Wall Street Journal, NRK is also considering a 24-hour live feed of construction workers building a digital clock out of wood.


  • 新闻策划当今新闻媒体之间抢占市场激烈竞争中一个起决定性作用因素,是新闻报道工作中追求最佳效果的创造性思维活动

    News Planning is a decisive factor in the gruelling competition for racing to control news marketplaces among agencies nowadays, and also a kind of creative action of thinking.


  • 近年来,新闻策划成为国内新闻界热门话题,但学者们的相关研究成果多数集中新闻事实的具体报道层面,本论文用框架理论来重新阐释新闻策划的思维起点、栏目设置和具体运作。

    In recent years, news scheme has become a hot-debated topic in the academic circles of home news, but most of interrelated research fruits are concentrated on the concrete report of news facts.


  • 长途驱车希望揭露精心策划骗局但是看着黑暗的棚屋里添写她的报道,我知道我发现了一个真正的赢家

    I had driven a long way in hopes of uncovering an elaborate hoax, but watching her strain in the gloom of her shanty to add to her story, I knew I had found a true winner.


  • 敏锐追踪着策划暴行媒体上的报道要的时候,他玩弄全球媒体演奏小提琴一般。

    Keenly, he followed the media coverage of the atrocities he inspired, playing the world's press like a violin when he chose.


  • 敏锐追踪着策划暴行媒体上的报道要的时候,他玩弄全球媒体演奏小提琴一般。

    Keenly, he followed the media coverage of the atrocities he inspired, playing the world's press like a violin when he chose.


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