• 果你没有足够的时间阅读新闻报道或观看视频,Pocket 可以帮助你在线保存所有的内容。

    If you don't have enough time to read news stories or watch videos, Pocket can help you save all of them online.


  • 关于这项谋杀新闻报道声称38个人听到看见了那次持续小时之久袭击但是他们什么都没有做。

    The newspaper report of the murder stated that 38 people had heard and seen the attack, which lasted an hour, yet they did nothing.


  • 一些趣闻轶事,另一些来自新闻报道私人信件日记传说

    Some are anecdotes, others newspaper reports, personal letters, diary entries or stories.


  • 他们调查是否新闻报道提到抑郁药物对特定儿童造成伤害提供帮助

    They also looked at whether the stories mentioned a specific child who was helped or harmed by an antidepressant.


  • 考虑版权,这是另一个争论焦点,我们只是显示每篇新闻报道标题行摘要

    In terms of copyright, another bone of contention, we only show a headline and a couple of lines from each story.


  • 粗略来讲为了三四新闻报道动用几十名上百作者再加上名编辑其他记者

    But roughly speaking, dozens or hundreds of writers, plus hundreds of editors and other journalist types, are being paid to essentially write three or four stories.


  • 我们知道我们国家世界发生了发生了什么事,所以我们纸,新闻报道

    We want to know what happen in our country or the world, and so we read newspaper, or listen to the news reports.


  • 法律禁止交易拥有所有类型野生驯化危险动物”,海湾新闻报道

    The new law bans dealing in and ownership of "all types of wild and domesticated but dangerous animals," the Gulf News reported.


  • 语言角度对新闻进行批评研究主要针对新闻报道过程新闻语言受众所产生积极消极影响

    The critical study of news within the category of linguistics mainly focuses on the active or negative effect which journalistic language brings to the audience during the process of news report.


  • 当然广播许可有的,这种许可执照取得丧失发布某一项新闻报道毫无联系。

    Of course, there are broadcasting licenses, but they are not gained or lost by the publication of a news story.


  • 我们新闻报道到过看到过一些东南亚僧人是怎么用火把自己烧死的。

    We have certainly read or seen news reports of how some monks in se Asia set fires and burned themselves to death.


  • 若干例外主要包括比较广告滑稽模仿新闻报道词典编纂等正当理由使用他人商标

    However, there are some exceptions to dilution, mainly including use of trademarks of the others in comparative advertisement, parody, news report and comment, lexicography with legal reasons.


  • 可以查看电子邮件,新闻报道超市里销售商品因特网信息海洋中找到想要的地址

    She can call up email, news reports, sales items at the supermarket or addresses out of the endless ocean of Internet possibilities.


  • 新闻报道风格一旦形成具有相对稳定性成为媒体某种新闻题材旗帜形象

    Style, once formed, it has a relatively stable, it will become the flag and image of the media or a particular news story .


  • 新闻报道记者使用新闻语言再现已经正在发生事件过程不可避免地带记者的价值主观判断

    While news reporting is a process of journalist's representing of events occurred or occurring by using journalistic language, it's inevitably colored by reporter's values and subjective judgments.


  • 根据当地新闻报道到目前为止发现了1000首尸体不过镇上官员拒绝报道予以确认否认

    One thousand bodies have been found so far, according to local news reports, which town officials refused to confirm or deny.


  • 好的新闻报道不同于宣传报道错误报道,它和平至关重要”,诺贝尔委员会秘书GeirLundestad教授这样表示。

    "Good news coverage, as opposed to propaganda or inaccurate reports, can be essential to peace," the secretary of the Nobel committee, Professor Geir Lundestad, previously told the Guardian.


  • 美国每日新闻报道为了省钱越来越美国人开始购买自建小型房屋

    To save money, a growing number of Americans are buying or building miniature homes, The Daily Journal reports.


  • 根据ABC新闻报道奥尔蒂斯不得不辍学回家并且目前不能工作开车

    According to ABC News, Ortiz had to drop out of school and move back home. It said, for now, he is not permitted to work or drive a vehicle.


  • 研究表明消费者网上信息搜寻努力中,来自综合专业网站上相关产品新闻报道行业调查信息所占的比重最大网络广告信息最少

    The results of the survey show that online information sources from neutral sources are the most often used by the consumers, and the online advertisements are used least.


  • 研究表明消费者网上信息搜寻努力中,来自综合专业网站上相关产品新闻报道行业调查信息所占的比重最大网络广告信息最少

    The results of the survey show that online information sources from neutral sources are the most often used by the consumers, and the online advertisements are used least.


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